Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1372

Generally speaking, Changhu Town is located in the extreme north of Middle-earth. Only in summer can you feel the slightest warmth. At other times, it is all in the state of ice and snow.

But today is very different.

Today, Smaug, the ancient demon dragon, is over Long Lake Town, spitting out the fire of dragon's breath unscrupulously.

Everything around Changhu Town is burning, and the townspeople’s wailing sounds everywhere.

The scene itself was very sultry, and the wailing of the townspeople made the Mayor Qiandai even more anxious.

...Can you blame me for this?

The Mayor Qiandai thought angrily: "I can control these stupid townspeople, but I can't control Smaug! It was Smaug who rushed to spit fire by himself, and I did not provoke him. It should be the responsibility of those dwarves, it has nothing to do with me!"

He said distraughtly: "Our ship is too slow. If this goes on, it will become Smaug's living target."

Alfred, the tax officer on the side, said with a flat smile: "Don't worry about my Lord Mayor, Smaug seems to have been led away by the mercenary named Didi. We are now safe for the time being."

"Oh?" The mayor of Money Bag slapped the fan in his hand and said with a sneer: "Tell me, that group of mercenaries are crazy!"

"Who said no?" Alfred grinned: "Seddy who didn't need treasures was already crazy enough. I didn't expect that Diego was even crazy! He went to single-handedly challenge Smaug."

The Mayor of Money Bag sneered and said, "Anyway, we must thank those madmen and idiots. Without those madmen and idiots, how could we be far from danger? But then again, our boat speed It’s too slow. How long can Didi stay in front of Smaug? One minute? Two minutes? Or five minutes? This time is not enough for us! We have to find a way to make the ship speed faster. Only then, we must escape this place of right and wrong as soon as possible!"

Alfred immediately came up with an idea and said: "Lord Mayor, our boat is too slow. It is because the weight of the boat is too heavy. I suggest that we should throw some heavy and useless treasures off the boat. We will lose some treasures, but we can better protect our lives. This sale is still a good deal."

The mayor of Moneybag nodded slightly, "Well, what you said makes sense-the ship speed is too slow because the weight on the ship is too heavy..."

He looked Alfred up and down, "How heavy are you?"

Alfred shivered, and said quickly: "My lord mayor, I am very light! And, I am useful to you!"

The mayor of Qiandai smiled coldly, "What's the use? Help me collect taxes? Help me deal with those stupid townspeople? Haha, now, the entire Changhu Town is almost burnt, and I am going to run away. What taxes and townspeople are still needed? Come here, push him down for me!"

"Yes!" The two bodyguards immediately rushed towards Alfred.

Alfred quickly screamed and said, "My lord mayor! You can't do this! I have done a lot for you! I have done countless dirty things for you!"

As he spoke, he approached the mayor of Moneybag.

The mayor of Qiandai had already prepared and retreated to the back of the ship.

The two personal guards held Alfred's broken spear sticks directly into the boat.

After falling into the water, Alfred shouted loudly: "Help! Lord Mayor! Help me! I don't want to die!"

The Mayor Qiandai grinned and said: "I know, believe me, I still like you very much. Having a subordinate like you is indeed a very good thing for my rule, but now and then. You used to be very useful to me, but you are useless now. Taking you on my boat will get in the way. You should do me another favor and die quietly."

"Pocket bag!" Alfred roared angrily: "You bastard!"

The Mayor Qiandai was not angry, but laughed loudly, "You scolded me because you have no other choice but to yell at me. You are so pathetic-speed up!"

"Yes!" The two guards rowed vigorously, and the speed of the boat immediately increased by a notch.

Just when the mayor of Money Bag was triumphant, a thick cable trap suddenly fell from the sky and directly covered the protruding part of the stern, and the mayor of Money Bag just happened to be standing in the stern to avoid Alfred. On, the cable trap instantly caught him!

"What's the matter?!" The mayor of the money bag was tied to the stern by the gradually tightening trap, and he eagerly struggling to call: "Help me! Hurry up! Come and help me!"

The two guards immediately helped the mayor of the money bag to untie the rope, but the rope was so thick and tight that it couldn't be untie with bare hands!

Pulled by the force of the ship, the entire iron window was pulled from the wall immediately, and the entire wall was torn out a huge hole.

The Mayor of Money Bag was relieved now, and he didn't care to see what happened, and hurriedly shouted to the guard: "Go! Go!"

His ship quickly sailed away from the waters.

Chapter 487: A Pool of Mud

After the wall of the dungeon broke open, Xuedi immediately jumped in.

The dungeon was dim and dark, and only by the light of the fire coming through after the wall broke, could we see the situation in the dungeon clearly.

Bud was chained to the opposite wall by three chains, one of which was tied to his neck like a dog, and the other two were tied to Bud's wrist.

In addition, the dungeon was full of waist-deep muddy water.

Although he had only stayed for a long time, Bud had been tortured by the water prison and looked uncomfortable. His lips were chapped, his face was black, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

When he saw Xuedi coming, he suddenly struggled with excitement, "Ms. Xuedi, I am here."

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "Don't move, I'll help you cut the chains."

"Good." Bud took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Xuedi grasped the strength and angle, brushed the three swords, the chain on Bud immediately fell off and fell directly into the muddy water.

Bud quickly climbed up from the water and gratefully leaned back to Xuedi and said, "Ms. Xuedi, you are my savior and your great kindness, Bud will never forget."

Xuedi said lightly: "These are easy to say, the most urgent thing is to kill Smaug."

Bud's face changed slightly.

In fact, he had already felt Smaug's arrival during the time he was in the water prison.

As the descendant of the mayor of River Valley Town, his bloodline is full of the will to fight the dragon, but... he is in this state now, let alone drawing a bow and shooting arrows, I am afraid that even escaping from here is a very difficult task. A strenuous thing.

Xuedi took out a powerful recovery pill, threw it to Bud, and then handed Bud a cup of Xingyue Tea.

"Just take Xingyue Tea and eat the pills, you can basically recover." Xuedi said.

Bud took the powerful recovery pills and Xingyue tea, hesitated and said, "But, I don't have a black arrow, what did I shoot Smaug with?"

Emperor Xue said faintly: "Black Arrow is on its way, you just need to cheer up and climb up the arrow tower."

Bud sighed, "Ms. Xuedi, it's not that I am timid, but the success rate of this incident is really too small. Even if your people can get the black arrow, there will only be the last one. Yes, in case I miss it..."

Xuedi said coldly: "Bad, the lives of the townspeople in Long Lake Town are hanging by a thread, and this includes your three children. If you are still here and looking forward to the future, it is hard to guarantee that Smaug will not kill them all with a dragon's breath Yes, do you want to sit here and wait for death?"

Bud was taken aback, then bit his steel teeth, swallowed the powerful recovery pill, and drank Xingyue tea in one gulp.

When he threw away the tea cup, his entire complexion returned to a ruddy complexion, and his physical strength and strength were completely restored.

"This medicine is amazing!" Bud exclaimed.

Xuedi said lightly: "Well, since you have recovered, then follow me."

"it is good!"

Bud immediately followed Xuedi out of the prison and jumped into the boat.

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