Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1373

Bud looked strangely at the gold coins scattered on the deck of the boat, "This ship..."

"Yes, I snatched it from the purse." Xuedi said lightly.

Bad laughed: "The Mayor of Money Bag must be mad, right?"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "I don't care."

She is a survivor. She really doesn't care about these grudges in the plot. Her purpose is only one, which is to successfully complete the reward mission and get through the plot of the third stage of the Lord of the Rings.

Bud nodded admiringly, "Ms. Xuedi, I really admire you. You are a person without personal selfishness. You are a person who takes the safety of the world as his duty. You are really great!"

"..." Xuedi didn't know what to say for a while, so he didn't say anything.

The boat quickly came to the front of the mayor’s fortress, and Bud jumped off the boat first and ran towards the arrow tower that had not been ignited by the dragon's breath.

Below the arrow tower, many weapons were discarded, including a set of bows and arrows.

Bud grabbed the set of bows and arrows, rushed to the arrow tower, and aimed at Smaug who was fighting with Xufeng at a far distance.

Xuedi stood under the arrow tower and said: "The black arrow hasn’t come yet, so try not to expose yourself unless you have to. When the black arrow comes, you remember to wait for Diego’s signal. He lets you shoot the arrow, and then you shoot the black arrow. ,do you understand?"

Bud nodded, "I listen to you all."

Xuedi said again: "I'm standing under the arrow tower to help you deal with Smaug who may rush over at any time. Don't worry."


Bud concentrated and aimed his bow and arrow at Smaug in the distance.

At this time, Smaug was attracted by Xufeng in a remote area of ​​Changhu Town, where there were no houses and no townspeople.

The set of numbers on the Xufeng Lingvision system has now changed from 30293615 to 26883615.

The minimum standard of the system mission is to ensure the survival of 2410 people before killing Smaug, and now there are only 278 people away from this standard.

If Smaug sprayed two to three breaths of dragon's breath fire at the fleeing people, then Xufeng's system mission would have failed.

Therefore, for Xu Feng, the most urgent thing is to ensure that Smaug will always be attracted to him, and that Smaug must not be allowed to spit out the fleeing townspeople.

With the special effect of the Spider Lord suit, he led Smaug to breathe fire in remote areas. After ten minutes, the ground under his feet was extremely hot and there was almost no place to settle.

This area is no longer good enough, and Xu Feng wants to lead Smaug to another area with no humans.

Smaug was a highly intelligent creature, and he quickly woke up.

He flapped the huge dragon wings, suspended above the fire, and sneered in a sneer tone: "Human, human, do you think you can play the great Smaug between your hands? You clearly want to delay time! Your purpose of delaying time is to save the residents of Changhu Town, so you care about the lives of the residents of Changhu Town! Hahaha! Killing you doesn’t mean much to me, but, look. It's your pain and despair that will make this boring thing less boring! So, humans, keep your eyes open and watch carefully, and see how I destroy the life you love!"

With that, Smaug turned the dragon's head and prepared to leave.

Xu Feng quickly grabbed a puddle of mud and threw it to Smaug.

He actually has better weapons. For example, he can throw a gunpowder, or throw a more lethal enemy fencing or triton sword, but in the end he just throws a puddle of mud.

The attack power of a puddle of mud was almost zero, which could not hurt Smaug at all.

However, the anger caused by this muddy mud was enough to stop Smaug.

"Human!" Smaug let out a roar like a thunder, "You actually throw me a puddle of mud? A puddle of mud? I am Smaug! I am the most powerful creature in this world!"

Chapter 488 You Are Not Qualified!

you are not!"Xu Feng grabbed a puddle of mud and put it in his hand, and said with a sneer: "Are you so forgetful?"Have you forgotten that you ran to Ren Family Lake Town to play wild because you lost to me in the speed race?"

These words really touched Smaug's sore spot.

He roared angrily: "Human! I didn't lose! That was just a meaningless competition. The real strong will not win or lose because of a competition! In fact, my strength is much stronger than you. ! In the real life and death duel, you can't kill me at all! And I can kill you easily!"

Xufeng laughed, "Easy? Please, Smaug, I'm still alive now? Besides, I shot you in the slimy mud!"

Smaug roared angrily, and the shaking sound of Long Yin resounded throughout Long Lake Town.

It can be seen that he is really angry to the extreme.

The voice of the dragon chant was a bit unbearable for Xuedi and Bud, who were far away in the center of the town, and it took a long time to recover to a full fighting state.

And Tao Ruier and others who were leaving by the boat were also affected by the roar of the dragon's roar, and they were all painful and unsustainable.

Bud's son Ba En had already been taken by Lin Hai and the others on the boat, but when the dragons roared and everyone was at a loss, Ba En jumped out of the boat and ran towards the center of the town.

He is going to find his father Bud.

"Come back! Bath!" Duke Yang shouted again.

However, Barn has been familiar with the layout of Long Lake Town since he was a child. After he flashed a few times, his figure disappeared completely.

Lin Hai wanted to get off the boat to chase, but Tao Ruier frowned and said: "Let him go, we have to keep the others safe."

Lin Hai sighed helplessly, "...Well then."

On Xufeng's side, he was from the center of the dragon's roar, but he himself was not greatly affected.

He has fought Smaug more than once, and he also knows the power and effect of Dragony Roar. When Smaug is about to use Dragony Roar, the special effects of his Spider Lord's Breastplate will be activated, and he will be predicted one second in advance. Danger.

Such a reminder was fleeting in Xufeng's mind, but it was enough for Xufeng to respond.

In this second time, Xu Feng completely relaxed completely, and there was no guard on his whole body!

At this time, even a child with a knife could easily stabbed Xufeng. If Smaug didn't stand there and roared, but instead directly attacked Xufeng, Xufeng would definitely die.

However, Smaug didn't know that Xufeng could predict his deadly tricks one second in advance. He also planned to use dragon roar to calm Xufeng and paralyze him on the spot, and then add a breath of dragon's breath to destroy Xufeng. .

This combo, speaking of it, is completely no problem.

Basically, most opponents couldn't hold back Smaug's combos.

Especially in the second stage, it was because Xu Feng couldn't deal with Smaug's deadly combo that he found a way to compete with Smaug.

However, the problem is that it is now the third stage, and Xufeng is no longer what it used to be.

He foresaw the roar of Smaug's dragon, and discharged all the energy a second in advance.

Long Yin's roar shook his eardrums, and at the same time it was accompanied by a foul-smelling fishy wind, which made him feel a little nauseated, but otherwise, he had no damage.

After Smaug roared with the dragon's roar, immediately followed by the fire of dragon's breath.

The fire of his dragon's breath first brewed and glowed from the dragon's throat, and then spit out from the huge dragon's mouth through the neck of a giant snake.

The fire of dragon's breath is essentially the fire of dark magic. This kind of fire cannot be extinguished. Unless there is more powerful magic restraint, otherwise, the fire of dragon's breath will continue until it burns out. .

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