Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1374

And such a flame that is tens of meters long and one meter wide can be extinguished at least for a whole day.

While Smaug expelled the fire of dragon's breath, Xu Feng activated the energy of the spirit crystal of the wind, and deftly avoided the fire of dragon's breath.

Smaug's longan was suddenly huge!

He never expected that this weak human being in front of him could really evade his fatal combo!

How can this be!

Not to mention the momentum of the dragon's breath fire, just say the dragon's roar, that is the sound wave attack that covers the entire Changhu Town, and no one can escape!

There are only two ways that will not be affected by the dragon's roar. The first way is to have no strength at all, so it will not be backed by the power of the dragon's roar, such as Bath.

Another way is that the personal strength of the attacked is higher than that of Smaug!

Smaug's relative level is 65!

Those who can not be affected by Dragon's Roar must be at least level 66!

... Could it be that the young human in front of me is really better than me?

...I, Smaug, after sleeping for half a century, really... no longer the strongest in the world?

Smaug's heart was filled with countless surprises in an instant.

Xu Feng knew that this time was an excellent opportunity to destroy Smaug's proud heart.

When Smaug was too late to react, he slammed the mud up in his hands.

Smaug was shocked and wanted to cover it with dragon wings, but the dragon wings were too big, and his reaction was a bit slow after all. The mud was impartial and hit his dragon eyes.

Smaug suddenly roared in humiliation, and continued to breathe dragon's breath fire at Xufeng!

Xu Feng had long expected that Smaug would be outraged, and this was exactly what he wanted.

Smaug has been completely restrained by him. In a short period of time, the townspeople of Long Lake Town should not have elevator casualties.

Smaug tried his best to breathe dragon's breath flames at Xufeng, while Xufeng dodged flexibly while leading Smaug to another desolate place.

"Humans, do you think you can consume my stamina by doing this?" Smaug yelled sarcastically, "No! My armor is indestructible, and my strength is endless! I want to burn you to death, I want the whole length Lake town is burnt to ashes and ruins, you will not be able to get rid of your inevitable fate!"

Xufeng dodged and responded with a sneer: "Smaug, do you think I really care about Long Lake Town? No, I don't care. My real purpose is to kill you."

As if he heard a big joke, Smaug raised his dragon head and laughed loudly: "Kill me? Why? Just rely on you to throw a few pieces of mud? Just rely on you to avoid the fire of my dragon's breath? , You are not qualified! You are not qualified!"

With that, Smaug sprayed the fire of dragon's breath at Xufeng again.

And Xu Feng relied on the wind energy crystal to avoid Smaug's dragon's breath fire once again.

With his own power, Xu Feng completely contained the mighty Smaug.

One person, one dragon, facing each other on the burning lake.

Chapter 489Persevere!Xufeng is here!

However, Smaug is Smaug after all.

He is not just a simple, ordinary dragon.

In the First Era, Morgoth created so many terrifying and powerful dragons, but only Smaug has survived until now.

Being able to survive till now is enough to show that Smaug is very cunning.

He may be blinded by a momentary anger, but it won't take long before he wakes up.

He clearly knew that Xufeng had no ability to kill him.

Since there is no ability to kill him, but he has been pestering him, naturally it is not to consume his physical energy.

So, Xufeng's purpose is to delay time.

Since Xu Feng could not be killed for a while, Smaug had to find another breakthrough.

He pretended to use a dragon wing strike to attack Xufeng, forcing Xufeng to retreat more than ten meters away, and when Xufeng retreated, he turned slyly and flew towards the center of Changhu Town. go with.

Xu Feng's heart sank, and hurriedly shouted: "Smaug! What are you running? Are you afraid of me? Yes, you are no longer able to beat me as a young human, hahaha!"

If it were in the usual way, Smaug would be furious after hearing these words, and he had to burn Xufeng to ashes, but now, Smaug knew that Xufeng was not so easy to deal with, and he couldn't get rid of it for a while. Xu Feng.

Therefore, he had to turn his head to deal with Long Lake Town.

"Human, although you have been provoking me, but I have already figured it out. You did it just to contain me!" Smaug sneered and said, "But I Smaug is an ancient dragon, and I will not be pinned by anyone. Yes! You don’t want me to destroy Long Lake Town, do you? Then I just destroy it for you. What can you do to stop me? Is there any way? Hahahaha!"

Along with the roar of dragons, Smaug flew towards the center of the town.

His flight speed is very fast, and there is no obstacle in flying in the air, so even if Xufeng possesses the Wind Spirit Crystal, he will never catch up.

There are too many obstacles on the ground, and dragon's breath fire is all around.

"Smaug, don't run away! You are afraid of me as a human being. I don't think you can say that you are a magic dragon. Just say that you are a turtle egg!" Xu Feng shouted at Smaug as he walked through The raging fire field, pursued quickly.

Smaug, who was flying in the air, naturally heard Xufeng's shout, but the more Xufeng shouted, the more Smaug believed in his own judgment—Xufeng cared about Changhu Town!

He completely ignored Xu Feng's provocative shouts, and while spraying dragon's breath fire wherever he passed, he flew in the direction of the densest crowd in the town.

"This cunning dragon!" Xu Feng cursed inwardly.

To be honest, at this time, Xu Feng was really anxious. He found that he had underestimated Smaug's IQ.

Once Smaug catches up with the dense crowd and casually comes to such three dragon's breath fires, Xu Feng's system mission will fail!

And once Xufeng's system mission fails, Xufeng will immediately be demoted to five levels!

Most of his equipment, including enemy fencing, can no longer be used!

It's terrible!

Xufeng chased after him, and said to Xuedi through thoughts: "Xuedi, are you in place there?"

Xuedi immediately responded with thoughts: "I and Bud are already in place, and the hammer is coming with a black arrow."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice with thoughts, "Smaug went to the crowd. You have to ask Bud to attract Smaug's attention...you have to be careful!"

"Understand!" Xuedi immediately realized the severity of the matter.

Asking them to expose Bud's existence at this time shows that Xufeng really can't contain Smaug.

The Snow Emperor immediately said to Bud on the arrow tower: "Smaug is going to chase the innocent crowd. We must attract him."

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