Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1375

Bud took a deep breath, "Okay, I'll try it."

He stretched his bow and shot an arrow towards the flying Smaug in the air.

His bows and arrows were left by the guards. They were only used for decoration for many years. They were not well maintained. As soon as the arrows were shot, Bud couldn't help frowning.

Fortunately, his archery skills are superb. Although the equipment is not very good, the arrows still shot at Smaug with a swift force.


There was a very small metal collision, and the arrow was blocked by Smaug's hard dragon scales.

Smaug turned his head and glared at Bud.

His erect yellow pupils were like the eyes of a giant snake. Bud was staring at him, and his whole body was cold, and his heart missed a beat.

However, he quickly reacted, grabbing an arrow at his hand, and continuing to shoot at Smaug!


Smaug didn't even use the dragon wings to block, his own dragon scales blocked the arrows.

Bud persevered and continued to grab arrows and shoot at Smaug!

Smaug sneered coldly: "It's another human being overpowered! Others are running for their lives, but you are irritating me! I should...Wait wait. Why are the bloodlines in your body so familiar?"

Bud straightened his waist and shouted loudly, "Lord Zulian of the Valley, yes my ancestor!"

"Zulian?" Smaug said with a sneer: "Humans are like ants to me. I have lived for three eras. Each era is three to five thousand years old. How can I remember an ant? Where's the name?"

Bud said coldly: "Then you must still remember who shot your dragon scale!"

Smaug's brows suddenly raised. "It turns out that you are his heir! That's no wonder! Your ancestor was a fool. He thought that he was a human being and he could take a few black arrows cast by elven magic. Kill me and save the entire river valley town. Unexpectedly, you are even stupid. You don’t have a black arrow in your hand, and you want to shoot me with a normal bow and arrow! Okay, well, everyone should pay for their stupidity , You are no exception! Then let the fire of my dragon's breath send you to see your ancestor!"

With that, Smaug spewed a fiery dragon's breath fire toward the arrow tower where Bud was.

At this time, the Xuedi standing under the arrow tower suddenly jumped up, and the power of faith shield in his hand burst out with a holy light, directly holding the breath of dragon's breath fire!

The power of faith became hot instantly, and the magic effect attached to the surface of the shield was almost exhausted by the fire of dragon's breath. However, Xuedi constantly poured his energy on the shield of faith!

She is using everything she has to block Smaug's move!!

She knew very well that if Smaug's move could not be blocked, then Bud would suffer!

must!Persevere!Xufeng is here!

Chapter 490 How about it, do you like it?

Smaug thought he could end this meaningless conversation with a breath of dragon's breath, and he was even ready to turn around and fly towards the crowd.

However, Xuedi relied on a blue shield to forcibly block this dragon's breath fire!

Smaug growled in amazement, "Woman, who are you?"

Since he woke up this time, he has met several such desperate humans!

Smaug is a little doubtful now, whether he hasn't woken up yet, just having a nightmare.

The power of faith shield in Xuedi's hand was already extremely hot.

She could only bear the pain and threw the shield on the ground first, and then drew out the sword of Boromir, facing Smaug coldly and said: "I'm just an ordinary human mercenary."

"Haha, interesting! Really interesting!" Smaug said grimly: "In so many years, you are still the first person to block the fire of my dragon's breath! However, it is a pity that you can only block it once. Your shield has been burned by the fire of my dragon's breath. I am very curious. When I condense the fire of dragon's breath again, what will you use to resist? With the sword of Boromir in your hand? Haha, that Things are useless to me. I really want to know the fear in your heart now."

Xuedi said coldly: "If you want to spray, you can spray quickly, mother-in-law."

Smaug let out an angry roar, and the dragon's throat immediately began to condense orange flames.

When he was about to vomit, Bud upstairs shot an arrow in his face.

Of course, this arrow still didn't cause any actual harm to him, but it made Smaug even more angry.

If Xufeng was shot in the face, Smaug would be very angry, but the degree of anger was different from the level of being shot in the face by Bud.

After all, Xufeng is the one who has beaten him, and, no matter how much Xufeng said, he is also the conqueror of the spider lord, with a powerful enemy fencing sword in his hand, the ring of the smurf on his finger, and the wind on his body. The fairy crystal.

In any case, Xufeng is a distinguished figure, even if he is put together with the Archmage of the Holy White Council, his strength is not inferior.

But what is he Budd?

A warm fur for fishing and a trash bow and arrow in his hand, not even a mayor!

With just such a person, he dared to shoot him three times in a row!

Smaug's anger was immediately aroused, and he immediately turned the dragon's head to the arrow tower!

At this time, Xuedi rushed directly towards Smaug, and the sword of Boromir in his hand pierced Smaug's dragon scale fiercely.


The sword of Borromir was like cutting on a thick metal mountain. Not only did it not cause any harm to Smaug, Fan Rang made Xuedi's arms tingle!

Smaug flapped the dragon's wings and directly fanned the Xuedi out.

Immediately afterwards, he was ready to spray the fire of dragon's breath on Bud

"Smaug! Are you afraid of this!"

A voice sounded from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, the hammer rushed out of the fire with the slightest heat all over his body, still holding the half-human magical black arrow in his hand!

Smaug's pupils shrank suddenly.

He knows what the black arrow is, but it was an arrow made by the ancient elves to kill their dragon.

Every black arrow is blessed by the elves!

As long as it is used properly, it will pass through the dragon scales and shoot through his dragon body!

Last time, the lord of the valley, Zulian, shot nine arrows at him, and he avoided all eight arrows. When the ninth arrow was the only one, he was a little careless and didn't avoid it. He was shot in the heart. Dragon scales.

Fortunately, his relative level is very high, and the human power is not enough to penetrate his dragon muscles, which allows him to survive by chance.

Now, the last black arrow is left, and this is his only nemesis in this world.

Therefore, when Smaug saw the black arrow, he instantly turned the dragon's head to the hammer.

He must not let the hammer give the black arrow to Bud!

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