Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1376

Absolutely not!

He breathed out the fire of dragon's breath toward the hammer.

The Hammer had been prepared for a long time. When Smaug turned her head, she leaped to the side and then rolled back, avoiding the dragon's breath fire in a very embarrassing manner.

Although embarrassed, he was not injured anyhow.

The Snow Emperor on the side also let out a long sigh of relief, and then shouted loudly: "Hammer, throw the black arrow to Bud!"

"Okay!" The hammer quickly struggled from the hot ground, and threw the black arrow at Bud vigorously.

"Don't dream!" Smaug's huge dragon wing waved, and it slammed in the direction of the black arrow.

The black arrow was slapped and flew far away.

"Black Arrow!" the hammer yelled eagerly, trying to rush through the flames to find a black arrow.

However, Smaug sprayed out another dragon's breath fire, blocking the hammer's path.

"Hahaha! Stupid humans, don't you think that you can really kill me? Look at you one by one, how can you have the capital to fight me?" Smaug raised the dragon's head and used a trick Longyin Come roar.

Xuedi Iron Hammer and Bud suddenly collapsed to the ground in pain.

Their spirits were in a high degree of tension, and he didn't expect that Smaug would use the dragon roar that could suppress their fighting power at this time.

"You are just lambs to be slaughtered!" Smaug raised the dragon head proudly, and a bright orange dragon's breath fire brewed in his dragon throat. "This time, I want to send you all... ?"

At this moment, a thin figure rushed into the fire with a black arrow.

"Barn?!" Bud recognized that the figure was his own son, and he quickly shouted: "Get away!"

Bud looked at Smaug, who was flapping his wings in mid-air with horror.

This was the first time he saw a real dragon.

Although Barn was brave enough as Bard’s son, he dared to rush to find Bard alone, and he dared to pick up the fallen black arrow and bring it to his father, but when he first talked to him When Smaug looked at each other, he was still frightened and stupefied.

Bud roared loudly: "Barn! Did you hear that? Get out of the way! Don't come over!"

But Barn was still stupefied on the spot, completely dumbfounded.

Smaug said grimly, "Hahaha, humans, humans, after all, are so timid and cowardly stuff, but that's okay, since your son is here, then I will just cut off your blood, lest you are A human being has the dream of slaying dragons!"

With that, Smaug was about to spray dragon's breath fire at Bath.


At this very moment, a puddle of mud slapped Smaug's reptilely twisted dragon face...

Smaug suddenly roared, and looked back—it really was Xufeng!

Xufeng sneered and said, "Old history, don't you think the mud is sticky this time? That's because my stomach is uncomfortable halfway, so I untied my belt, squatted down, and added some ingredients to you. Like? Do you like it?"

Chapter 491 Go To Die!Smaug!

Smaug shouted angrily: "It's you again! Hmph, I have seen your intentions a long time ago, don't want to contain me!"

With that said, he still turned his head, preparing to spit out a silly Bath.

Of course he didn't believe in Xufeng's words. He didn't believe that there was some kind of "material" in the mud this time, because Xufeng came very fast, and it was impossible for him to stay on the road.

However, he did feel that this mud was different from the previous two muds.

But he didn't care about anything. He wanted to kill Barn first this time, because Barn had a black arrow in his hand!

In contrast, what did the mud do?You have to destroy the nemesis who can do it first!

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you."

While speaking, Xu Feng gathered his mind.

The ten gunpowder pills buried in the mud immediately detonated!

Boom boom boom...

Ten blasting sounds rang out in the air!Smaug was distorted by the roar of gunpowder on his face, and his entire dragon face was blown to pieces!

There is no dragon scale covering his dragon face, and it is also the weakest place besides the missing scale.

Of course, his relative level reached level 65. Although the blasting power caused by the combination of these gunpowder pills was strong, it could not really hurt Smaug, it just caused him to suffer some skin trauma, and it made him angry.

And the most important point is that in addition to these ten gunpowder pills, Xu Feng also added two flashing pills to the mud.

As the gunpowder pill exploded, the flash pill exploded, and the powerful light immediately burned Smaug's longan, making him unable to see anything in ten seconds!

"Damn! Despicable human!" Smaug screamed, the huge dragon body twisted desperately in midair.

Xufeng sneered and said, "I have reminded you, there is something in it!"

At the same time, Bud yelled to Buen: "Son! Don't be afraid! We are descendants of Zulian! Come on! Give me the Black Arrow!"

Barn recovered completely, he took a breath of heat, holding a heavy black arrow, like a smart monkey, quickly climbing up the arrow tower.

"Dad! I'm sorry, I just..." Barn said with shame.

"Good job, my son." Bud took the black arrow in Barn's hand and said in an encouraging tone: "You faced the dragon and you are not dead. This is quite brave at your age. Up!"

Bud placed the black arrow on the ordinary longbow, and he immediately discovered that the ordinary longbow could not shoot the black arrow at all.

The black arrow was too heavy, and when the bowstring of the longbow was stretched to its limit, it broke the longbow!

Barn exclaimed suddenly, his voice full of panic and despair.

time does not wait!

Now, everyone including Xufeng is waiting for their father and son!

Bud sank and wrapped his bowstrings around the two pillars of the arrow tower, and then said to Buen: "Stand up in front of me with your back facing the dragon. I need you to help me resist the black arrow. "

"Yes! Dad!" Barn was scared to death, but he knew that this was an innate mission in his blood!

He immediately stood in front of Bud, with his back facing Smaug.

And his father, Bud, put a heavy and cold black arrow on his shoulders, and then used both hands to stretch the bowstring with all his strength.

Bath was trembling slightly.

He couldn't see everything behind him, only the angry roar of the dragon.

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