Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1383

"Mislanda?" Galadriel asked in a deep voice: "What's wrong with him? I haven't felt his existence for a long time, but I can be sure that he is still alive. This is indeed a very strange thing, he What's going on?"

Xufeng said: "In order to let the world see the existence of Demon Lord Sauron, he went to the Demon Capital alone. Now I am afraid that he has been imprisoned by Sauron. There is a dark enchantment outside Demon Capital that protects magic, so you can’t feel it. To his existence. I think we should save him."

Galadriel said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Because I haven't seen Prince Legolas, naturally I can't communicate with you. When I get the gems of Prince Legolas, I will contact you as soon as possible."

Galadriel said: "Well, these things are not important now. The important thing is, how should I save Mislanda?"

Xufeng immediately said: "You can't sense the existence of Gandalf, so you can't directly teleport to him to save him. The reason why you can't sense it is because Sauron created a dark enchantment in the magic capital. , Cut off all magical exploration from the outside world. However, if you can teleport me to the vicinity of the magic capital, I can break the dark magic barrier, so that you can directly teleport to the magic capital."

Galadriel said quickly: "This is a good way, but I can't let you take the risk alone, Dragon Slayer, I will go with you."

Xufeng smiled and said: "That's naturally the best, but... how do you send me?"

Galadriel said softly: "Gather your spirit, don't think about anything else, give me your body completely."

"Good." Xu Feng took a deep breath and completely relaxed.

Soon, the moonlight-like light bloomed under his feet. When the moonlight light reached the dazzling level, Xu Feng's body disappeared, leaving only a burning fairy magic pattern on the ground.

"What it is?"

"A light! I saw the Dragon Slayer being taken away by a light!"

The townspeople shouted in horror.

Iron Hammer also looked at Emperor Xue nervously, and Emperor Xue said lightly: "It's okay, he's just going to do some important things."

Bud quickly said to the townspeople: "Don't worry, the Dragon Slayer is going to do more important things, everyone speeds up, we must enter the ruins of River Valley Town before the afternoon arrives, and find a place to shelter! "


The townsfolk proceeded immediately.

When Xufeng opened his eyes again, the surrounding area was dark, and the surrounding air was all rotten.

But there was one wearing a white gauze and an elf crown from the back, but his whole body exuded a bright moonlight.

There is no light around, and Galadriel is light.

Galadriel said without looking back, "Are you awake?"

Xufeng said in confusion, "Is it dark now? How long have I slept?"

Queen Galadriel smiled faintly: "No, it's still daytime, but the surrounding area of ​​the magic city is affected by this dark magic. In addition, you only slept for two minutes, even though you are one of the humans. The body, however, can wake up after only two minutes of falling asleep. This shows that your own willpower is very strong. Normal people, no, even elves, will fall asleep for at least ten minutes under the condition of such transmission. Will gradually wake up."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment, Her Majesty the Queen."

"Don't be polite with me, Dragon Slayer." Queen Galadriel turned her head and gave Xufeng a soft smile, "From now on, you just call me Galadriel."

"Is this... suitable?" Xufeng didn't dare to look directly at Galadriel. This elven queen is too powerful. Her eyes and smile are enough to make any creature in this world fall...

Queen Galadriel smiled and said: "Of course the status of the dragon slayer can be equal to me. You don't have to doubt this."

"All right." Xu Feng smiled and looked around. "So, are we in the magic city now?"

Chapter 499 Ghost Tower

Queen Galadriel said: "To be precise, we are outside the magic city. I can only teleport the two of us here, and further forward, it is what you call the dark barrier. I am a little curious, how do you know , Is there a dark barrier here?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Guess it."

What else should he say?

Say I have seen a movie?

Fortunately, Queen Galadriel is not in his mind now, otherwise, it is estimated that Queen Galadriel will collapse in recognition and become confused in her thinking.

Queen Galadriel said quietly: "It seems that you really guessed it."

She raised Haobai's arm and said, "Look ahead, there is a ghost tower."

Xufeng stood next to Galadriel and took a closer look. "It's all black, and the roots are not clear."

Queen Galadriel touched Xu Feng's eyelids with two fingers.

Xufeng suddenly felt a pain in his eyeballs.

Such a scene reminded him of the scene where the man in the "rubber raincoat" installed the Lingsight system when he first became a survivor.

Fortunately, after a pain in his eyes, they returned to normal.

He raised his eyes and looked at where Galadriel was pointing, and he saw a huge ghost tower, which was at least ten meters high, and there was a huge green crystal floating on the top of the tower.

At the top of the crystal, there is a looming thread. This thread has been extending like the air and intertwined with the other three same threads.

Xu Feng immediately understood, "This is the dark barrier."

Galadriel nodded and said, "Yes, the necromancer on the other side does not seem to be strong enough to shield my magic, but he is very smart and cunning. He built four ghost towers and used four dark energy. The stone is used as a medium to hide the entire demon. Moreover, even the ghost tower is hidden in it. If I hadn't come in person, you might not even be able to find the tower."

Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, it's okay."

Galadriel said: "To remove the dark magic barrier, you must first destroy these four ghost towers. However, these four ghost towers must be guarded by monsters. If I act, the movement will be too great, I am afraid it will be alarmed. Necromancer in the magic city."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Leave it to me, Galadriel, you only need to destroy the Dark Energy Stone."

"Okay, I'll follow, remember, I won't do anything unless I have to do it. Everything depends on you."

"no problem."

Xu Feng replied, but he secretly complained, I am responsible for the dirty work, and you are responsible for putting on a beautiful pose.

He immediately showed the sword of Triton and the enemy's fencing, and walked towards the nearest ghost tower.

Galadriel followed behind him.

When they walked within 100 meters of the ghost tower, a stern wolf howl came from the tower.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of ferocious wolves rushed towards Xufeng.

Xufeng simply scanned it with his spiritual vision. These wolves are only level 50 monsters. If in the first stage, such level and number of monsters will inevitably pose a very big threat to Xufeng. However, Xufeng Now it was the Dragon Slayer with the Spider Lord's three-piece suit. These wolves were completely trivial to him.

Xufeng raised his sword to face the wolf, and after a burst of sword-blade whirlpool killings, all the wolves on the scene were killed.

Another giant wolf rushed out of the ghost tower, with blood-red eyes rushing towards Xufeng.

The strength of this wolf is obviously higher, but it is still not Xufeng’s opponent. Facing this giant wolf pounce, Xufeng first blocked its two huge claws with Triton, and then again. Use the enemy's fencing sword to stab the wolf leader's heart!

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