Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1384

The speed of this sword was extremely fast, and the head of the wolf did not react at all, and his heart was directly pierced by Xufeng, and then fell to the ground with sobbing, black blood gurgling out.

With another sword, Xu Feng directly chopped off the head of the wolf leader.

"Okay." Xu Feng turned around and smiled at Galadriel.

Queen Galadriel nodded in satisfaction, and gracefully walked into the ghost tower.

Xufeng did not follow in. He had no interest in how Galadriel disassembled the Dark Crystal. What he was more interested in was the corpse of the 55th-level wolf leader.

He concentrated his thoughts and threw the corpse of the wolf leader directly into the crystal cage.

After he finished handling the things in his hands, he waited for a while before hearing a clicking sound, the dark crystal on the ghost tower shattered, and the black line floating in the air disappeared.

Lost a dark barrier of the magic circle, the effect was weakened, but it still exists.

Queen Galadriel walked out of the tower gracefully, "Next."

"it is good."

Xufeng immediately found the second ghost tower floating in the air.

Guarding the second ghost tower is a group of wandering ghosts. The level of these ghosts is similar to the previous level of the wolf, but they are more difficult to deal with.

Xufeng took out the sword several times and clearly slashed them, but he slashed through their bodies without causing them any harm.

Queen Galadriel standing behind Xufeng said: "To deal with the resentful spirits, you have to wait for them to attack. The moment they attack is the moment they materialize. Only when they materialize, you can give They cause harm."


Xufeng calmed down immediately, waiting for the resentful spirits to take action.

Sure enough, when the resentful spirits made their move, their bodies gleamed slightly, and Xu Feng seized the opportunity to pass through the thunderous vortex of sword blades, and all the resentful spirits were resolved.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the wraith spirit rushed out of the ghost tower and whispered: "This is the territory of the master, you cannot break in!"

As he said, a dim black light appeared in his hand.

Xufeng couldn't dodge, so he could only rush up directly, slashing at the head of the head of the Wraith Spirit.

The head of the resentful spirit wailed, and his head was in a different place, but his dark magic was still released, and Xu Feng suddenly felt that his body was heavy and could not walk a step.

Galadriel gracefully walked past him, gently brushing his fingers across his shoulder.

Xu Feng immediately felt the spring breeze blowing on his face, and the pressure on his body suddenly disappeared, and everything returned to normal.

Xufeng breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Galadriel."

Galadriel nodded slightly, accepting Xufeng's gratitude, and then gracefully walked into the second ghost tower.

Xufeng still did not follow up, but searched for the body of the leader of the Wraith Spirit. He found a shroud of magic energy, so he didn't care too much about the attributes, so he put it in the crystal cage and waited for the members of the Xuedi team to return. When we meet, we will take them out together to distribute...

At this time, Galadriel also destroyed the crystal of the second ghost tower.

As a result, they continued towards the direction of the third ghost tower.

Chapter 500 Galadriel's Moonlight Carpet

Guarding the third ghost tower is a group of human acolytes.

When these human acolytes discovered Xufeng, they rushed towards Xufeng frantically.

They are not strong in their own right, but their sanity is completely crazy, their faces are pale, and the corners of their mouths are still muttering vague spells.

Xu Feng easily killed the few who rushed to the front, but immediately afterwards, their bodies exploded under Xu Feng's feet, exploding black worms.

Fortunately, Xufeng reacted fast enough, even if he dodges and retreats, otherwise, he will be stunned in place by the explosion of the acolyte's body in an instant, and then parasitized by insects.

As Xu Feng stepped back, a sword killed all these dark parasites, and then no longer approached the acolytes, but used sword aura to kill these fanatical guys.

Although it took a lot of setbacks, Xufeng managed to solve these acolytes without any risk.

Immediately afterwards, a large worm crawled out of the third ghost tower and sprayed countless parasites at Xufeng and Queen Galadriel.

Xufeng immediately opened the way with the sword of Triton and the enemy's fencing, and quickly killed all the bugs.

Before the giant worm could brew a second wave of spitting, Xu Feng rushed forward and chopped the giant worm into two pieces.

The giant worm died immediately, but countless parasites appeared in his corpse. Some were already formed and were as long as an arm, while others were only as long as hair.

Regardless of three seven twenty one, Xu Feng directly killed all the parasites with a swirl of sword blades.

The ground is full of disgusting insect fluid, slimy and nauseating.

In fact, Xu Feng didn't care very much. After all, he was a "mercenary" anyway, and he could still bear this kind of environment.

He looked back at the elegant Queen Galadriel, knowing that the queen's white gauze skirt was mopping the floor. If you walked back and forth on the sticky insect fluid, the skirt would definitely get dirty.

Do you want to help the queen carry the dress?

Xufeng almost said it.

Galadriel did not change his face, and continued to gracefully walk towards the third ghost tower.

And under her feet, a moonlight carpet formed automatically, completely isolating the worm fluid.

"Night..." Xu Feng said with emotion.

After Queen Galadriel walked into the Ghost Tower, Xufeng endured the nausea, found a shining worm core from the giant worm, and was relieved in her crystal cage.

The third dark crystal was quickly destroyed, and the mana of the entire dark magic barrier was suddenly weakened.

There is the last ghost tower left. As long as you clear the last one, you can break the barrier of dark magic and find Gandalf.

Queen Galadriel gracefully walked out of Ghost Tower No. 3, and saw the worm fluid covered with Xufeng, she couldn't help but frown and asked, "How come this is happening?"

Xu Feng grinned, "Oh, nothing, just slipped accidentally just now."

Queen Galadriel shook her head helplessly, "Okay, now there is the last one, but the last one should be the most difficult one. You have to be more careful."

Xufeng nodded and said, "I am mentally prepared."

They immediately went to the fourth ghost tower.

When it came to the fourth soul tower, Xu Feng couldn't help but startled slightly.

Outside the tower are densely packed with giant spiders!

Inside the ghost tower, there is a bigger giant spider!

Galadriel said lightly: "It's hard to deal with so many giant spiders together. Would you like me to help you?"

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