Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1389

After all, he is a man who has experienced many battles and also owns Viya, the Ring of Wind.

When the three Ring Spirit Kings reacted, King Elon had already flashed to Queen Galadriel and Gandalf, and his palms glowed with green magic light-this was what he was most proud of. Healing ability.

The state of Gandalf and Queen Galadriel was restored immediately. Although they were not fully restored, they had no problem dealing with a Ring Spirit King alone.

In this way, the situation becomes very clear.

Gandalf and Queen Galadriel each deal with one Spirit King spirit body, White-robed Mage Saruman deals with four by himself, and King Elon deals with four by himself.

Although King Elon’s combat effectiveness is not as fierce as the white-robed mage Saruman, King Elon can heal and recover himself and his teammates. At the same time, he is the owner of Viya, the Ring of Wind, and his body is extremely fast. The spiritual bodies of the four ring spirit kings don't even want to hurt him.

In this way, the eight ring spirit kings were completely restrained.

Only the Angmar Witch King, the head of the nine ring spirit kings, remained.

Xu Feng held the sword of Triton and the enemy fencing, and said with a sneer: "Angema, come on, let's continue!"

Angema Witch King's pale and broken face showed an angry and hideous face. He said hoarsely: "Boy, don't think that, you can live! You can't beat us!"

With that said, he resorted to a move, and his figure rushed towards Xufeng in a shadowy manner.

Xu Feng had been prepared for a long time, and continued to fight the Angmar Witch King with a quick fight.

Xufeng knew that with his current strength, it would be unrealistic to kill the Angmar Witch King with a single shot. After all, the level difference between him and the Angmar Witch King was still very large. Of course , Angmar Witch King also don't want to kill Xu Feng easily, the state of the two confrontation is that you can't kill me, and I can't kill you.

In this case, Xufeng didn’t put all his power on it, but used a quick fight, in a quick counterattack, looking for the Angmar Witch King’s flaws. As long as the Angmar Witch King revealed the flaws, then He can accumulate strength to make a sword and take advantage of the wave.

After several confrontations, the white-robed mage Saruman frequently prevailed, but he seemed unwilling to expand the results, so he was still in a stalemate with the four ring spirit kings. King Elon wanted to fight while taking care of Queen Galadriel's Situation, so his side is also deadlocked.

As for Gandalf, not to mention...

The whole battle seemed to have entered an endless confrontation.

In fact, this is not a good thing for Xu Feng and others in the away game.

Chapter 505 Take Care, My Old Friend

"Enough... this kind of game is really meaningless after playing like this."

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, a heart-pounding sound suddenly came from the height of the platform. With this sound, a dark flame exploded on the platform.

The spirit body of the Ring Spirit King present immediately disappeared, and the entire space became extremely depressed.

The dark flame gradually evolved into a huge doomsday eye, and a dark figure stood in the doomsday eye.

He said in a low voice: "Welcome all old friends to come to my house as a guest. I am embarrassed that my host has not come out to welcome you until now."

The white-robed mage Saruman's whole body stiffened, "...The Dark Lord, Sauron? No, it's impossible!"

Dark Lord Sauron sneered and said: "My plan has already begun to come true. First, the East has begun to fall, and then the city you guarded. It will not be long before the Angmar Kingdom will rise again, and the Elf Kingdom will be eliminated. The entire Middle Earth The world will be subject to darkness."

His sneer was filled with the suppressive power of dark power. The white-robed mage Saruman and King Elon trembled, and Xufeng and Gandalf were facing the test of life and death!

This is a direct confrontation with the Dark Lord Sauron!

Xu Feng's consciousness was about to collapse. He wanted to get in touch with Xue Di and the others, and gather the willpower of the entire team to fight against Sauron, but the dark power completely enveloped and sealed this place, and Xu Feng's thoughts could not be transmitted!

Obviously, the strength of the Dark Lord has greatly increased!

If this continues, I am afraid that in less than a minute, Xu Feng's consciousness will completely collapse, and then he will be killed by Sauron!

The strength of the Dark Lord Sauron was really not blown out!

Just when Xu Feng had no countermeasures, a green light shone from behind him.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that the pressure of the dark power was instantly reduced a lot.

He looked back subconsciously, and saw that the moonlight dress on Queen Galadriel behind him turned the color of a black moon, and her fair skin turned into a terrifying green. She held a long glowing long in her left hand. Bottle-necked, angry face, fluttering hair.

She stepped to the front of the Eye of Doom, and shouted in the oldest elven language: "You have no power here! Servant of Morgoth!"

She raised her right hand, and the light in her hand suddenly shrank the flame of the Eye of Doom.

She raised her luminous hand and continued to shout in multiple voices: "You are just a nameless man! You have no name and no surname, faceless, harmless and harmless, you come from the realm of emptiness, you will go to the realm of emptiness!"

The powerful expulsion magic power made Demon Lord Sauron unable to speak at all. His light and shadow continued to flicker in the eyes of the doomsday, struggling to resist, but his current power was unable to fight against the blackened Queen Galadriel. .

Queen Galadriel is an elf born under the Twin Sacred Tree, the most powerful person in the entire elf clan.

Moreover, in the ancient times, the elves did not like the Lord God's excessive interference in the Middle-earth world, and there was a rebellion once, and the leader was Queen Galadriel.

In other words, Queen Galadriel is an elf who has confronted the Lord God!

Of course, that act of resistance was naturally a failure, but the Lord God also realized that there should not be too much interference, so later he sent the Holy White Council to coordinate the situation.

Queen Galadriel was also slowly overwhelmed by Gandalf later, so she gradually gave up the act of expelling the Lord God.

However, if Queen Galadriel continued to resist, there might be nothing wrong with Morgoth, and the entire Middle-earth world would become the kingdom of elves.

And Queen Galadriel’s darkened state is precisely the power of Elendil’s light, which comes from the essence of the sacred tree. Queen Galadriel has not used this power for a long, long time. Every time she uses this power, it will make her unable to recover for a long time.

But this time, in order to save Gandalf and the others, and to protect herself, Queen Galadriel used the light of Elendil to blacken it without hesitation.

In the blackened state, Queen Galadriel can even fight the main god-level Morgoth, so she will naturally not put Morgoth's servant Dark Lord Sauron in her eyes!

Under the powerful power of Elendil's Light, the Eye of Doom gradually shrank, and finally turned into an inconspicuous ball of light, quickly fleeing from the platform.

After the Eye of Doom disappeared, Galadriel's daughter immediately lifted the blackened state and collapsed to the ground weakly.

In the one hundred years of using Elendil's Light, she could not use Elendil's Light again, and in this one hundred years, she could not participate in fierce battles.

But all this is worth it.

Gandalf and King Elon hurriedly supported the collapsed Queen Galadriel, while the white-robed mage Saruman looked at the disappearing Eye of Doom in amazement.

The darkness gradually dissipated, and the sun shone in again.

"My lady, are you okay?" Gandalf asked softly.

"Mislanda, you're fine, that's it." Galadriel's pale face showed a pale smile.

Gandalf said with a heartache: "My lady, you paid so much to save me. Now, please stop talking, King Elon, please send Queen Galadriel back to the Golden Forest."

King Elon said quickly: "Okay, Gandalf, don't worry."

Galadriel said with concern: "Mislanda, you are also seriously injured, you should return to the Golden Forest with me."

Gandalf's face twitched slightly, and he immediately said: "My lady, Sauron is not dead, he just fled to the east, he is injured, but he will secretly command his army of monsters to attack Lonely Mountain, I Must go to Gushan and coordinate the battle there."

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