Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1390

Galadriel sighed faintly, "Well then...you have to be careful."

Gandalf nodded slightly at Queen Galadriel, and then said to King Elon: "If you still have time after sending back to Queen Galadriel, then please mobilize your troops to come and support Lone Mountain. ."

King Elon frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "Gandalf, I don’t want to help this, but it’s probably hard to achieve. Queen Galadriel’s wastage is too great, and her physical condition cannot withstand magic. Teleportation, I can only escort her all the way from the magic city through the dark dense forest, and then to the golden forest. When I return from the golden forest to Rivendell, and then lead the army over the misty mountains, I am afraid the time has long been missed. ".

Gandalf sighed faintly, "You're right... well, it's important to protect Queen Galadriel, you go."

King Elon yawned slightly at Gandalf, "Take care, my old friend."

Chapter 506

After King Elon left with Queen Galadriel, only Gandalf, Xu Feng, and the white-robed mage Saruman were left on the platform.

Gandalf walked to the white-robed mage Saruman, "Now, do you believe it?"

Saruman said unscrupulously: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect... Sauron's soul was not dead, he was so powerful..."

Gandalf said: "Saruman! Sauron's strategic intent is already obvious. He wants to occupy the Lonely Mountain, and then let the annihilated Angmar Kingdom rise again in the north of the Lonely Mountain! Where is the land of ice! It is difficult for any race in the earth world to set foot on that frozen continent. If the Angmar Kingdom really rises in the polar regions, we will have no choice but to watch him grow step by step and eventually form the devouring middle earth. The power of the world!"

Saruman frowned and said: "I know, I know the importance of the Battle of the Lonely Mountain, but I also have important things to deal with now."

Gandalf asked, "What can be more important than stopping Sauron's conspiracy?"

Saruman said angrily: "Gandalf, what do you mean by this? Can't I see this? In fact, I see farther than you do. I think that if you want to completely reverse this situation, We must completely destroy Sauron's soul! As long as Sauron is destroyed, the world can be protected from the threat of monsters!"

Gandalf was silent for a while, "What you said makes sense, but what are you going to do?"

Saruman said: "I need more magic power, I need to forge a stronger mana ring!"

Gandalf sighed, "Saruman, I don't want to argue with you, but I think your plan can be used as a long-term plan, and the top priority is to solve the crisis of Lonely Mountain first..."

Saruman waved his hand roughly, "This is your business! You originally did the expedition to Gushan without permission. You should be solely responsible for this matter, and I must concentrate all my energy on building a stronger one. On the mana ring, I don’t have time, I can’t delay a moment! That’s it!"

With that, Saruman gathered a teleportation circle, and before leaving, he glanced at Xufeng.

"Saruman!" Gandalf said earnestly, but still couldn't stop Saruman's determination to leave.

After a scorching blue light, Saruman disappeared.

Gandalf sighed helplessly.

Xu Feng smiled and walked over, "Lao Gan, this white-robed mage is not authentic."

"Saruman..." Gandalf said with a wry smile: "He is the wise man among us. In the battles of the first and second ages, he has always led very well, and, like me, he is also a secondary god. Maya, although we disagree on some details, I have no reason not to believe him."

Xufeng nodded slightly, he knew that at this moment, he could not convince Gandalf anyway.

Gandalf grinned to Xu Feng and said, "I didn't expect it to be a few days apart. You are already a dragon slayer. You killed Smaug? I really want to hear how you did it. ."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Actually, I was not the only one who killed Smaug. Bud shot a black arrow. The black arrow hit Smaug's chest where the dragon scales were missing. Then I helped to pierce the black arrow completely. In Smaug's heart."

Gandalf said in astonishment: "Such an epic battle, how easy is it that you said?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "The scene at the time was very thrilling, but it was not as thrilling as before. Queen Galadriel... really scary."

Gandalf laughed and said, "Relax, she has no malice towards us. In fact, more than 10,000 years ago, she still had the heart to conquer the entire Middle-earth world and drive away the Lord God in order to maintain the independence of Middle-earth, but later, She gave up the idea. It was me who persuaded him to give up the idea."

Speaking of this, Gandalf sighed faintly, "I promised Queen Galadriel, I told her that the Holy White Council, as the messenger of the main god, will bring permanent peace to Middle-earth, and there will be no war here. , There will be no oppression, there will be no poverty and disease... But looking at the sufferings of the Middle-earth world in these three eras, all the disasters originated from our Lord God... I... really I am very sorry to Queen Galadriel, I have failed her trust in me. However, I never thought of deceiving her, because I originally thought that we, the mages of the Holy White Council, can really do it..."

Xufeng patted Gandalf's shoulder comfortingly, "Don't be so sad, old Gan, the world cannot be peaceful, the world itself is full of disputes and unknowns. Moreover, I found that Queen Galadriel did not blame and I hate what you mean."

Gandalf sighed faintly: "I often wonder what Middle-earth would be like if we hadn't appeared at that time."

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's definitely not much better."

Gandalf smiled bitterly and said: "You can really comfort people. By the way, do you still have Xingyue tea? Bring me two cups. I think I will probably recover a few percent of the magic power, then turn on the teleportation circle We sent it back to Gushan."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, but don't worry, we can catch up."

After speaking, he took out two cups of Xingyue Tea and handed them to Gandalf.

Gandalf opened a cup, drank it, and let out a long sigh of relief, "If there is another bag of Shire tobacco, it will be really comfortable."

Xufeng laughed.

At the same time, in the distant Gushan Palace.

The disappearance of the Eye of Doom also shocked the Gushan Palace.

The dwarves who were searching for the heart of the mountain all stopped, not knowing the so-called look at each other.

Thorin sat on the high golden throne and said in a cold voice: "Why stop? Continue to search for the heart of the mountain! Without the heart of the mountain, our lone mountain dwarves can't suppress the other six dwarf races, we can't order They came here to help us fight! Now, outside are all people who covet our treasure! We must find the heart of the mountain!"

"Yes..." The dwarves continued to search.

It is impossible to clean up such a large Jinshan in a short time.

White Beard Bahrain stretched his old waist, stepped up the high steps, and said in a deep voice, "Sorin, we must talk."

Thorin said coldly, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

Bahrain sighed, "I know that the heart of the mountains is very important to us, but we have been looking for it for a long time, and it's time to make another plan."

Thorin said coldly: "You haven't looked for it carefully enough."

"We all want to find gems."

"But you haven't found it yet!" Thorin's tone gradually increased, and his angry echoes echoed throughout the hall.

Bahrain said in astonishment: "Are you... doubting our loyalty?"

Chapter 507: Actually I...

Thorin stared at Bahrain coldly, as if staring at an enemy.

Bahrain was in pain, Thorin’s gaze hurt him so much. He wanted to leave here immediately, but he knew that he was responsible for Thorin. He couldn’t just watch Thorin and walk up to the old king Thor. That crazy road.

Bahrain took a deep breath and looked back at Thorin with a firm gaze, "Sorin, the heart of the mountain is the natural treasure of our lone mountain dwarf. Every one of us wants to find it. You don't have to doubt that. "

Thorin grunted coldly, stood up from the high throne, and walked down one step at a time.

He walked directly in front of Bahrain and said coldly: "The heart of the mountain is a gem that belongs to the king, and only the king can own it... Am I not your king?"

In the last sentence, he almost yelled at Bahrain.

Bahrain's lips moved slightly, and there was something to say, but he was finally held in his heart.

Today is different.

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