Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1392

Solin laughed and patted Bilbo on the shoulder, "Let's go, follow me to the front door first."

On the other side, among the ruins of Hegu Town, the exhausted residents of Changhu Town all slumped on the ground, not wanting to move on.

It took them more than ten hours to walk nearly 30 kilometers and finally arrived here.

Although the town of River Valley is dilapidated, some rooms still have walls and roofs, which are enough to shelter from wind and rain.

Xuedi looked around and said lightly, "Bad, we have to stop and let your people rest."

Bud nodded, "I mean it too."

This kind of walking progress is nothing for ordinary warriors, but for civilians who are scared and sleepless all night, it really has reached the limit.

What's more, the sky at this time has dimmed. The closer you get to the Gushan Mountain, the lower the temperature. If you rush forward at this time, you may not get to the Gushan Mountain, and the townspeople will freeze to death. On the way.

Bud then said loudly: "Everyone gathers together, finds a big building, makes a fire, leans against each other to keep warm, and whoever has food brings out everyone to share. Barn, you take someone to find firewood, Higel De, you go and arrange the wounded's shelter."


The townspeople acted immediately.

They are tired and hungry, and urgently need recovery and supplementation.

"My lord! My lord!"

At this moment, Alfred stood on the damaged city wall and shouted loudly to Bud: "Come on! Come on!"

Bud frowned slightly. He actually didn't like being called an adult by Alfred. Such a name always reminded him of the mayor of Moneybag, and he was not the mayor of Moneybag.

"What is this guy doing?" The hammer gripped the silver fist warhammer, and said coldly: "Do you want me to kill him? I can do very beautifully!"

Bud quickly said, "Thank you! But no!"

He didn't want to bear the charge of assassinating the townspeople.

"Let's go, go and take a look." Xuedi said lightly.

"it is good."

The three of them walked towards the city wall.

The hammer whispered to Bud: "If you change your mind, just give me a look. Don't worry, if you don't charge money, I will treat it as a harm to the people."

Bud said with a wry smile: "No, Ms. Hammer, thank you for your kindness, but really no need."

The hammer shrugged helplessly, "Well then."

"My lord! My lord! Look!" Alfred hurriedly greeted him, and pointed to the lonely mountain in the distance to show Alfred.

"Look, the lover's brazier at the gate of Gushan has been lit!" Alfred said eagerly.

Bud frowned and said, "That's it? What's so strange about this? It means that Thorin and the others have survived. That's good."

Alfred's eyes widened in astonishment, "Okay? My lord? Are you okay? Our lonely mountain is being occupied by a group of vulgar dwarves, you said yes?"

Bud frowned and said, "First of all, it is not our Lone Mountain. Lone Mountain has always belonged to dwarves. Secondly, even if the Dwarf Expedition is all dead, Lone Mountain does not belong to us, but belongs to the bloodline branch of the Lone Mountain Dwarf. , We cannot occupy."

"Why!" Alfred said loudly, "That's endless wealth! We're here first, why can't we get it first!"

Bud said coldly, "Do you think you know that it is endless wealth? Do you think the other six dwarf tribes don’t know? Don’t you think the three elf kings don’t? You think the kings of the three human kingdoms don’t. Don’t you think the White Council doesn’t know?"

Alfred opened his mouth in astonishment, "...big deal, we can give them a little bit."

Bud smiled coldly, "Alfred, open your eyes and see how many of us townspeople are old, weak, sick, and disabled, how many soldiers can go into battle with armor? Such a huge treasure house, you think it depends on us Can this guy really hold it? It’s not our thing, we can’t take it, because there are stronger witnesses who are staring at it, we only need our part. I’m very happy that Thorin is still alive because of Thorin. Once in front of the townspeople of Changhu Town, he promised that as long as he enters the Gushan Palace, he will make Changhu Town rich, and everyone will be richer than the country."

Alfred said, "But..."

Bud said with a sneer: "Don't worry about Alfred, there are countless gold in that mountain. Thorin only needs to take out a small part of it, and it will be enough for us to rebuild River Valley Town."

Alfred sighed, "Well, my lord."

Bud said immediately: "Alfred, you are here tonight."

Alfred quickly said: "My lord, I think I should stay by your side and advise you. You need such a person, and I am such a trustworthy person."

Bud said coldly: "Sorry, I don't need to follow, Alfred, you should prove and realize the value of your own existence. Watching here is the best way for you to regain everyone's trust."

"But..." Alfred said pleadingly, "It will be very cold here at night."

Bud said, "Then we should get busy now and get more firewood."

Alfred sighed helplessly, "Well, my lord."

At the same time, in the lonely mountain opposite.

Thorin was directing the dwarves to pile up a pile of broken stones at the gate.

The gate of Gushan Palace was originally very majestic, but it was later destroyed by Smaug.

It is unrealistic to repair the gate in a short time, so Thorin simply asked the dwarves to build a three-meter-high wall with rubbish to block the attack.

At this time, Kili and others climbed to the Gushan Mountain and waved to the Gushan Palace happily.

Dewarin was stunned, and immediately said excitedly: "Look at that! It's Kilifili and the others!"

"You read that right, Dewarin!"

"No! It's really them! And Groyin! And Bofer! And Master Lin Hai and Master Yang!"

The dwarves cheered excitedly.

This is their happiest moment since they entered the Lonely Mountain!

Thorin stood on the pile of rocks, frowned and said, "... Didn't Diego come back?"

Chapter 509 How Do I Know What They Are Here For?

At this moment, Thorin very much hopes to see "Diedi".

The strength of "Diedi" is beyond doubt, as long as Diedi is there, no one should try to conquer his lonely mountain.


Thorin's face was full of disappointment.

Bahrain said to the side: "Sorin, don't do this, Kili and the others, seeing your expression, think you don't welcome them."

Thorin smiled faintly, "Kilifili is my nephew and the future heir of the Gushan Kingdom. Why would I not welcome them?"

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