Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1393

While talking, Kilifili and the others ran over excitedly.

"Sorin! We are back!"

Thorin stood on the high wall, faintly looking down at Kili and others.

He threw a valuable gem at Kili, "Welcome to you, my nephews and my friends."

Kellie looked at the gem in his hand in astonishment, "Sorin, such a precious gem, you just threw it out like this."

Thorin smiled and said, "There are countless gems like this in Lonely Mountain. The piece you hold in your hand is nothing at all."

Bahrain said quickly: "Okay, well, before the wall is not sealed, you can climb over!"

"it is good!"

Qi Li and the others then climbed up along the crack in the stone.

Thorin looked at the gaps in the stones and said to Ouli coldly, "Go, get some boiling golden water and fill these gaps, leaving only a gap for speech."

"Fill it with golden water?" Ori was a little surprised.

Thorin said coldly: "That's right."

"Yes!" Ouli immediately turned and ran away.

Bahrain hugged Kili and Feili tightly, and said in tears: "It's great that you can come back. I thought you, I thought you already... You are the future and hope of Gushan, if you two If something happens, I really don’t know what to do."

Thorin frowned slightly after listening.

Kili smiled and said: "I thought I was going to die, but guess what? My goddess appeared, she took a handful of moon flowers, fed it to my mouth, and then recited the healing spell, so I Just come over."

Poverty smiled and said, "Yes, those moonflowers were found by Ms. Xuedi and I in the pigpen."

The other dwarves laughed suddenly.

This kind of laughter made them feel the long-lost feeling.

Philip asked curiously: "By the way, what are you doing, why are you blocking the gate?"

The smiles on everyone's faces immediately condensed, and the long-lost feelings just found disappeared immediately.

Thorin said coldly: "Because we want to defend our treasure, we can't let those shameless people in Long Lake Town take it away."

Groyin hurriedly said: "Wait for Thorin, have you forgotten that you once promised Changhu Town to give them the wealth of the enemy's country? Moreover, now Changhu Town has been devastated. Reason, we should all compensate them well."

Kili and Fili took the lead and nodded.

During this period of time in Long Lake Town, they received a lot of blessings from the Bard family. If they hadn't been taken in by the Bard family, they would have been burned to death by the dragon's breath.

Thorin said coldly: "How do I know that they are only here to compensate, or are they coming to occupy my lonely mountain?"

Kili said, "But, they are all unarmed refugees."

Thorin said in a cold voice, "Don't you know what it means to occupy the magpie's nest and hold it for a long time? The Gushan generation is our dwarf home, and we will never allow any outsiders to stay here."

Kellie wanted to say something, but Bahrain next to him took his hand and motioned him not to speak any more.

Kellett can only give up.

Thorin turned his gaze to Lin Hai, and asked in a soft tone: "Mr. Lin Hai, may I ask, Lord Diego, he..."

Lin Hai smiled and said, "Oh, don't worry, he is fine."

"Oh." Thorin frowned and asked, "Why didn't he come to Gushan? Anyway, our dwarf expedition team and your Xuedi team are one, you are always welcome here, why he and Xuedi Ms. Hammer hasn't come?"

Lin Hai smiled and said: "He has more important things to do. As for what it is, he didn't tell me. I believe that he will be back after he finishes the important things."

Thorin nodded slightly, "It turns out that this is the case, then, please, please, two guests, and the others, continue to work! I request that before sunrise tomorrow, this place must be solid!"

"Yes!" The dwarves continued to work helplessly.

Early the next morning.

In the dilapidated river valley town, the refugees got up early.

They all looked forward to entering the Lonely Mountain earlier. After all, it was too cold to sleep in the broken old building.

Moreover, their food is gone.

A town resident hurriedly reported to Badhui: "Master Bad, our food is gone, only a little rice porridge is left."

Bud said in a deep voice, "Give the wounded and the women and children first, and the others will starve first. This is nothing. Soon we will get the gold promised by Thorin."

"Well, then I will try my best to distribute." The townsman sighed helplessly.

Bud walked up the broken city wall and Alfred was napping against the wall.

"Morning Alfred, what happened last night?"

Alfred smiled and said, "What can happen to my lord? This is the ruins of Smaug. Smaug is dead. It was extremely quiet last night, nothing happened."

"That's good..." Before he finished speaking, Bud frowned, "Yes, it's very quiet, except for a group of heavily armed elves in front of me."

Alfred was taken aback and quickly stood up and took a look. Sure enough, he saw thousands of elf soldiers lined up neatly under the damaged city wall.

All of these elven soldiers were golden helmets and golden armors, and their bodies stood upright, completely in combat effectiveness.

Alfred stammered and said, "Wait, how did they appear? This, this must be magic! Yes! They appeared through magic, and they appeared in a hurry."

Bud said coldly: "Alfred, I'm very disappointed in you, not only because you didn't realize that any troops had reached our city, but also because you wanted to use a bad reason to justify yourself."

Alfred blushed.

At this time, Xuedi and Iron Hammer also came to the city wall and saw the dense and neatly organized elves underneath.

"What do they want to do?" The Hammer asked in confusion.

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Then ask them yourself."

Bud said, "Ms. Xuedi, I'll leave it to you first. I'll go out and see."

Alfred said quickly: "My lord! Never! If you go out, you will probably be killed by them."

Bud said lightly: "The wood elves are mostly marksmen. If they wanted to kill me, I would have died."

After speaking, Bud nodded at Xuedi, and then jumped from a low gap in the city wall.

Chapter 510: The War Is About To Begin

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