Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1394

Bud walked carefully in front of the elf soldier.

He often travels between the Wood Elf Capital City and Long Lake Town, so he knows the arrogant temper of the Elves very well.

Every time he transported wine barrels and fresh fish, the elves looked at him coldly, and didn’t even want to tell him a word, as if they were afraid that his low-end species would pollute the nobleness of the elves. of.

When Bud was just thinking about saying hello, the elven troops in front of him suddenly separated into two rows and stood neatly.

Bud hesitated, then walked along the path that the elven soldiers had allowed.

And when he passed, the elf guards behind him returned neatly.

Alfred on the city wall mumbled softly: "It's over, Bud must be in the mouth this time."

The Snow Emperor said lightly, "Master Thranduil has been hiding for so many years, but in the end it has revealed all of his family."

The hammer nodded and said: "The strength of the wood elf army is so strong, I thought they would just spend time and drink, and even the monster spiders can't deal with it."

Xuedi smiled and said, "This also shows that now is the crucial strategic time."

Bud walked past rows of heavily armed elf soldiers in confusion. He didn't know who to talk to, let alone the purpose of these elf soldiers here.

At this time, a huge white stag walked in gracefully.

The white stag’s antlers are very wide, and on its back sits a fair-haired male elf with a radiant figure and a graceful appearance.

The male elf wears a crown of thorns on his head, a green elf pattern robe on him, and a long black cloak behind him.

The white stag was originally two meters tall, but the elf sitting on the back of the stag was taller and full of momentum.

Although Bud had never seen the Wood Elf King Thranduil himself, he immediately realized that the young and handsome man in front of him with the king's breath between his brows must be King Thranduil.

It's just... King Thranduil, who hasn't left the capital for half a century, has actually visited River Valley Town?

What is this?

Bud was stunned and he even forgot to salute King Thranduil.

If it was usual, a human civilian in tattered clothes would be rude to King Thranduil, King Thranduil's white stag mount would pass directly over the civilian's head.

However, King Thranduil restrained the white stag's deer head and said softly to Bud, "Is it Lord Bud?"

Bud was even more astonished.

You know, the title "sir" is an obvious honorific, and as King Thranduil, he can only use the honorific title for Queen Galadriel at best!It shouldn't be a respectful name for a down-and-out civilian like Bud.

Bud stood there dumbfounded, forgot to answer King Thranduil's question, thinking he was dreaming.

King Thranduil smiled faintly, raised his voice and asked repeatedly, "Excuse me, is it Lord Bud the Dragon Slayer?"

Bud just woke up like a dream, he hurriedly bowed and said, "Sorry, your majesty, I am Bud, the name of the dragon slayer is really shameful.

King Thranduil immediately turned over and dismounted, smiling and holding Bud's hand, "Smaug is one of the greatest scourges in Middle-earth. Now you can kill Smaug, and that's a great achievement! I know, your strength. Lake Town also suffered a disaster in the battle with Smaug, so I specially brought the materials you need urgently to help you through the difficulties. I hope you will not refuse."

Before the words were over, a large group of elven servants slowly walked into River Valley City with a carriage full of various materials.

There are all kinds of food, vegetables, meat, and even wine and blankets on the carriage.

There are more than a dozen vehicles of such materials, and the last few vehicles are also full of weapon armor.

When the refugees in Hegu Town saw the house full of cars, they all cheered in excitement, some of them with shallow eye sockets and tears.

Bud was very moved at first, but when he saw the last few vehicles of weapons and equipment, he immediately became sober.

Of course he knew that this king Thranduil was notoriously unsuccessful, and he was extremely cold and arrogant when dealing with people and things, but now he suddenly pulled so many supplies, I am afraid it is definitely not that simple.

However, Bud could no longer refuse.

The refugees are already very hungry and they need these food and blankets.

Moreover, if he directly rejected the good intentions of the great Thranduil, he might also anger the mighty elf king.

So he bowed humbly and said: "Your Majesty, I really don't know how to thank you. These supplies...we will return them twice."

King Thranduil smiled softly: "Why? Do I look like I'm here to do business with you? Of course, you don't have to thank me. I've always been here. I'm not here to help you, but To retrieve my own things."

Bud said in surprise: "The treasure of the Lone Mountain Dwarf?"

King Thranduil raised his chin proudly and said, "No, it is the treasure of our elves. It is the gemstone passed down by our elves from generation to generation, the green leaf white gem."

Bud asked, "That's it? Your soldiers are fighting to get back a gem that belongs to you?"

King Thranduil smiled: "Does it sound ridiculous? But sometimes the truth is so ridiculous. You think I send a messenger over and Thorin can happily return what belongs to me. Isn’t it? No, he won’t, and I expected it. The Gushan clan are greedy. They weren’t like this at first. They were all noble people at first, but as they have more and more wealth , They become more and more greedy. Do you think they promised you a rich and adversary country, will they really give you gold coins?"

Bud frowned and said, "Sorin spoke in front of the townspeople of Long Lake Town. He is now a king, shouldn't he break his promise?"

King Thranduil sneered, "Maybe you won't break your promise when you become the King of the Valley, but Thorin? No, he won't give you a penny."

Bud shook his head, "I don't believe this, because I only need a few gold coins, as long as we can rebuild River Valley Town."

"Oh, is it?" King Thranduil smiled: "Look at the location of River Valley Town, does the location of Lone Mountain stop the throat of Lone Mountain? If I were the Lord of Lone Mountain, I wouldn't let anyone else Build a capital here that can attack me at any time."

Bud sighed helplessly, "We just want to survive!"

King Thranduil smiled: "I understand, but Thorin may not be able to control it, Lord Bud, I suggest you accept my weapons and equipment, because the war is about to begin."

Chapter 511: Yes, Anyone

and many more!war!?"

Bud took a deep breath and said quickly: "Please rest assured Thranduil, if there is a war, I must be your firm ally, because the gold coins in the lonely mountain also have a share of our townspeople. But I don’t think we need to fight as soon as we come up! Please let me talk to Thorin first."

King Thranduil smiled coldly, "You want to negotiate with that lunatic? I really don't believe that you are the warrior who killed Smaug."

Bud hurriedly said: "I shot the black arrow, but it was Lord Diego that really killed Smaug. I would never pretend to claim this credit."

King Thranduil nodded slightly, "It turns out that it is him, so I understand - then, the person in charge here should be him, other people? Wouldn't it be necessary for me to visit him?"

Bud said, "No, after Lord Diego killed Smaug, he suddenly...disappeared. Of course, before disappearing, he said that he was going to do a very important thing, and then he told your son. In a few words, your son gave him a teardrop-shaped gem. After he crushed the gem, it disappeared not long after."

Of course, Bud didn't see these things with his own eyes, but Alfred told him on the road.

Alfred did have the ability to listen to news, and Bud had to admire this.

King Thranduil gave a cry, and then nodded, "I probably know what's going on. No wonder there is a huge shock in the direction of the magic city. It seems that Lord Diego is using his own power. To change the fate of our Middle-earth."

Bud blinked, "Sorry, Your Majesty, I can't keep up with your thinking."

King Thranduil smiled faintly, "Nothing. Since he is not here, I can wait. You said you want to negotiate with that lunatic. Are you serious?"

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