Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1395

Bud took a breath, nodded and said, "It's true."

King Thranduil laughed, "Bad, you are a noble person. I promise you that if you do not die this time and become the king of the valley, I will personally attend your coronation ceremony. After all, you also have A person named Dragon Slayer, you fit this identity."

Bud smiled bitterly: "Seriously, Your Majesty, I don't have that thought at all. My three children are underage. I just want to have a safer and more stable future with them."

King Thranduil smiled and said, "Your people are also your children. What's more, Long Lake Town is not considered your ancestral territory, but River Valley Town is recognized by Middle-earth as your ancestral territory. You will be there sooner or later. The one who is crowned king here-come, bring the unicorn!"


An elf attendant next to him immediately moved a two-and-a-half-meter-high white horse with a sharp single horn on the horse's forehead.

This is a peculiar mount of the elves. This mount will only be given to human kings and queens, never to unidentified civilians.

When King Thranduil gave this unicorn to Bud, he actually recognized his status.

The refugees around cheered.

They are naturally happy that their leader is respected and recognized by another leader.

"No, this...this is too expensive, I...I'm afraid I can't accept it." Bud quickly refused.

King Thranduil smiled and said, "Listen to the voice of your people, Lord Bud. Besides, if you want to negotiate with Thorin, you also need a fast steed. In this way, you can save time."

"That..." Bud looked back at the Snow Emperor on the broken city wall.

The Snow Emperor represented "Master Diedi".

At this time, Bud needs the opinion of "Master Diego".

Xuedi nodded to Bud immediately.

Bud was relieved, and bowed to King Thranduil, "Thank you, Your Majesty, then I will be disrespectful."

King Thranduil smiled and nodded to Bud in return.

With the help of the elf guards, Bud rolled over and rode on the unicorn, and then said loudly to the refugees: "Everyone eat and rest here first. If you have anything to do, please ask Ms. Snow and Ms. Hammer. I will meet you. Thorin, ask for the wealth we deserve!"

"Yeah!" The refugees cheered happily.

As if they will become millionaires in the next second.

Bud was not so excited in his heart. I don’t know why. He really felt a sense of faint uneasiness in his heart. He felt that this time, I am afraid that he would return without success. If he returns without success, it means true Is about to go to war.

He nodded from Xuedi and the hammer, and then shook the horse's rein, the unicorn neighed, and supported Bud to rush towards Gushan quickly.

The cheers in Hegu Town faintly passed to the Gushan Palace.

At this time, Thorin was checking the sorted treasure.

Among the large piles of diamonds, there is an extremely bright white gemstone necklace.

Thorin picked up the white gemstone necklace and said with a sneer: "This should be what the King Thranduil wants. Keep this thing away. I think the Elf King will pay a good price for it."

Bilbo frowned and said, "But Thorin, as far as I know, this white sapphire necklace originally belonged to King Thrandil. The bright green leaf white stone above is a national treasure..."

Thorin sneered and said, "So what? Even if the white gemstone is a fairy, isn't this necklace, and the countless diamonds on this necklace, all owned by our dwarves? In order to create this diamond necklace, Three of our craftsmen died in the foundry, and the arrogant elf king wanted to get some gold coins to buy this white gemstone necklace? Huh, dream."

Lin Hai smiled and said, "Sorin, this necklace is very beautiful. Master Diego has long been optimistic about it. He wants this necklace."

"He wants?" Thorin was taken aback. "What does he want to do?"

Lin Hai smiled and said, "Isn't this clear yet? Naturally it was given to a woman."

Thorin grinned and said, "That's true. Well, since Lord Diego wants it, then naturally I can't help but give it."

He turned around and said to Bahrain, "Go find a more expensive box and wrap the white gemstone necklace and give it to Master Lin Hai."


The Snow Emperor Team has a life-saving grace for the entire dwarven expedition team, and not once or twice. It can be said that without the Snow Emperor team, the dwarves are afraid that they would not even be able to get out of the mist.

What's more, now it's a more critical period, Thorin naturally has the heart to indulge in the Snow Emperor Team. If the Snow Emperor Team can stand on their side of the Lonely Mountain Dwarves, then no one should want to conquer the Lonely Mountain.

That's right, anyone.

"Then I will thank you for Master Diego first." Lin Hai smiled.

Thorin asked: "No thanks, the relationship between us, if you say thank you, it would be too far-fetched. By the way, what else do you want? Pick whatever you want."

Chapter 512


You can pick whatever you want. Duke Yang immediately rubbed his palms, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to do a big job.

Lin Hai immediately frowned and cleared his throat, giving Duke Yang another wink.

Gong Yang immediately sneered and retracted his hand, "I was just kidding, how am I embarrassed?"

Solin laughed and said: "There are countless wealth here, you can take it as you like, take whatever you want, don't care at all."

Lin Hai smiled and said: "Sorin, we thank you for your kindness, but when we came before, Lord Diedi told him that we can't take the Lone Mountain Dwarf's treasure, just a white gemstone necklace."

Thorin said with emotion, "Master Diego, it's really great."

At this moment, Devarin ran over from the door with a heavy dwarf tomahawk, and said solemnly, "Sorin, you must come and see!"

Thorin nodded and immediately followed Dewalin onto the temporary wall.

The others followed behind and boarded the city wall together.

The morning breeze blows, and the entire mountain view is clearly greeted. On the opposite side of their solitary mountain is the broken river valley town.

At this time, the streets and walls of River Valley Town were all densely packed with neatly arranged wooden elf guards.

"This is not a good sign." Dewalin said in a deep voice, "The opponent has at least a thousand people, and every elf soldier has a super-strong combat effectiveness. It's just hiding the family!"

Bahrain frowned and said: "We can't defeat thousands of elven soldiers."

Thorin sneered coldly, "I don't think so, we can take back the lonely mountain, we can guard the lonely mountain!"

At this time, a unicorn carrying a human, rushed towards Gushan quickly.

Thorin yelled: "Get ready for battle!"

The other dwarves were ready immediately.

Kili took a closer look and said quickly: "That's Bud! Bud in Long Lake Town!"

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