Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1396

Groyin quickly said, "Ah! It's really Bud! Bud now has the title of Dragon Slayer, and his reputation among the residents of Long Lake Town is very high!"

Thorin said coldly: "He is riding a unicorn that only elves can ride. Even if he is Bud, he is not Bud controlled by elves."

Kili said eagerly, "Sorin, listen to what he has to say anyway."

Thorin said coldly: "Also."

After the unicorn galloped down to the city, Bud was the first to speak, saying: "I have seen the King of the Mountain, the Son of Thorn, and the King Thorin! I am very happy to see you and other dwarf friends safe and sound."

Thorin raised his head arrogantly, looking down at Bud indifferently, "Bad, I remember your attitude was not like this before."

Bud was startled slightly, and then said with a smile: "Before you were just a prince, but now you are the king of the Lonely Mountain, of course I want to respect you more."

"No," Thorin said coldly, "Before, you planned to put me in a dungeon in Long Lake Town, so that we can never enter the Lone Mountain forever."

Bud made no secret: "Yes, I did think that at the time, and I did that too. If I was given another chance like this, I would do it again-please take a look at Long Lake Town. , There are still choking fireworks there. Last night, our townspeople in Changhu Town died more than a thousand people. Even if the others were alive, they were all displaced. If there is no help, we It's hard to survive this coming winter."

Thorin said coldly: "But they survived Smaug's anger after all. How many people in Middle-earth can be as lucky as them? Witness Smaug's death with their own eyes? Since they are so lucky, I think you should be able to Find a way to spend this winter."

Bud frowned and said, "Lord Thorin, if you are only against my personal grievances, then I promise you that as long as you fulfill your promise to the people of Long Lake Town, I can take my family and leave here without your light. To calm your anger against me."

Thorin asked with a sneer, "Do you think I would believe you? Look at the current River Valley Town. There are golden helmets and armors everywhere, fully armed elf guards!"

Bud frowned and said, "If you really do well, why worry about the elven guards in the alliance?"

Thorin said in a cold voice, "Perhaps I expected that you robbers would use various excuses to snatch the property that originally belonged to our Lone Mountain Dwarf."

Bud sighed, "I don't deny that these treasures belong to you, but don't forget, you also promised to give them a life in a rich and enemy country in front of all the residents of Long Lake Town. You are already a king. If you just take out a little gold, it will be enough for the refugees to survive the winter. Are you going to turn back? This is not the way of the king!"

Thorin said with a sneer: "Bad, I know that your ancestor is the lord of the valley. After you become the dragon slayer, you will very likely become the new king of the valley. However, as a king, I don’t need you to come. Teach me how to do it! Yes, I was a resident of Changhu Town who promised, but my original words at the time were just to make Changhu Town rich and the country full of gold, but now, your town If it’s gone, I naturally don’t need to keep the promise."

Bud suddenly became annoyed, "Sorin, do you know what you are talking about? Do you know you are deceiving and insulting us?"

Thorin shrugged coldly, "Unless you go back, don't be in River Valley Town, but go back to Long Lake Town, wherever you can rebuild and restore, after you restore Long Lake Town, I will definitely take it personally. Countless gold is in return for you."

Bud angrily said: "Rebuild Long Lake Town?" Where are all the buildings destroyed by the Dragon's Breath Fire. If you want to rebuild and rebuild the foundations of the lake, you must go to the dark forest to harvest more than a hundred years old. tree!If thousands of years ago, this kind of thing might still be possible, because there were no monster spiders in the dark dense forest at that time, and now, if you let us rebuild Long Lake Town at this time, that’s not to make us freeze to death and starve. Dead or killed by the monster spider?"

Thorin sneered and said, "That's your problem."

Bud gritted his teeth and said, "Sorin, you are really hard-hearted. I am here not to quarrel with you, but to make peace with you. Our refugees are really pitiful. Can I talk to you alone? Can you talk?"

Thorin thought for a while, and then said: "Alright, come to the door."

Bud sighed, got off his horse, and walked to the door wall poured by golden water...

The golden water used to pour the cracks is probably enough for the refugees to cope with a winter.

Bud's heart is extremely unbalanced, but for the sake of peace talks, he can only remain patient.

Chapter 513 Don't Underestimate The Dwarf

When Bud approached the gate, a black raven suddenly flew out of it, spreading its wings and flying towards the sky.

Bud didn't care, and went on to the only diamond-shaped gap left in the door wall.

"What do you want to say, I am listening." Thorin said coldly, standing inside the door wall.

Bud sighed and said humbly: "Sorin, no, my lord, I would like to ask you for assistance on behalf of our refugees. As long as you can give us some gold and let us through this cold winter, we are willing to return to the lonely mountain forever. Be a subject of Gushan. We don't want much, just the part you promised us."

This condition is already the last humility.

With Bard's temper, he certainly didn't want to beg Thorin with an arrogant look, but for the sake of refugees, he had to give up his personal dignity.

Thorin said coldly: "Oh, is it? Forever as a subject? Then will you deal with those elven guards with golden helmet and golden armor for me?"

Bud said: "We, we are just unarmed refugees! How can we fight those well-trained elf guards?"

Thorin sneered: "If you can't fight for me, how can I believe that you aliens are sincerely submitting?"

Bud said: "You are what a strongman is difficult. You know, if we go to war with the elves like this, all of us will immediately become cannon fodder and wiped out."

Thorin said with a sneer, "If that's the case, I naturally don't doubt your loyalty as my subjects."

Bud said: "Can't you take a step back? Even if you give us some wealth first, so that we can survive? In this way, we can naturally offer our loyalty."

Thorin sneered and said, "Really? How do you want me to give you this gold?"

When Bud heard that there was a door, he hurriedly said: "Of course we will open the city gate and we will move in by ourselves. You don't need to bother you. Of course, you decide how much you want."

Thorin sneered: "Yeah, open the city gate and let you in... Then the Elf guards suddenly took the opportunity to kill in. You both worked together to kill us all and occupy our lonely mountain. Isn't this a strategy?"

Bud was startled, and then said, "No! Lord Thorin! I think you think too much! We don't like war!"

Thorin sneered and said, "I don't like it either, but when it's time for war, Thorin will never be soft."

Bud sighed faintly, "Master Thorin, do you know that if I go back like this, it means that the war between us has begun."

Sorin laughed, "I said it a long time ago, you just didn't feel good about our Lonely Mountain treasure."

Bud said in a deep voice, "No, in fact, what you promised us wealth, we only want to get that part back, so as to tide over the difficulties."

Thorin said coldly: "Then don't you know that since I promised you, I also have the right to withdraw the promise."

Bud frowned and said, "After our Long Lake Town has been destroyed and more than a thousand innocent people have died, you tell me, do you withdraw your promise? Thorin, don't be too ruthless."

Thorin said coldly: "Your threats are useless to me."

Bud said angrily, "What about your conscience as a human being? Don't you know the legitimacy of my reasoning? My people, when you need it most, extended a helping hand to you in return. , But you brought them death and destruction!"

Thorin sneered, "Don't make you so noble! The people of Long Lake Town are only willing to help me because they are greedy for my gold!"

Bud said angrily: "But this is obviously a fair deal we negotiated!"

"Fair trade?!" Thorin said angrily: "In addition to exchanging our wealth for food and blankets, what choice do we have? Sacrificing the future in exchange for the freedom of the moment. You call this fair trade? We were at that time. Obviously it was intimidated by you! If I do not agree, can we leave Long Lake Town alive?

Bud suddenly tightened his mouth.

Thorin said in a cold voice, "Tell me, Dragon Warrior Bud, why should I risk a surprise attack designed by you to fulfill a deal that was originally coerced by you?"

Bud said: "Because you have promised, is it really worthless?"

Thorin walked away from the conversation, and turned around to see that all the dwarves looked at him solemnly.

This made him a little annoyed, and he said loudly to Bud outside the wall: "Let's go! The talk is over! If you don't go, what is waiting for you is a sharp arrow!"

Bud slammed the thick wall in annoyance, then turned on his horse and ran towards River Valley Town.

"What are you doing!" Bilbo asked Thorin angrily.

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