Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1397

Thorin said coldly: "I'm doing something to protect us, Bilbo, you are not a king, I don't expect you to understand me."

Bilbo said angrily: "But you can't go to war! This is not what we want, nor is it what the refugees want!"

Thorin pointed to the elven soldiers with golden helmets and armors in River Valley and said, "That's what they want."

Bilbo said, "But what does this have to do with refugees? You already have so many gold and silver treasures, so just give them something?"

Thorin said coldly: "Of course it's okay to give some gold and silver treasures casually, but if Bud can accept Thranduil's unicorns, then when they come in to get the gold and silver treasures, they may attract them. An army of elves."

Bilbo said angrily, "Sorin, you think everyone is too bad!"

Thorin frowned and said, "Yes! But what can I do! You have nothing to worry about. If you lose, you will return to the bottom of your bag and be your rich second-generation Baggins master! And I! I have a burden on my shoulders. It’s the revival of the entire Lone Mountain dwarf clan! I don’t care what others think of me! It’s okay to say that I am ungrateful, or that I don’t keep my promises, or that I have a hard-hearted heart. Well, I don’t care! I would rather bear the infamy of my life, or let the Gushan clan rise again! As for the reputation of Gushan, I can rely on my successors to re-establish it a little bit!"

Bilbo reluctantly said: "But, Thorin, the situation is very unfavorable for us! There is a whole army of elves! There are hundreds of refugees angry because you broke your promise! And I, there are only a dozen people. That's it! How can we win this battle!"

Thorin smiled coldly: "Why, you don't believe in my ability?".

Bilbo shook his head and said, "If you are Didi, I won't say anything, but Thorin, you are not Didi, you can't win this battle!"

Thorin was not angry, but smiled faintly, "Yes, if I didn’t know Diego, I would think you’re insulting me by these words, but I know Diego, and I also know that I’m not as good as Diego can change his fate like that. But, Lord Baggins, never underestimate the dwarf."

Chapter 514 One of them must be a ghost

Bud rode a unicorn back to River Valley Town with a gloomy expression.

On the bridge in River Valley Town, King Thranduil was riding on the white stag, quietly waiting for him.

"How?" King Thranduil asked.

Bud said frustratedly: "He refused. I really don't understand why he became like this."

The corner of Thranduil's mouth slightly pulled, "It's a pity, but you have tried your best. In fact, to reason with the dwarf is like playing the piano to the bull."

Bud sighed and asked, "Is it true that only war can solve the problem?"

King Thranduil smiled and said: "When the problem cannot be solved, war is the only way to solve the problem."

Bud said: "Okay...take a moment with us, let me pick out all those who can fight, and we have to join the war. Winter is coming soon. My people cannot starve to death and freeze to death!"

King Thranduil smiled and said, "Well, today we will take a day off, and tomorrow morning, we will attack."

Bud added: "After the city is broken, I only want the part we deserve, and we won't take anything else."

King Thranduil smiled and said, "You can take whatever you want. My goal is very simple from beginning to end, then the white gem necklace inherited by our wood elves."

After speaking, he urged the white stag under his hips and turned his head back to River Valley Town.

Bud also returned to River Valley Town, and then he told the townspeople about the conversation between himself and Thorin.

The townspeople couldn't believe this result.

They thought that they would soon be rich in an enemy country, but they didn't expect it, but it was nothing.

Some refugees covered their mouths in grief and wept, while some refugees lost their souls and slumped on the ground.

But more refugees were full of anger, clenched their fists, gritted their teeth, and vowed to let Thorin repay the price.

King Thranduil provided some weapons, but they were far from enough.

Most of the men among the refugees demanded to fight with the dwarves of the Lone Mountain.

So, Bard sent people to find the original armory in River Valley Town. Although it has been many, many years, the weapons in the armory are still very sophisticated.

Bud distributed all these weapons and equipment, and everyone who got them was busy cleaning and polishing them.

Although none of them are true fighters, with these sophisticated equipment and the elite army of wood elves, the total strength of the coalition forces that attacked Gushan has reached more than two thousand.

With more than two thousand troops, besieging a lone mountain with only a dozen people, there is almost no suspense.

However, Bud was still faintly worried.

He didn't know what he was worried about, but he didn't think it would be that simple.

At the same time, in the armory of the Gushan Palace, the dwarves are also stepping up their preparations.

Their equipment is naturally more advanced and sophisticated than the equipment in River Valley Town. Not only did they move the dwarven catapults to the city wall, but they also prepared hot water. Once the wood elves and refugees force an impact, just The destructive power of the catapult and Jinshui would kill one or two hundred people first.

In addition, they broke the only bridge leading to the Gushan Palace, and it was impossible for the enemy's soldiers and horses to flood into the front of the city wall.

As for the sides and the back, the dwarves don't have to worry at all, because the terrain is steep and it is possible to fly over from the sides and back unless they have wings.

While the dwarves were busy choosing equipment, Bilbo sat lonely on the bench in the corridor.

He is a hobbit, and the hobbit is not good at fighting, and even if he wants to fight, he does not have the equipment suitable for him.

The equipment is either too big or too heavy.

"Master Baggins! Come here!" Thorin stood at the entrance of the passage, holding a chain mail flashing silver in his hand.

Bilbo squinted his eyes, frowned and walked to Thorin.

At this time, Thorin was already wearing a heavy armor, and every step he took, his whole body clinked.

"You will need this." Thorin handed Bilbo the shiny silver chain mail.

Bilbo said in surprise: "What is this?"

"Put it on first and see if it fits." Thorin said.

Bilbo hesitated and took off his coat.

Thorin helped put the chain mail on Bilbo's body-just right, just right.

Bilbo suddenly felt light, and the chain mail was wrapped around him, and there was a strange warmth.

"What material is this?"

"This is called silver steel. It is made of mithril through special forging." Thorin said with a smile: "Such a chain mail can resist any attack, including physical and magic. Its value , You can change to another country."

Bilbo was taken aback, "So expensive? I can't accept it!"

With that, he seemed to take off.

Thorin pressed his shoulders, "Wearing it, this is my gift. I want you to know that I am not a greedy person, I am not a stubborn person, and I am never stingy with true friends. However, the people outside the city wall are not my friends at all. They are enemies. As long as I am not satisfied with them, they will attack me and plunder me. For the enemy, I will not give them a penny."

"Sorin, actually..."

"Bilbo, you don't need to say much. A close friend is hard to find. What you said on the wall, I know you are not against me, you just want to help me."

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