Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1398

"Yes." Bilbo nodded, "Sorin, I still think--"

Before he could finish speaking, Thorin took him, walked to the corner, and whispered: "I have been blinded for a while, but now I am beginning to understand that someone betrayed me!"

Bilbo suddenly panicked, "Sorin, listen to me..."

Thorin said emotionally to himself: "Because of the heart of the mountain! Some of them stole the heart of the mountain, but did not give it to me. They began to feel that I hated me, they wanted to support my nephew, so They stole the heart of the mountains and want to wait for my failure and make my nephew king."

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief first, and then said nervously, "No, Thorin, things are not what you think."

"You are still speaking for them now, it seems that you are really pure and kind." Thorin patted Bilbo on the shoulder, "but I have made it clear that one of them must have a ghost."

"Sorin, actually..." Bilbo swallowed hard, he really didn't know how to explain it all.

Thorin smiled at him, and then said gloomily: "Anyway, I will find out the truth. Of course, I have to win this war first. This time, I will let everyone see that we The true strength of the Gushan Dwarf! It is impossible for any outsider to take away any gold coin from the Gushan Palace! I swear!"

Chapter 515-Gondabad

Just as the battle in the Lone Mountain was about to start, Legolas, the wood elf prince, led Tauriel all the way north, through the desolate mountains and plains, and finally reached a huge fortress shaped like a sword and axe.

"Where is this?" Tauriel asked in surprise.

As a wood elf who "closes the country", Tauriel has never left the capital of the wood elf, and occasionally goes out to perform tasks, also near the wood elf capital. Before seeing this strange fortress, Tauriel has been there. The farthest place is Changhu Town.

But Prince Legolas is different. As a prince, he certainly has the privilege of traveling. He often goes out to gain knowledge under the leadership of his father Thrandil.

However, even so, when he saw this fortress, Prince Legolas gasped.

"This is... Gundabad."

"Gondabad?" Taurier frowned slightly, "This word is so confusing, it's not like our elves' terms, it's like..."

Legolas sighed: "You are right, this is the ancient dwarf language, which means, the place where the ancestors awakened."

"Ancestor?" Tauriel asked in surprise: "Ancestor of the Dwarf?"

"Yes, just like the origin of our elves is the double sacred tree, the origin of the dwarf is a dwarf named Turin. He is called the undead by the later generations. All the existing dwarves are his descendants. After a long time After the evolution, it was divided into seven tribes.” Legolas introduced: “The dwarves of the Lone Mountain are the most orthodox Turin bloodline.

Tauriel asked, "If the Turin ancestors of the dwarves awakened here, then this should be a holy place for the dwarves."

Legolas shrugged, "I don't know this. I just saw in the book that after Turin awakened, he went all the way south to the Lonely Mountain and chose Lonely Mountain as his birthplace. I didn’t choose Gundabad—it may be that Gundabad’s strategic position is not as important as Gushan."

Taurier nodded, "Indeed, the Lonely Mountain has choked the vitals of the entire Misty Mountain, and it occupies the Lonely Mountain, so that the safety of Gundabad can be guaranteed."

"It is true in theory, but the ancestors of Turin probably did not expect that after his death, the dwarves would split into seven tribes, and they would fight each other until the lone mountain dwarves dug out the heart of the mountain and set it down. Whoever holds the heart of the mountains can rule the agreement of the seven tribes."

Legolas said: "When the dwarves were fighting, a powerful human kingdom rose up, and this kingdom was the Angmar Kingdom. Gundabad immediately became the gateway to the Angmar Kingdom, the largest of the Angmar Empire. The frontline military fortresses and arsenals of the Angmar Empire are closely related to the strength of the Angmar Empire. Later, Sauron used the power of the Lord of the Rings to control and transform the King of Angmar, and the Angmar Kingdom fell completely and became The territories of monsters and half-orcs. Although Sauron lost after the Second Era War and the monster army was completely defeated, the dwarven tribes were also hit hard, and no one had the power to clean up and control this place. It gradually became a wasteland."

"So, this fortress is empty?" Tauriel asked.

Legolas sighed and said: "This place should have been empty. But when we traced Polger's traces and came here, it means that this place is probably not empty, but if it is not empty, it will be Super horrible thing! This is to the north of the Lonely Mountain, which is equivalent to behind the Lonely Mountain. If an army of Orcs comes out from here, then they can go straight behind the Lonely Mountain!"

Tao Ruier said in astonishment: "Doesn't that lonely mountain fall?"

Legolas glanced at Tauriel, "I actually don't care much about whether the arrogant and indifferent group of Lone Mountain dwarves are dead or alive, but the strategic position of Lone Mountain is very important. If Lone Mountain falls, the magic capital The army can use Gushan as its forward base, so the closest we are to Gushan will definitely be the next target of the Demon Capital army!"

Taurier realized the seriousness of the matter, and she quickly said comfortingly: "It should not be possible, I think, Polger just happened to escape here to take refuge."

Legolas said in a deep voice, "Perhaps, we should go in and explore."

Taurier's eyes were sharp and she saw the fire beating in the fortress, she said quickly: "Wait, there seems to be someone inside, for the sake of safety, we should wait for the night before acting."

Wood elves like to act in the dark. When they are in the dark, their energy will become more energetic and their vision will become clearer. This is their unique racial advantage, compared to the noble elves and Raven of the Golden Forest. For Dell's city elves, they are more adapted to move at night.

Legolas was silent for a while, his eyes dimmed.

Tao Ruier felt strange, and asked quickly: "What's wrong? You don't want to go in?"

She knew that Legolas had always been very brave, and would never be afraid to explore an enemy's castle, not to mention that this pursuit was also led by Legolas.

Therefore, when she saw Legolas's expression, she would be even more strange.

Legolas said: "When fighting against Sauron's army, this was the main battlefield. Our people sacrificed countless here, and finally prevented the monster army from continuing to advance west of the Misty Mountains."

Tao Ruier nodded slightly, "At that time, I should have not been born yet."

"Yes." Legolas said: "At that time, I was just born not long. For the comfort of Middle-earth, my mother just gave birth to me, came here to fight with my father, and finally, the war Victory, but my mother fell seriously injured. In the years to come, she always looked seriously ill. Queen Galadriel and King Elon visited and treated many times, and they could only sustain her life. Alive, but extremely painful..."

Tauriel's eyes were wide, and this was the first time she had heard about the former queen.

Legolas said quietly: "She died before I became an adult. She died because of the Battle of Gundabad. For me, this place is a hurdle in my heart that is difficult to cross."

Tauriel placed his hand gently on Legolas's shoulder, "His Royal Highness, your mother will be very happy to see how brave you are now."

Legolas said in tears, "...Thank you. Let's go in and investigate tonight."

Taurier said quickly: "No, if you feel uncomfortable, you can stay here and let me go in and investigate."

Legolas smiled and said: "My mother died because of this, how can I let you repeat the same mistakes again? I will accompany you and protect you forever.".

Tao Ruier's heart tightened and he quickly retracted his hand.

She felt that Prince Legolas seemed to misunderstand her even more.

Chapter 516

In the afternoon, all the refugees in Hegu Town were armed.

Although their combat effectiveness is very poor, but fortunately, all of them are angry, coupled with the advantages of number and equipment, so this temporarily pulled force is generally okay.

King Thrandel sent a head of the elven guards to temporarily guide these militiamen to drill.

The instructor of the Elf Guard is very serious in teaching, and the militia is also very serious in training.

After all, this is a matter of life and death on the battlefield, and they must be serious.

Bard's son, Barn, is also in the list, following everyone in practice.

When Bud passed by the group of militiamen, he recognized his son in armor at a glance. He frowned and shouted, "Bath, come out!"

Barn took off his helmet, wiped the sweat leaking from his forehead, and said excitedly: "Dad, did you see my performance just now? The elf instructor said I am talented! Do you know? Very talented!"

Bud asked in a deep voice, "How old are you this year?"

Barn smiled and said, "Dad, why are you confused? I am fifteen this year!"

Barn's face is still childish, but in terms of size, he is about to catch up with Bard, and his strength is not small, and I am afraid that few of his peers can meet opponents.

In this regard, Bud is very pleased in his heart. Any father hopes that his son will one day surpass himself and be able to shoulder the burden of protecting the family and protecting his sisters and sisters.

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