Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1399

But not now.

Bud asked with a cold face, "Have I said that only men over 18 years old and in good health can participate in this crusade?"

Barn smiled and said: "You said, but I am your son! I want to fight alongside you!"

Bud said angrily: "Naughty! You fight side by side with me, who will protect your sister and younger sister?"

Barn opened his mouth, "They...they can protect themselves. I have found two swords for them."

"You!" Bud raised his hand angrily, wishing to slap Bath to the ground.

Barn shrank his neck quickly. Although he was afraid of being beaten, he dared not evade.

At this time, the hammer came over and said, "Bad, don't hit him. He is also kind. Boys, they all want to make contributions."

Bud sighed helplessly, and said earnestly, "Barn, I understand your feelings. Believe me, I also came from your age. When I was your age, I was thinking about why you still How can I show my personal strength if I don’t fight or fight? However, when I got married and started a business, I realized how proud and wild I was when I was young. War will bring unimaginable trauma to people, our homeland. , Our family, everything we are familiar with, will be destroyed by the war. You are still young, you have to remember that your primary responsibility now is to live and protect your sister and younger sister. Do you understand? "

Barn nodded without understanding, "Understood..."

Bud waved his hand. "Go ahead."

"Yes." Barn ran away in a hurry.

The Hammer smiled and said, "Ban is also a dragon slayer at any rate. You reprimand him so much, it's too bad for him."

Bud smiled bitterly: "I want him to live, not just have such a little unimportant face."

The hammer nodded and said, "That's true. It can be seen that you, a father, are still very qualified."

Bud smiled helplessly: "I know I'm far behind...Oh, by the way, Ms. Hammer, entrust you to recreate the siege engine?"

Hammer smiled and said, "I've already done such a simple thing."

"Good! That's good!" Bud breathed a sigh of relief, "With those two siege engines, the front gate of Gushan will be able to break through. Alas, it's just the thought that we have to use this method to get what belongs to us. That wealth is not in my heart. I don't want to fight a war, but if we don't fight this battle, our refugees will starve to death and freeze to death. I don't know when Lord Diego will return."

As he was talking, an embarrassed, filthy gray-robed old man, stumbled into River Valley Town.

As soon as he entered River Valley Town, he immediately slumped on the ground and said hoarsely: "Water, bring me some water!"

Refugees around quickly took out a kettle, ready to pour water for the elderly.

"No!" Alfred walked out arrogantly, snatching the kettle off, and staring fiercely at the refugee who wanted to share the kettle, "Do you know that this is an extraordinary period? Any The resources are public? You have no right to give everyone's water to a beggar to drink!"

After speaking, Alfred screwed on the kettle, and said to the gray-robed old man who was sitting on the floor arrogantly: "Hey, you, we don't welcome idle beggars! Where do you come from? Go back!" "

The old man glanced at Alfred, "Let me go back to the magic city, that's a more strenuous thing."

Alfred said arrogantly: "I don't care, you go quickly, you are so old, you may die at any time, we don't want to take care of someone like you."

The old man frowned and said, "So, are you the person in charge here?"

Alfred sneered: "I am the assistant to the person in charge!"

The old man sneered: "Looking at you like this, the King of the River Valley may not be any better."

Alfred said angrily, "How dare you—"

As soon as he raised his hand, the old man raised his hand and pointed, and a flame burned on his body.

Alfred was shocked suddenly, "Come on! Come and put out the fire!"

He unscrewed the kettle, ready to pour fire on himself, Barn just passed by here, rushed up to grab the kettle, and said in his previous tone: "Do you know that this is an extraordinary period? Any resources Are they all public? You have no right to pour everyone's water on you alone! Come, everyone, step on the fire with your feet!"

"Ah? Don't!" Alfred exclaimed quickly.

A dozen half-and-half boys like Barn rushed up, punching and kicking Alfred who was on fire.

After a good fight, the fire on Alfred's body was also considered to be extinguished-originally the fire was not big.

The children dispersed, Alfred got up miserably and shouted: "I remember you! I remember each of you."


Hammer they rushed over when they heard the sound, and when they saw the gray-robed old man, the Hammer cried out in surprise.

But then, Hammer's face changed drastically, "Wait! You are back, then he—"

Gandalf quickly said: "Don't worry, Didi is fine, we came back together, but he went to survey the terrain first."

Only then did the hammer breathe a sigh of relief, and said angrily: "Damn it! I won't come to say hello when I come back! Xuedi! Do you think that guy is nasty!"

The Xuedi on the side smiled faintly: "It's okay, I already knew it."

Chapter 517 is not a difficult thing

"I said, you people, don't you have a command hall or something?"

Gandalf sat slumped on the steps, "Can you talk to another place? Also, why are there so many elven troops here?"

"This matter..." Bud said helplessly, "This matter is a long story, but King Thranduil of the Wood Elf is here. I will take you to see him."

"Thorandil?" Gandalf was taken aback, "He has been dormant for so long, and now he is going to be conquered? What is going on? What am I missing?"

Hammer smiled and said: "Basically, you have missed the most exciting plot."

Gandalf sighed helplessly, "Then what, Ms. Hammer, do you still have Xingyue Tea? If there happens to be Shire Tobacco, it would be better. My pipe was broken by Sauron."

Bud asked in surprise: "Sauron? Which Sauron?"

Gandalf said angrily: "It can still be that Sauron, naturally the Dark Lord Sauron!"

Bud whispered to the hammer beside him, "Is this old man in a mental state?"

Hammer smiled and said, "No."

"..." Bud was silly on the spot. He really couldn't imagine how Sauron, who everyone was afraid of, took away Gandalf's pipe and then broke his pipe.

Xuedi led the way, pointed to a luxury tent set up in the square and said, "The King Thranduil is there."

Gandalf sneered, "Huh, it fits his style."

Although King Thranduil showed his favor to the refugees in Long Lake Town and formed a crusade alliance with the militia, King Thranduil still looks down on these human civilians in his bones, so he asked his elves to make temporary constructions. A big tent was built, and the luxury of this big tent was like a temporary residence.

Outside the big tent, there are two mighty golden helmet and golden armor elf guards standing guard.

When the Snow Emperor and the others walked over, the two guards immediately stood at attention and saluted-King Thranduil had already explained that as long as they are members of the Snow Emperor team and Bud, they can come in without notification. , No one can break in without permission.

The Snow Emperor and the others entered the big tent, and King Thranduil was leaning on his seat, gracefully holding a crystal red wine glass, tasting the wine inside.

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