Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1400

His appearance was extremely handsome, and when he leaned on the chair, he had an enchanting posture.

"Master Snow? Huh? Gandalf?" As soon as Master Thranduil saw Gandalf, he stood up in astonishment, "How did you make it like this?"

Gandalf took the wine glass in the hands of King Thranduil, drank the wine in the glass, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief before returning the glass to King Thranduil.

King Thranduil hesitated, and finally took the cup by the foot, and then concealed it to the side.

After all, such an elegant and beautiful man cannot do without a bit of cleanliness.

Gandalf breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's been a long time since I drank the Wood Elf Moonlight Wine. The taste is really good, but... Your Majesty Thrandil, why have you come to the poor country here in River Valley Town? This is not in line with your usual style. ."

King Thrandel laughed, "I have been bored in my capital for half a century, and it's time to come out and breathe."

Gandalf smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple, right?"

King Thranduil shrugged, "The truth is, I want to collect debts. The lone mountain dwarf forcibly took possession of my white gemstone necklace. Now, it's time for them to return."

Gandalf nodded and said, "Well, this is reasonable. What about you, Lord Bud the Dragon Slayer? Why do you train the militia?"

Bud said helplessly: "I don't want to fight. I have tried to make peace with Thorin, but unfortunately, Thorin refused. He would rather violate the promise he made to us in Long Lake Town, rather than watch. We refugees died of starvation and freezing, and we were not given a gold coin."

Gandalf sighed, "Oh, Thorin, I didn't expect that he would become like this."

King Thranduil smiled and said, "Gandalf, you are not here early or late, but you are here at this time, do you want to mediate? If you are here to speak for the boy Thorin, then I advise you not to say Up."

Gandalf immediately said: "No, I am not here to speak for Thorin. I also know that Thorin's behavior is really not flattering, but what I want to say is that at this moment, we must give up our grievances and do our best. Deal with the army of monsters."

King Thranduil changed a crystal glass and poured himself a glass of moonlight wine, "Monster army? What monster army?"

Gandalf unceremoniously took the wine glass from Thrandil, and drank the wine in the glass. "——Thank you! You should know that I went to the Devil’s City and wanted to find Demon Lord Sauron to return it. As a result, I found that I still underestimated Sauron. Although he only reappeared as an eye of doom, in fact, he had already gathered his own monster army in secret. I was defeated and captured by Sauron. After that, I saw with my own eyes countless army of monsters starting from the magic capital and heading to Gushan!"

Master Thranduil frowned and squeezed the empty wine glass, concealedly threw it away, and then replaced it with another glass, filling himself with a glass of wine.

Sauron is alive!

This is a very serious problem!

He needs a glass of wine to clear his mind.

"Thank you! You are so kind, Your Majesty Thrandil." Gandalf took the third cup of Thrandil and drank it happily.

King Thranduil opened his mouth in pain.

This is already the third cup he will discard.

...Forget it, don't drink it.

No matter how rich the elves are, they can't afford to throw so many cups.

King Thranduil then said in a deep voice, "So, did you see Sauron with your own eyes?"

"Yes, not only Sauron, but also his Nine Ring Spirit Kings." Gandalf said with lingering fear.

King Thranduil frowned and said, "Nine Ring Spirit Kings? Are all resurrected?"

Gandalf shook his head, "If Sauron and the Nine Ring Spirit Kings are both resurrected, how can I still sit here drinking and talking to you? No, Sauron has not been fully resurrected, his strength is still very small. Part of it, but since his resurrection, his strength has been increasing every day, and the Angmar Witch King among the nine ring spirit kings has been resurrected. As for the other eight ring spirit kings, they are still in a spiritualized state. I believe that it won’t take long for Sauron to find them one by one and resurrect them. At that time, the real nightmare of Middle-earth will begin.”

King Thranduil asked curiously: "Then how did you escape back? It was Lord Diego that saved you? All by himself?"

Although Xufeng is already a dragon slayer, but slaying a dragon and deep demon fighting against thousands of troops and thousands of horses, Sauron and the Nine Ring Spirit Kings are not a difficult matter.

Chapter 518

"Yes, I can get out of danger, thanks to Diego."

Gandalf said sincerely: "If there was no Didi this time, I am afraid I would have already died in the magic capital. Of course, Didi alone cannot defeat Sauron and the Nine Ring Spirit Kings, so Didi brought Queen Galadriel and King Elon, as well as the white-robed mage Saruman."

King Thranduil immediately nodded, "With Queen Galadriel here, it's no wonder you can all retreat."

Gandalf said: "In any case, Sauron's army has already set off. Their goal is to capture the Lonely Mountain. They don't care about the treasures in the Lonely Mountain. What they want is the location of the Lonely Mountain. Is there a map? ?"

"Yes." The Great King Thranduil winked at the elf guards behind him, and the two elf guards carried a thick map blanket and placed them on the table.

After the map was unfolded, Thranduil pointed to the center position and said, "This is the Lonely Mountain, and this is the valley town where we are now."

Gandalf said: "To the north of the Gushan Mountain, behind the Gushan Mountain, is Gundabad. After passing through the Gundabad Fortress, it is the Kingdom of Ancient Angmar-I have understood Sauron’s strategic intentions. He wants to rebuild the Angmar Kingdom, regard the polar regions as his new territory, and then consume the entire Middle-earth world."

As Gandalf said, he gestured on the huge map.

"Once the Lonely Mountain is occupied by the monster army, it is equivalent to exposing the entire Middle-earth world under Sauron's fangs. He can eat whoever he wants to eat. And if we want to organize an alliance army to crusade against the monster army. If you do, you have to be attacked by the Gundabad Fortress. In the past, the Lone Mountain belonged to the dwarves, and the ancient Angmar Kingdom was destroyed, so Sauron’s army did not dare to act rashly. Later, Smaug occupied Gushan, Sauron still dare not act rashly, and now, Smaug is dead, the Gushan dwarves have no army, and the seven dwarven tribes have difficulty uniting their hearts. This is the best way for Sauron to seize this strategic location. Chance."

Bud frowned and asked: "Archmage, what do you mean is that we can't fight each other at this time, but should unite to protect Gushan?"

Gandalf nodded.

King Thranduil raised his head and laughed, "Hahaha! Protect the lone mountain? The lone mountain is facing us, why do they need our protection? Besides, I'm here to collect debts, just ask Lin gave me the white gemstone necklace, and I naturally withdrew it. As long as Solin is willing to give out a small part of the gold to the refugees in Hegu Town, the refugees would naturally not want war. All the initiative lies in Solin. Lin’s hand, but now you let us protect Gushan?"

Gandalf said with a gloomy face: "I know that I may not accept it in everyone's heart when I say this, but this is really a matter of the safety of Middle-earth!"

King Thranduil looked down at the map, then shrugged and said, "Gandalf, what you said is correct, but where is the monster army now? According to the mountains of the map, they want to come from the magic city. It takes at least half a month to get to the Lonely Mountain. And, didn’t you say that too? Sauron was repulsed by Queen Galadriel and fled to the east. Since the master Sauron has retreated, then his The army, is there any reason not to retreat?"

Gandalf opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute King Thranduil for a while.

Indeed, judging from the topographical map, it would take at least half a month for the army of the Demon City to reach Gushan.

King Thranduil smiled and said: "For the lonely mountain, we can take it in one day. After we take the lonely mountain, we will take what we need, and then hand over the lonely mountain to a more suitable one. The dwarf in charge of him, in this way, the Lone Mountain is still a fortress belonging to the Alliance, and can also deal with the army of monsters."

Gandalf frowned and said, "It's probably not that simple."

King Thranduil said in a cold voice: "Do I have to go and beg Thorin to ask him to allow us to protect the Lonely Mountain? Is it necessary to let us bleed and die outside and let him stand in the Lonely Mountain Palace? Do you look at him indifferently? Gandalf, do you think this is fair to us? What do you say? Lord Bud the Dragon Slayer?"

Bud frowned and said: "I have negotiated with Thorin, and I feel that Thorin is really crazy. I was thinking that even if we were willing to guard the lonely mountain, Thorin would not think we were helping. He’s, he might even stabbed us in the back. Archmage, of course we want to protect Middle-earth, but first of all, we have to survive ourselves, don’t freeze to death, don’t starve to death.”

King Thranduil nodded and said, "That's right."

Gandalf sighed helplessly, and then asked Xuedi and Iron Hammer: "Ms. Xuedi, Ms. Hammer, what do you think?"

The Hammer immediately said: "To be honest, I have long been unfamiliar with Thorin's approach, but my opinion is actually not important. After all, I have never been a decision maker. I listen to our captain."

Xuedi said lightly: "Let's wait until your Lord Diedi comes back."

King Thranduil asked, "What if Lord Didi does not come back before dawn tomorrow?"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Then you can do it yourself."

King Thranduil smiled and said, "That's fine."

Gandalf thought for a while and asked, "Is there any more wine?"

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