Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1404

Bofer, who was watching the night not far away, smiled lightly.

Bilbo was shocked immediately, he quickly blocked the rope behind him, and stammered: "Pover, listen to me."

Beauver smiled, "No, you don't need to explain, I understand everything."

Bilbo quickly said: "I am not running away, I want to solve the problem."

Beauver said tolerantly: "Bilbo, I said, you don't have to explain anything, you are not a dwarf, you don't have to stay here with us to die.

Bilbo said, "You also think that Thorin's battle plan is to kill, right?"

Bofer smiled and said, "No, I am a dwarf, and dwarves have their own beliefs. We must defend this belief to the death."

Bilbo sighed, "Pover, believe me, I didn't betray you, I really solved the problem."

Bofer looked up at the sky, "Well, it's time to change the guard. The next post is Pang Bo, but you know that fellow Pang Bo, he is not so easy to wake up."

As he said, Bofer yawned and walked away slowly.

Bilbo gratefully looked at Bofer's back. He knew that this was Bofer deliberately leaving him time to escape.

But, he really didn't run away.

He took a deep breath, fastened the rope, and prepared to climb down.

"Just left?" a voice said behind him.

Bilbo's hair straightened up suddenly, and his heart was frightened!

Chapter 522

He turned his head and saw Lin Hai was standing behind him with a smile.

Bilbo clutched his heart, gasping and said, "Scare me to death! Mr. Lin Hai! I thought it was..."

If it was Thorin, then everything would be over.

Thorin would not listen to his explanation.

Lin Hai smiled and said, "Just leave and don't say hello to me, Bilbo, you are not very interesting."

Bilbo quickly explained: "I'm not going to run away."

"I know." Lin Hai smiled: "You are to solve the problem."

"I'm not kidding!" Bilbo said.

"I know you are not joking. So, I ask you to do me a favor," Lin Hai took out an exquisite wooden box from his pocket, "Give this to Lord Diedi, remember! Be sure to give it to Lord Diedi , No one else can give it."

"Can't you give it to Ms. Xuedi or Ms. Hammer?" Bilbo asked.

Lin Hai smiled and said, "For this necklace, do you think it is suitable for Ms. Xuedi or Ms. Hammer?"

Bilbo quickly said: "This is really a big problem. For such a difficult problem, let Diedi do it himself."

Lin Hai laughed, "Be careful on the road, don't be shot as a hedgehog by the wizard archer."

Bilbo smiled bitterly: "Mr. Lin Hai, you are so comforting."

Lin Hai smiled and said: "I was not like this before, but after following Diedi for a long time, naturally it is like this. Okay, not much to say, let's go."

Bilbo asked again: "Do you have any words for me to give Diego?"

Lin Hai shook his head, "No, you just need to bring this box to him."

"Good." Bilbo immediately followed the rope and landed on the ground dexterously, then waved to the Lin Hai on the city wall, and disappeared into the vast night.

At this time, in the town of River Valley, refugees are finishing their meals.

These meals were provided by King Thrandil, and the taste and quality were better than what the refugees usually eat.

The refugees naturally invite their allies, the wood elves, soldiers to eat with them, but the wood elves are extremely disciplined. They only eat the marching dry food that they bring with them.

After the refugees finally finished their supper, King Thranduil ordered the archer to be in position, keeping his eyes on the direction of the lonely mountain, not letting go of anything.

As soon as the order was delivered, an elf guard rushed in, "Report to your Majesty, we have caught an agent from the Gushan side!"

With that, he pushed Bilbo out.

Bilbo shouted angrily: "I am not a spy! I am also a person of identity!"

"The Hobbit." King Thranduil sat on his temporary throne and said with gracefully tilted his legs: "I know you, and I also know that you and the dwarves of the Lone Mountain are in the same group. The dwarves escape from my cell, and it has a lot to do with you."

Bilbo awkwardly bowed to King Thranduil, "His Majesty, I am Bilbo Baggins in the Shire area. Maybe you don’t know much about our Hobbit family, but if you do. , Our Baggins family is actually equivalent to the golden forest of the elves."

The Golden Forest line is the most orthodox elves, and King Thranduil naturally understands what Bilbo means.

He smiled faintly, and waved his finger at the elf guard escorting Bilbo.

The elf guard saluted immediately and then withdrew from the big account.

King Thranduil poured himself a glass of moonlight wine and shook it gracefully in his hand.

"Why, aren't you friends with the dwarves? Why did you escape late at night? Don't you want to die with them? Well, it seems that your head is still normal, and only the dwarves are crazy."

Bilbo frowned and said, "No, I didn't escape to submit to you."

"Oh?" King Thranduil's wine glass was put to his mouth and then moved away. He asked with interest: "That said, you are really here to spy on the military."

Bilbo quickly said: "No! No! I have very important things to say, I can stop the war!"

King Thranduil laughed loudly, "Bilbo, I took back what I said. I thought you were normal, but I didn't expect you to be so crazy."

Bilbo sternly said: "Your Majesty, I'm not kidding, I really have very important things to say, but before I say it, please ask other adults to come here."

King Thranduil smiled coldly, "I want to invite other adults? Do you think I'm not qualified?"

Bilbo quickly said: "No, this matter is important, so let's call all the adults in charge."

King Thranduil sighed helplessly, "Well, since you have to do this, then I will see what you can do to stop this war, come here, go and invite several other adults. Just say there is an important military situation."

"Yes!" The elf guard outside the door immediately left.

In a short while, Snow Emperor, Hammer, Bud, Gandalf walked towards the tent.

Bilbo saw Gandalf and exclaimed excitedly: "Gandalf! It's me! Haha! Ms. Xuedi! Ms. Hammer! How are you all?"

"Bilbo!?" Gandalf rubbed his eyes. "It's really you? I'm so happy to see you all right!"

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