Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1405

Gandalf ran over in stride, and hugged Bilbo tightly.

"By the way, shouldn't you be in Lonely Mountain? How did you escape?" Gandalf asked in surprise.

Bilbo quickly said: "No, I didn't escape. I am here this time to bring you something, something that can stop war."

Gandalf shook his head, "Bilbo, war is inevitable, I'm afraid nothing can stop it."

Bilbo didn't make any excuses, but took out the heart of the colorful mountains from his pocket.

"this is!"

All the people present had their eyes widened.

King Thranduil hissed, "Heart of the mountain."

Bilbo sighed and said, "Sorin was desperately looking for this gem in the Lonely Mountain Palace. He went crazy. I don't want him to continue like this, so I brought this gem out and you take it away. This gem can be used as a threat to make him stop the war and make him fulfill his promise. Although this is not a fair and honest thing, it is better than watching everyone kill each other."

"This is really great!" Gandalf said happily: "With this, Thorin should agree to a truce! Bilbo, you really helped a lot this time! Come, let us celebrate! Aha! There is still wine here! Great, let's drink this glass!".

As he said, Gandalf took the wine glass held by King Thranduil and drank it in one fell swoop.

King Thranduil's handsome face twitched slightly.

Chapter 523

"Can this stone really make Thorin stop the war?"

Bud picked up the heart of the mountain and asked suspiciously.

Bilbo said: "This mountain heart is the treasure of the Lone Mountain Dwarf. Only by getting this mountain heart can you legally inherit as the Lone Mountain King and command the other six dwarven tribes. Lin will definitely agree to the exchange, he has no choice."

Bud nodded slightly, "It would be great if this matter could be solved without a single soldier, right? Your Majesty Thrandil?"

King Thranduil smiled coldly, "Although this mountain heart is indeed very convincing, the guy Thorin is a madman. The basic characteristic of a madman is that he plays cards without logic. Who knows he will do it next What incredible thing has happened?"

Bud asked: "Then what do you mean?"

King Thranduil shrugged, "What I mean is not important. Since this Bilbo has brought the Heart of the Mountain, we can try it. After all, I also want to see Thorin see that the Heart of the Mountain is in us. The distorted face in the hand, hahaha."

Gandalf smacked his lips. "Your Majesty Thrandil, is there any more wine?"

"...No more." The smile on King Thranduil's face suddenly disappeared.

Bud nodded and said: "Okay, then we will make sure. Tomorrow I will continue to negotiate with him with the heart of the mountain, and let him honor the white gem necklace and the wealth promised to us one by one."

King Thranduil waved his hand, "You can't negotiate with him alone."

Bud blinked in amazement, "What? Are you afraid that I will take this gem away?"

King Thranduil smiled lightly: "I know you certainly won't. I mean, we want Chen Bing to stay outside the lonely mountain. Let Thorin take a good look at what he is facing and give him psychological Pressure, if he does not agree to the exchange, then we can directly send troops to level the Gushan Mountain."

Bud nodded and said, "Okay, just do it."

King Thranduil looked around, "Do you have any other opinions?"

Xuedi shook his head lightly.

Seeing Xuedi shook his head, the hammer also said immediately: "We have no opinion."

Gandalf also said helplessly: "I'm afraid this can only be done."

King Thranduil immediately said: "Well, everyone, go back and rest. Tomorrow morning, we will go to Gushan-I believe that this war will be over soon."

Bilbo opened his mouth. He just wanted to say that the white gemstone necklace was in his hand, but then he thought about it, Lin Hai entrusted him to give it to Xu Feng, and he told him that he must hand it over to Xu Feng. in.

So Bilbo closed his mouth tightly.

King Thranduil asked, "Bilbo, you seem to have something to say?"

Bilbo quickly said, "Oh, what about Diego I want to ask?"

Xuedi said lightly: "He is coming back soon."

Bilbo said, "Then I...can I wait for him here?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "Of course! You were one of us! Come here, take Master Bilbo down to dinner, and then find him a thick blanket to let him sleep well! My poor Bilbo During this period of time, Thorin has been tortured not like humans anymore."

Bilbo gave a wry smile, bowed slightly to Gandalf and the others, and followed the elf guard out of the tent.

After Bud collected the heart of the mountains, he also said goodbye.

In the middle of the night, a vigorous figure jumped onto the wall of Hegu Town with an extremely strange body.

The elf guards guarding the town of River Valley were unaware of it.

The figure didn't mean to attack the elf guard, but went straight into River Valley Town.

He kicked Alfred who was dozing on the inside of the city wall.

Alfred exclaimed, "Who! Who! Who dares to kick me?"

"It's me." The figure said solemnly.

Alfred rubbed his eyes and said in astonishment: "Lord and Dragon Slayer!"

Xu Feng asked faintly: "Has Prince Legolas come back?"

Alfred said confusedly, "Legolas? That male elf? Hasn't he already left?"

Xu Feng frowned slightly.

It seems that Legolas and Tauriel have not yet returned, otherwise, there will be a lot of movement on the side of the elves.

Xufeng returned by taking a shortcut after passing through the underground tunnel. The distance was half shorter than Legolas and the others, so it was reasonable that Legolas and the others did not return.

Xu Feng continued to ask, "Then, where is Bilbo?"

Alfred said immediately: "Oh! That halfling is right! He is here! Just now an archmage asked me to take a blanket for the halfling! I heard that the halfling is a snitch, so I even let the surrounding People are careful with their pockets. By the way, did he steal things from your lord? If so, I'll get him right away!"

Xu Feng sneered: "He is my friend."

Alfred immediately said: "Let me just say it, I felt an extraordinary aura in Bilbo early in the morning. They all said he was a thief, but I knew in my heart that Bilbo was a man of great courage!"

Xufeng didn't want to listen to Alfred's compliment anymore, "Slow talk, tell me where he lives now?"

Alfred said: "I will take you there!"

"No, you can just stay here to watch the night." Xu Feng coldly refused: "Show me his residence."

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