Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1407

"I will give you the Book of Dragonskin, and you will give me a white gemstone necklace?" King Thranduil felt that the deal was a bit too simple.

You know, in order to regain the white gemstone necklace, he didn't know how much he suffered and how long he had to bear the humiliation. Now, Xu Feng only needs a book that he doesn't care about.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Of course, I have another condition."

King Thranduil smiled and said, "Shall I just say, how can things be so simple, let's talk, what is your second condition?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Participate in the war."

King Thranduil frowned slightly, "What?"

"Participate in the war." Xu Feng repeated.

King Thranduil said in astonishment: "Master Diego, you are not mistaken? The purpose of my attack on Lonely Mountain is to seize the white gemstone necklace. Now that the white gemstone necklace is not in Thorin's hands, I will naturally There is no need to pester him. Why do you want me to fight?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "First of all, you and the refugees in Hegu Town are in an alliance. There will be a war tomorrow. If you temporarily evacuated from here, then the refugees in Hegu Town will be helpless."

King Thranduil nodded, "This is true."

Xufeng continued: "Secondly, I want you to join the war, not against Thorin, but another war."

King Thranduil asked: "What war?"

Xufeng pointed to the topographic map spread out on the desktop and said, "Tomorrow, this place will become a battlefield for the Five Armies."

"Five armies melee?!" King Thranduil was surprised.

Chapter 525 King Thranduil's token

Xufeng nodded and said, "Yes, the Demon Capital army has reached the Gundabad Fortress through the tunnel dug by the Earth Snake, and starting from Gundabad Fortress, it will arrive at Gushan early tomorrow morning."

"What!" King Thranduil stood up in astonishment, "Master Diego, you can't make a joke about this kind of thing."

Xufeng said faintly: "Lord Thranduil, look at me like this, are you kidding me?"

King Thranduil took a deep breath and sat down sullenly, "...Gandalf warned me that an army of the Demon City was dispatched, and I still felt that it was at least half a month later, I didn't expect , They actually passed something like Earth Snake..."

Xufeng nodded and said: "Yes, and I have seen their troops, as many as 100,000."

King Thranduil raised his eyebrows suddenly and said, "Wait! Gundabad Fortress-my son Legolas went there yesterday!"

Xufeng said: "Don't worry, I met them, I have asked him to come back to report, but they returned the same way, and I went through the tunnel and took a shortcut."

King Thranduil was relieved, "My son, now in the growing period, is very rebellious, if possible... Master Diego, please take care of him in the future."

Xufeng laughed, "Easy to say, easy to say."

In fact, Prince Legolas is more than a thousand years old, and he is the same age as Princess Avin of Rivendell.

And Xu Feng's age is more than 20 years old at best.

It sounds a bit strange to let a man in his twenties take care of a elven prince who is over a thousand years old.

However, no matter how strange things are placed on Xufeng's body, it is not surprising.

"In this case," King Thrandil said in a deep voice, "We should let the Saint White Council inform other alliance allies as soon as possible. The army of 100,000 monsters is not so easy to deal with."

Xufeng asked, "How many soldiers and horses do you have?"

King Thranduil said: "One thousand and five hundred, all of them are the elite of the elite. When dealing with the army of monsters, I dare not say that one enemy is white. However, it should be no problem with one enemy to ten. It's just a fight against an army of more than 10,000 monsters, and there is still a huge gap in number."

Xufeng asked, "How many soldiers and horses are there in your capital?"

King Thranduil was startled, "The capital? That is the defense force. If they are all pulled out, if the monsters raided my capital, then the wood elves will be finished."

Xufeng smiled and said: "This time the commander of the monster army is Azog, he is a cunning guy, but his strategic vision is not so good. Of course, if you change to the leader of the nine ring spirit kings, Ange As for King Ma, then we must be careful that he divides his troops to attack your capital, but Azog and Polger, they don’t have this brain. What's more, I don’t need all of your guards to come in."

King Thranduil thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Well, there are still close to three thousand troops in my city. Although these troops are not elite enough, at least they are not part of the monster army."

Xufeng said: "Give me the power so that I can mobilize you at least two thousand guards."

King Thranduil immediately said: "This is no problem. When do you plan to ask for these troops?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Naturally, the sooner the better, it's best now."

"Now?" King Thranduil asked in surprise.

"Yes." Xu Feng said.

King Thranduil smiled and said, "Well, for thousands of years, my wood elves have never been handed over to a foreigner to command... However, you are a dragon slayer, and they can be dispatched by you. Naturally it is a very glorious thing. I will write a manuscript now—"

With that said, King Thranduil picked up paper and pen, quickly wrote a manuscript, and handed it to Xufeng.

When Xu Feng took a look, it clearly read: "This king has specially granted Lord Didi, the Dragon Slayer, to be the full agent of the Wood Elf Capital. All military affairs are subject to Lord Didi, and offenders are like treason.

There is also a small line written below: "The power can only be transferred after the token is verified."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Master Thranduil, you have to give me another token."

King Thranduil smiled, "The token is already in your hands."

Xu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, "You mean, it's a white gem necklace."

King Thranduil smiled and said, "This token is the most suitable. The people under me will definitely trust you very much."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Great King Thrandil, you are really clever with this hand."

King Thranduil said: "Originally, the white gemstone necklace was for me. You gave this token to my person, and my people all obey your arrangements. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Alright, the book of dragon skin?"

King Thranduil said: "You have full authority to manage my Wood Elf City, and you naturally have the right to enter the library and take away the dragon skin book."

"Okay, then it's settled." Xu Feng got up and left.

King Thrandil quickly stood up and said, "Master Diego, what do you think is the battle tomorrow..."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, we will win."

King Thranduil smiled and said, "Okay, with your words, then I can rest assured."

Xufeng immediately picked up King Thranduil's handwriting, opened the curtain, and walked out of the tent.

As soon as I got out of the tent, I saw Emperor Xue and Iron Hammer standing outside.

Xu Feng smiled, "Two beauties, are you still asleep at this late?"

The hammer said annoyedly: "You bad thing! We know that we are worried about your death, and you won't come to us when you come back!"

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