Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1408

Xu Feng said quickly: "Oh, I'm looking for you right now! I have to finish all these messy things first, and then I will find you."

The hammer said angrily: "A ghost believes you."

Emperor Xue said lightly: "How is it?"

Xu Feng raised the hand encyclical in his hand, and said with a smile: "Basically, we have two thousand more elves in our hands. Although not elite, there is no problem cutting the formation of the monster army."

Xuedi asked, "What do you need us to do for you?"

Xufeng thought for a while, "This time, I'm afraid you will stay here in River Valley Town to protect Budbane and them, Hammer, you follow me."

The hammer curled his lips, "I'm not going with you!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Do you want Mithril?"

Hammer's face changed, and he said obediently: "Okay, I'll go with you. But if you can't get Mithril in the end, I'll be with you!"

"You two be careful." Xuedi said lightly.

"You too, we use our minds to keep in touch at any time." Xu Feng said.

Xuedi nodded.

Chapter 526 White Gem Necklace

"Why don't you let Xuedi accompany you?"

After leaving River Valley Town, Iron Hammer asked Xufeng with a serious face.

They shared a unicorn, with Xufeng sitting in front and Hammer sitting in the back.

When Xufeng held the reins, the hammer could only hug Xufeng's waist.

In fact, King Thranduil wanted to get two unicorns for Xufeng, but he was rejected by Xufeng righteously. The reason for the rejection was naturally that there was going to be a war soon and to save precious resources.

So they left River Valley Town in one go.

Hearing the hammer's words, Xufeng smiled, "Because I like you."

The hammer thumped Xufeng in embarrassment, and asked in a deep voice, "I didn't make a joke with you! Say! Why did you leave Xuedi in Hegu Town and let me accompany you? In terms of strength and intelligence, Looking at the overall situation, I am inferior to Xuedi in everything! Moreover, Xuedi... is your eldest wife, you shouldn't treat her so slowly."

Xu Feng was startled, "Ah, my little wife is complaining about my elder wife."

The Hammer said in embarrassment, "I'm asking you something! Answer quickly!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Want to hear the truth?"

"Yes." Hammer said with a cold face.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Well, the truth is, I didn't consider any personal relationships with children. Xuedi is the captain. She is very suitable to stay in River Valley Town to coordinate."

"Really?" The Hammer asked.

"Really." Xufeng smiled: "This is not the time to talk about love, but the key time of the third stage. When I reach the Wood Elf City, I still need you to help me take the Elf Guard and lie in ambush. Gundabad’s main road is on, and I myself will go to the main battlefield to help. I will convey any news to you through my mind, and then you will help me issue orders to the Elf Guards."

The hammer was startled, "So you brought me here just to use me as your microphone."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't say it so ugly, it's best to add the word "personal flesh" in front of the microphone."

The hammer thumped Xufeng annoyed, "Bah! No wonder you didn't let Xuedi come with you, it turned out to be doing such boring things! Humph! But...Forget it, since you know you are not against Xuedi. Okay, then I can rest assured."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "You are really sisters, and I feel very happy for my husband."

"Happiness, you big-headed ghost!" Iron Hammer gave Xufeng an angry glance.

Xufeng laughed, shaking the reins, and the unicorn under his hips immediately flew up.

The hammer exclaimed "Ah" and hugged Xufeng tightly for fear that he would fall off the two-meter-high horseback.

The unicorn galloped through the dark forest for more than an hour.

The ground of the dark dense forest is rugged and uneven, with raised rocks and exposed tree roots everywhere, unicorns are undulating and jumping, the hammer is also overturned, and can only hold Xufeng closer and closer.

Originally, there would be many monster spiders in the dark dense forest. However, Xufeng wears a three-piece suit of the spider lord Malganis. The effect of the suit is aimed at spiders. The monster spiders will avoid them all the way. With Xufeng’s unicorn, Xufeng’s journey is unimpeded.

Nearly four o'clock in the morning, Xufeng arrived at the main gate of the Wood Elf Capital City.

The main gate of the Wood Elf Capital City was closed. When they crossed the moat and walked to the main gate, on the platform of the city wall above the front, a elven archer with silver helmet and silver armor appeared.

These archers are obviously the garrison that King Thranduil said.

One of the male elves with the captain's appearance stood up and shouted in a cold voice: "Who! Dare to enter the wood elves at night! Leave quickly! Otherwise, all arrows will be sent!"

Xufeng raised his hand and raised the manuscript of King Thranduil, "I am the special envoy of King Thranduil, and I have his manuscript here!"

The elf captain was startled slightly, then raised his hand to signal his men to put away their bows and arrows.

The movements of these archers were neat and uniform, they quickly put their bows away, and took a half step back.

The captain of the elves said in a deep voice, "In order to prevent you from deceiving our city gate, you throw your hand over and have a look.

Xufeng smiled and said, "You are very vigilant, good, good."

With a slight effort, he threw King Thranduil's handwriting on it.

The captain of the elf was tall and long in arms, and Xu Feng threw it comfortably, so he easily caught the encyclical.

He didn't look at the content of the manuscript first, but raised the manuscript above his head and aimed it at the arc moon in the sky.

The light of the moon shone on the manuscript, and the elf text on the manuscript became colorful.

This is a way to verify the authenticity of the manuscript.

I have to say that the captain of the city gate is really a careful person.

It is no wonder that King Thranduil can leave with the elite soldiers, and rest assured that the captain is here to guard the gate of the wood elves.

After verifying the authenticity, the Elf Captain opened the manuscript and watched it carefully.

Suddenly, his face became extremely surprised.

Because such a manuscript is too unusual, it is not like a manuscript that King Thranduil could write.

Give your own army to a human?

And is it a full agency?

The offender is equivalent to a felony of treason?

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