Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1409

Wait, this human is actually a dragon slayer?!

The elf captain read the manuscript three times in a row, and then took a breath of air-conditioning.

Xu Feng smiled under the city gate: "Hey, that captain, have you finished reading it?"

The captain of the elves respectfully said: "It's finished, Your Dragon Slayer."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Then can I go in now?"

The Elf Captain shook his head, "Sorry, Your Dragon Slayer, what this encyclical says is plain and clear, only after you hand over my token, I can hand over the right to you."

The hammer said annoyedly: "This captain is a dumb piece of wood, right? You all know that the manuscript is true, so I won't open the door!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "At this time, it's right to be cautious."

Xu Feng immediately took out the delicate wooden box from his pocket, "This is the token."

The elf captain said: "Trow it up, please."

Xufeng said: "No, the tokens inside are very precious. If there is a miss, then none of us can afford it, so let me open it here for you to see. After reading it, you open the city gate and let me Go in and I'll hand it over to you."

The captain of the elf said: "Your Dragon Slayer, this city wall is ten meters high, the box is so small, and the distance is so far, how can I be sure that the tokens inside are true or false?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, as soon as I open it, you will know whether this thing is real or not."

With that said, Xu Feng gently opened the wooden box, and the white moonlight burst out of the box. The light of the white gemstone was even more shining than the arc moon in the sky!Coupled with the top-quality diamonds around the white gems, it really can dazzle people's eyes.

Even the hammer sitting behind Xufeng couldn't help but hugged Xufeng's waist secretly, his heart thumping.

Chapter 527: I'm Being Routine!

The captain of the elf on the wall squinted his eyes, tried several times, but couldn't open his eyes.

Although he can't see the light of white gems, the feeling of halo emitted by the white gems is absolutely impossible to fake. As the most noble treasure of the wood elves, the wood elves can naturally feel the light of white gems. Arrived.

This feeling was like returning to his mother's embrace, and like drinking the sweetest moonlight wine, making all the wood elves in the presence fascinated.

"Pop!" Xu Feng closed the wooden box directly.

Bai Yueguang also suddenly disappeared.

The intoxication of the wood elves was lifted at once.

"Your Excellency Dragon Slayer! Please wait a moment, I will go to open the city gate!" The Elf Captain said eagerly.

"Good." Xu Feng smiled faintly.

In a short while, the heavy and huge wood elves city gate opened for Xufeng and Iron Hammer.

The wood elf guards lined up neatly in two teams to welcome Xufeng.

The captain of the elf guard stepped out respectfully, first saluted Xufeng, and then said: "Welcome to the dragon slayer! Please hand the dragon slayer the token to his subordinates..."

Xu Feng gave a hum, instead of handing the wooden box to the elf captain, but urging the unicorn under his hips to directly enter the wooden elf capital.

The captain of the Elf Guard hurriedly overtakes the past. Just as he was about to speak, Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Because of the changes in the war ahead, in order to better coordinate the operations of the Alliance army, from now on, it is up to me, the Dragon Slayer Didi, to use The privileges of King Landil, all the people and materials in the Wood Elf City, are all deployed by me!"

"Yes!" The wood elf guards responded in unison.

As soon as the captain of the elf guard was about to speak, he heard Xufeng point to the hammer behind him again and said: "This is Ms. Hammer. She will act as my assistant to convey the will for me. From now on, her words are me. You have to implement it seriously, do you understand?"

The elf guards underneath shouted in unison: "Understand!"

"Very good." Xufeng said coldly: "Now carry out the first order, sound your emergency assembly call, and gather all the troops that can fight!"

"Yes!" The elf guards are well-trained. Once they have identified Xufeng as their new commander, they will strictly implement the commander's orders.

Suddenly, the deep and heart-pounding horn sounded, and the already sleeping Wood Elf Capital was immediately awakened.

The captain of the elf guard said helplessly to Chao Xufeng: "Your Excellency, you haven't handed over my token."

"I will give it to you." Xu Feng said in a deep voice.

It doesn't make any sense for him to want this white gemstone necklace. Of course, he will return it to the Wood Elf, but that has to wait until he sees the Dragon Skin Book.

"What's your name?" Xu Feng asked the captain of the Elf Guard.

The captain of the Elf Guard immediately replied: "The subordinate's name is Noyce."

"Hmm. Hammer, you stay here to supervise the gathering of the team, Noyce, you take me to your library." Xu Feng moved smoothly and rolled over and dismounted.

"Is... the library?" Captain Noyce was puzzled.

What the new commander did is really confusing. First he blew the emergency assembly number that hadn't been sounded for thousands of years, and then went to the library?

"Lead the way." Xu Feng urged.

"Yes." While leading the way in front of Noyce, he whispered: "Your Excellency the Dragon Slayer——"

"Just call me Didi."

"Oh, Lord Diedi, it says on this manuscript that I cannot transfer power until I get the token..."

"Ok, I know."

"Then... please give me the white gemstone necklace."

"Don't worry, I don't have the right to act officially yet." Xu Feng said shamelessly.

"..." If it weren't for Xu Feng to be a dragon slayer, Noyce would have liked to curse.

Have no formal authority yet?

You have sounded the rallying horn that has not been used for thousands of years!

You have assembled all the troops in the Wood Elf City!

"Where to go?" Xufeng asked, looking at the fork in the road.

Captain Noyce said quickly: "Here, please here."

Soon, Xu Feng entered the library of Wood Elf City.

As soon as he entered the library, Xu Feng took a breath.

This library is a cylindrical structure, from top to bottom, it is 30 meters high. All the books are stacked on the circular shelves, densely packed and vast.

If you want to find the Book of Dragon Skin here, you don't have time, it's really hard to find.

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