Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1410

However, this is not difficult for Xufeng.

The Book of Dragon Skin is a book that even King Thranduil considers to be a "Book of Heaven", so this kind of book is naturally not often read, and the most infrequent book should be placed at the top or bottom level, just Dragon Skin The preciousness of the book should be placed at the top.

As a result, Xu Feng jumped to the longest layer and started looking for leather books from the top layer.

Soon, he saw a dark red book, and he stretched out his hand and took out the thick and dusty book.

The book is covered with thick dragon scales. Judging from Xu Feng's experience of slaughtering a dragon, this is a complete and real dragon scale.

The front of the book is inlaid with a crystal. The shape of this crystal is quite similar to that of the arcane crystal.

The title of the book is written in the ancient Elvish language: The Book of Dragon Skin.

That's right!That's it!

This time I finally did not disappoint sister Qi Luo.

Xufeng then put the Book of Dragon Skin into the inventory of the Lingtai.

Captain Noyce looked at such a large book of Dragon Skin, and disappeared in a hurry, his eyes widened in astonishment.

He wanted to prevent Xu Feng from taking the book away, but the manuscript wrote clearly and plainly that the dragon slayer could mobilize any materials.

Captain Noyce asked timidly: "Master Diego, you can hand over the white gemstone necklace to me now."

Xufeng nodded, "Sure."

Captain Noyce said excitedly: "It's great, Lord Didi, you are really the nobleman of our wood elves!"

The white gemstone necklace has been living for hundreds of years!

Now he can finally return through his hand...

Captain Noyce stretched out his hand, but Xu Feng had no intention of picking up the stubble.

Captain Noyce asked in astonishment: "Master Diego, didn't we say it?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "What are you anxious for? I ask you, is the wood spirit city safe?"

Captain Noyce said quickly: "Safe!"

"Why is it safe?" Xu Feng asked.

Captain Noyce flushed, "Because I am here!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's good. Because of you, Wood Elf Capital is safe. Because of safety, I can give you such an important white gemstone necklace, right?"

"Yes!" Noyce nodded solemnly.

Xufeng sighed, "Look, this is the problem, because I plan to move you and at least two thousand elven guards away from the wood elves capital. You said, without you and those two thousand elven guards, wood Is Elf City still safe?"

Captain Noyce was suddenly dumbfounded.

This is... a routine!

Chapter 528: Tactical Ambush

Xu Feng said faintly: "So, this white gemstone necklace cannot be placed in your Wood Elf City for the time being. Let me put it here temporarily. I am safe."

Captain Noyce said quickly: "Wait, Lord Diego, since the Wood Elf City is not safe, it should be safe to put it on me?"

Xufeng asked: "I need you to go to battle to kill the enemy. It is the army of monsters. Let's say it is not good. In case, in case you are injured or killed, your ancestral baby from the wood elves is on the battlefield. Lost, can you afford this responsibility?"

Noyce was so frightened that he was sweating, "Can't afford it."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, such a heavy responsibility should be borne by the dragon slayer. Anyway, I also killed Smaug, right?"

Noyce nodded as if smashing garlic, "Master Diego, you are right, it's just... the manuscript says..."

Xufeng smiled and said: "The manual said that I can dispatch all the personnel and materials in Wood Elf City, right?"


"The white gemstone necklace is naturally included, right?"

"...Right?" Noyce had already guarded against being Xufeng's routine, but after going around two times, he still unconsciously got into Xufeng's trap.

Xufeng smiled and said, "In this case, it is equivalent to handing over the white sapphire necklace to you. Then, I was worried that the white sapphire necklace would not be safe to put here, so I dispatched it back to my hand."

"Uh..." Captain Noyce no longer knew how to answer.

"Okay." Xufeng patted Captain Noyce on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, put it here, it's absolutely safe."

"Then...thank you." Captain Noyce said dubiously.

At this time, the elves outside had almost assembled.

When Xufeng and Captain Noyce came to the square, the more than 3,000 silver armor elves guards were all full of energy and uniform.

Xufeng said with emotion: "The King Thranduil is really amazing. After so many years of dormant, people outside think he is indulging in pleasure and enjoyment. They all think that he is so weak that he can't clean the monster spiders at his door. I can imagine that he has trained so many elite soldiers! Well, with these elite soldiers, we will win this time."

Xufeng turned his head and said to Captain Noyce: "Leave a thousand elite soldiers to defend the Wood Elf Capital, and the remaining two thousand, armed with bows and arrows, follow me."


Captain Noyce ran down immediately and began to arrange specific matters.

Xufeng took the hammer and walked to the remote corner.

The Hammer asked: "What is so mysterious?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "White gem necklace, do you want to bring it?"

The hammer asked in surprise: "The elves didn't ask you for a white gem necklace?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Of course, but I didn't give it to them for the time being. Don't you like it? I will let you take a day to play."

The hammer curled his lips, "I only took it for one day!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "If you don't bring it, I will return it to them now."

"Don't!" said the hammer blushing: "Then I will take it for a day."

Xu Feng immediately took out the white gemstone necklace, put it on the hammer, and then covered the light of the white gemstone with his neckline.

The hammer took a deep breath, "Wow! I feel that I have unlimited physical stamina by myself!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Be careful not to break it, otherwise, King Thranduil will have to fight us hard."

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