Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1411

Hammer smiled and said, "I know."

In fact, Xufeng temporarily gave the white gemstone necklace to the hammer, not to take advantage of the wood elves, but he was worried that the hammer would be dangerous if he was alone.

In this way, with the addition of the white gemstone necklace, there is no problem with the hammer.

At this time, Captain Noyce also allocated the team.

Xu Feng immediately took two thousand silver armor guards and left the Wood Elf Capital City, heading for a mountain before Gundabad and Gushan.

The terrain here is very steep and bitterly cold.

Captain Noyce couldn't help but ask Xufeng strangely: "Master Diego, where are we going?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "Go to ambush over the valley."

"Will the monster army pass by here?" Noyce asked in surprise.

"Yes." Xu Feng responded simply.

"Okay." Noyce sighed for frost and continued to follow Xu Feng.

The ambush location that Xu Feng chose was in the coldest place, and it was also the place most unimaginable by the monster army.

When they finally climbed over the icy mountain and reached the predetermined valley, many elven soldiers were already shaking with cold.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Everyone is insisting, the sun will rise soon. Of course, the monster army will pass here soon. My request is simple. When the monster army just arrived here, all of you You can’t make a sound, or shoot arrows. You can wait until Ms. Hammer gives you a signal."

"Yes!" Captain Noyce said.

Xufeng looked at the sky, and then said to the hammer: "Gushan is about to start action, there is the main battlefield, I have to go back and stare, you stay here and be careful."

Hammer smiled and said: "Don't worry, there are two thousand elite soldiers, I can handle it."

Xufeng warned again: "You must wait for my signal and don't act rashly."

"Understand." The hammer nodded and said.

Xufeng explained to Noyce again: "You must obey Lady Hammer's orders."


Only then did Xu Feng let go, turned around and jumped off the steep snow peak, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Noyce said in his throat, "Ms. Hammer, Lord Diego... he will be fine, right?"

The hammer said with a smile: "Don't worry, he will be fine."

"Oh, that's good, that's good." Noyce breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can't tell, you still care about him."

"Uh, hehe, yeah, after all, Lord Diego is a dragon slayer that everyone respects." Noyce said with an awkward expression.

In fact, where does he care about Xufeng, he only cares about the white gemstone necklace.

At this moment, a large group of black bats flew from the east.

Noyce exclaimed in a low voice: "War bats? My God! There are so many! Ms. Hammer, are we going to shoot them all down?"

The hammer shook his head, "No, let them go."

"Yes!" Captain Noyce quickly ordered his men not to act rashly.

Immediately afterwards, a dense army of monsters passed by this narrow and tortuous valley path, and their numbers could not be seen at a glance.

Captain Noyce asked, "Ms. Hammer, when shall we start?"

The hammer said faintly: "Wait for the signal. Our role is to ambush and cut formations, not to go up and die. You see that there are as many as 100,000 monsters. If we attack when they first appear, they We will definitely destroy us before attacking Gushan."

Noyce nodded admiringly, "Understood."

Chapter 529: The Heart of the Mountains!

The sky just turned pale.

The elven army and the refugee army in River Valley Town were gathered together. The elven army was the vanguard, and the refugee army followed closely to the isolated mountain.

On the Gushan side, the dwarves were already prepared.

Bilbo returned to the Gushan Palace before dawn and stood with the dwarves.

Beauver looked at Bilbo strangely, lowered his voice and asked, "Why are you back?"

Bilbo smiled and said, "I am not a deserter."

Bofer grinned and said, "I knew it, I didn't mistake you. Okay, let's fight side by side together!"

Bilbo smiled and said, "Don't worry, this war will not be fought."

Bofer asked strangely: "Why do you say that?"

Bilbo smiled quite contentedly: "You'll find out later."

At this time, the elven soldiers with golden helmets and golden armor stopped in front of the Lonely Mountain Palace and stood neatly in line. Although the refugee troops were well equipped and temporarily trained by elven instructors, they were just civilians after all. , So they all stand awkwardly and awkwardly.

However, from a visual point of view, the number of this coalition is still amazing.

Compared with such a huge disparity in force, the Lonely Mountain Dwarf could not win.

After the soldiers stopped, Lord Bud and Thrandil came out of the formation on their respective mounts and walked under the walls of the Lonely Mountain Palace.

The dwarves on the wall immediately drew their bows and aimed at Bud and Thrandil.

Thorin shot out an arrow, just in front of the white stag and the unicorn, and the two mounts neighed at the same time and stopped.

Thorin shouted coldly: "Go one step further and you will all die!"

The elven army quickly drew their bows and aimed at Thorin and the other dwarves.

You know, all the wood elves are sharpshooters, and the dwarves all retreated to the back, but Thorin gritted his teeth and held on.

King Thranduil smiled coldly, raised his hand and waved, and the elven army behind him immediately put away the bows and arrows uniformly.

Sorin slowly released the bow and arrow in his hand, and then said coldly: "If you want to attack Gushan, then let go. What does it mean to just two of you now? Do you want peace? "

King Thranduil sneered and said, "The reason we are here is to tell you that your debt has been paid off."

Thorin frowned and asked, "What do you mean? What's paid off? I haven't given you anything! You didn't get anything from me!"

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