Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1412

Bud then took out the colorful mountain heart from his pocket, "We got this!"

Thorin's face suddenly turned pale.

He worked so hard to find the heart of the mountain in the Gushan Palace at any cost, and he was in the hands of a human at this moment!

This!This is impossible!

Kellie yelled angrily next to him: "Thieves! You are all thieves! The heart of the mountains passed down from generation to generation by our Lone Mountain dwarves, how can it be in your hands! You must have stolen it!"

Philip also shouted loudly: "That gem belongs to the real King of the Lone Mountain Dwarf. No one else can get involved!"

The other lone mountain dwarves also roared angrily.

But Thorin still had a dazed look. He really couldn't figure out why the gems that should be in the Gushan Palace went to Bud's hands.

Bud shrugged indifferently, "Your king can take it away. It's useless if we want this thing. We are kind, not malicious, but first of all, he must learn to fulfill his promise. ."

Thorin shook his head and whispered to the dwarves around him: "No, this is not true. This is a strategy. Yes, this is their strategy. They treat us as fools. They use some evil magic to disguise a piece. The heart of the mountains, and then I can deceive us to open our door. When we open the door, they will swarm up."

The dwarves next to them were all confused.

The heart of the mountains is the only one in the world, and it cannot be disguised by magic.

What's more, the dwarves have an eye that can distinguish true and false gems, which is considered their racial specialty.

However, now, Thorin said that the heart of the gleaming mountain is fake, this...

Thorin shouted at Bud: "Don't try to deceive me with this dirty trick! You don't have the heart of the mountain at all! The real heart of the mountain is still in our Lonely Mountain Palace! You guys It's playing tricks!"

"No..." A weak voice sounded from behind Thorin, "This is not a conspiracy."

The dwarves all turned their heads in amazement.

Bilbo stood in front of Thorin solemnly.

Thorin looked at Bilbo with wide eyes, as if he was looking at a stranger.

Bilbo sighed and said truthfully: "That gem is genuine, I found it from the Gushan Palace, and I gave it to Lord Bud."

"What?" Thorin shook his head in disbelief, "Why? Why? Are we not friends? Am I not good enough for you? Why! Bilbo! Tell me! Why is this! Why did you steal me? Something, to my enemy!"

Bilbo sighed, "I didn't steal it. I just counted that gem as one-sixteenth of my reward. If you think I'm not qualified by myself, then add Lord Diego and Ms. Hammer. For the sake of it, I think, the three of us are enough to own this gem as a reward, right? Coming along the way, without us, you would never have returned to Gushan!"

Thorin roared angrily: "Then you can take away other gold and silver treasures! Even if you emptied the Lonely Mountain Palace, you only need to leave the heart of the mountains! You know how much I need Heart of the mountain! But you handed him over to my enemy! You thief! You traitor!"

Bilbo said loudly: "No! I'm not a thief! I'm not a traitor! I just thought of you as friends, and I did this! Solin, look at you, you're crazy and not like you! If you persist in this way, all people will die! You will kill everyone!"

Thorin shouted: "You traitor!"

Bilbo smiled bitterly and said: "I have wanted to give this gem to you countless times, but after seeing your performance, I feel that if I give you the heart of the mountain, I am hurting you. You are crazy and have After the Heart of the Mountains, you will be even more mad. As a friend, I don’t want to see you go mad."

Thorin roared angrily: "Come here! Throw this thief down for me!"

None of the dwarves present moved.

Thorin said in astonishment: "Why? You also think that this thief is right? You also think I am crazy? Do you think I came here so hard to keep so many broken money? I am Restoring the glory of the Gushan clan!".

The dwarves all lowered their heads and remained silent.

Thorin roared angrily: "Okay, don't do it, I'll come!"

Chapter 530 Do You Want Peace or War

Seeing Thorin was going to catch Bilbo, all the dwarves stepped forward to stop him.

Bahrain dragged Thorin tightly, begging: "Sorlin, calm down! Bilbo is our friend, we can't treat him like that."

Beauver took Bilbo and said, "You are not leaving? Are you not leaving?"

Bilbo shouted loudly: "Solin! You have changed! The Solin I met in the bottom of the bag never betrayed his oath! Never doubted the loyalty of his people! "

Thorin was about to get frustrated with anger, and he roared loudly: "Don't talk about loyalty to me! You thief, you are not worthy!"

As he said, he pushed hard the dwarf in front of him, grabbed Bilbo by the collar, and pressed Bilbo against the high wall.

This temporary wall is five meters high. Although such a height is not a big deal for the siege party, if a person is dropped from the five-meter high wall, this person will definitely be The brain cracked.

At this very moment, a majestic shout with magic sounded: "If you don't like my snitch, then return him to me! Don't hurt him!"

The gray-robed mage Gandalf passed through the uniform army of elves and came to the front.

His voice had the effect of rumbling thunder, and Thorin's eardrums hummed.

Thorin was stunned for a moment, "Gandalf, are you back? I thought you... Wait, why are you also on my enemy's side? Why?"

Gandalf said coldly, "Sorin, you have become the king of the mountain. The promise I made to you at the time is considered fulfilled, but look at your current appearance, where is the appearance of a king? You ignore you. The image of the king, I also have to take into account my image as an archmage of the Holy White Council! It was I who wanted Bilbo to join this expedition. I was responsible for all his problems-not to mention that he was not wrong. You are the one who is wrong!"

Thorin gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! You all said I was wrong! This will not prove me wrong, but will prove that I am right! Bilbo betrayed me! He stole my mountain heart! I must Punish him! It's no use for you!"

Gandalf paused the staff in annoyance, "Sorin! You, you are crazy!"

Gandalf did not expect that Thorin would go crazy, and even his "old friend" would lose face.

Just when Thorin was about to push Bilbo down, Xu Feng rushed to the front.

"Fortunately, I caught up." Xufeng smiled and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

After coming down from the ambush of Xuefeng, Xufeng ran all the way without stopping, and finally reached Gushan before the two sides formally engaged in battle.

When Thorin saw Xufeng's arrival, he felt a little guilty.

Xufeng is the most critical figure, and his support determines the success or failure of both sides on the battlefield.

In other words, if Xufeng supports Thorin, then even if there is no war, Thorin has already won.

And if Xufeng supported Bud and Thranduil, then Bud would win.

Thorin grabbed Bilbo's hand and relaxed slightly.

Xufeng glanced up at Thorin and chuckled coldly: "What did you say just now came to Thorin? You said it was useless for Gandalf, right? Then I want to ask, is it useful for me?"

The corners of Thorin's mouth twitched, "Master Diego...this matter is complicated..."

Xu Feng said coldly: "I don't care whether it's complicated or not, I just ask you, is it useful?"

Thorin stopped for a while, sighed helplessly, and then completely let go of Bilbo.

Bofer immediately threw down the rope he had prepared and said to Bilbo who had not recovered his senses: "What are you waiting for! Go! Go!"

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