Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1413

Bilbo glanced at Thorin in pain, then gritted his teeth and quickly escaped along the rope.

"Diedi..." Bilbo walked towards Xufeng with a grievance.

Xu Feng nodded at him, "You did your best, and I will leave the rest to me."

Seeing that Bilbo was out of danger, Bud continued to negotiate loudly, "Do you agree to our terms? As long as you fulfill your promise to us, we will return it to the Heart of the Mountain!"

Thorin took a few heavy breaths, his current thinking is very confused and he can't make a decision at all.

Bahrain whispered beside him: "Sorin, in the current situation, we can't help but agree. Even without the mountain heart gem as a threat, they still have Lord Diego. Could it be that you really want to talk to Lord Diego? Is it an enemy? You can't help but know how good he is!"

Thorin did not respond to Bahrain's words, but looked towards the east of Lonely Mountain.

In a stretch of mountains, a red sun is rising.

"Why should I pay a price to redeem what was originally mine!" Thorin shouted.

Gandalf sighed in a daze, and said helplessly: "Bilbo is right, Thorin is really crazy."

King Thranduil turned his head and said to Bud: "Don't have any hope for him. Keep the heart of the mountain. I know that the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Gondor should be willing to pay a good price for it, you Maybe you can get something more than the treasure Solin promised you."

Bud was stunned and didn't react for a while.

To be honest, he didn't want to sell something that originally belonged to Thorin to outsiders. In that case, he would really be a little bit unnatural.

However, Thorin is so stubborn, if this continues, it will really go to war!

Otherwise, the refugees will not get through this winter.

Is it war?Or sell it to Prime Minister Gondor?

Bud didn't know what to do for a moment.

Thorin shouted loudly: "You dare to sell our dwarf's ancestral treasure, I will kill you! I will kill all of you! I swear!"

"Save the province." King Thranduil said coldly, "Your oath is worthless! And, I have heard enough. Let us quickly take down the Lonely Mountain, and then fight the monster to the death, lest Thorin is in We stabbed a knife in the back."

After speaking, the elf guards behind him all showed their bows and arrows and aimed at the city wall.

Seeing that the battle between his own and his own was on the verge, Gandalf hurriedly walked under the city wall and said loudly, "Sorin! You be sober! Open the city gate! Let's go in! You have been bewildered by those treasures, you are not at all. Know what you are doing! Your enemy has never been us, but a monster! Now, an army of the magic capital is marching here, and they want Gushan as their strategic fortress! Only we can help you defend the Gushan !"

Thorin said coldly: "No! I am more awake now than ever, and I know better than all of you what I am doing now!"

Thorin looked over, the sun shone on the golden armor of the elf guards, it was particularly dazzling...

Bahrain whispered: "Sorin, give up, we can't win."

Bud took the opportunity to say loudly: "Tell me Thorin, do you want peace or war!"

Chapter 531 The Iron-footed Dayin Is Here!

Thorin sighed up to the sky.

He is ready to accept his destiny.

At this moment, a black raven flew back from the east and landed on the city wall.

As soon as Thorin saw the black raven, his depressed expression immediately became full of confidence!

He said coldly to Bud: "Then I will war!"

Bud frowned, and just as he was about to speak, he felt a tremor from the ground.

King Thranduil also felt the abnormality, and looked towards the eastern mountain peak in the direction of the tremor.

I saw that countless goat guards rushed towards them, and the backs of those goats were all heavily armed dwarves!

The headed one is short and strong, with red beard and hair all over his face.

While urging the goat under his hips to run wild, he shouted loudly: "For Turin! Go!"

The dwarf troops behind him also yelled: "For Turin! For Turin!"

The entire mountain is full of dwarves, so powerful!

When they rushed to the solitary mountain, they formed a long snake formation. They were in a very good position. They occupied the hillside, and attacked from the flanks, forming a horn with the dwarves in the lone mountain!

In this way, the elven and refugee troops were half surrounded by dwarves.

The total number of elven troops and refugee troops is less than 3,000, and their combat effectiveness is also uneven.

And the dwarf troops who came to help out were at least three thousand people!

In this way, in terms of strength, the dwarf army is no less inferior to the elves and refugees!

The scale of victory instantly tilted to Thorin's side!

"Iron Foot Army..." Gandalf took a breath.

Could it be that Thorin has always been tough, and has always refused to admit defeat!

It turned out that he was already prepared!

King Thranduil's complexion became dignified. He knew the combat effectiveness of the Iron Foot Army, so he naturally did not dare to neglect. He ran past the elves on a white stag and shouted loudly: "Form Sangar shield formation. !"

"Roar!" The well-trained elven soldiers immediately showed their shields and formed a shield line.

This is not because King Thranduil is afraid of the Ironfoot Army, but he knows that the Ironfoot Army is always crazy, and what they have to face next is the army of monsters. King Thranduil does not want to be on the Ironfoot Army. A waste of combat power.

The dwarves of the Lone Mountain standing on the wall all shouted excitedly.

They originally thought that they were completely finished, and that Thorin was completely mad, but they didn't expect that Thorin had sent a raven long ago to get in touch with the Ironfoot Army!

That's right, the lone mountain is the lone mountain of the descendants of Turin, and the seven dwarves belong to the descendants of Turin!

In the contact letter, Thorin promised to give the Ironfoot Army one-seventh of the wealth and the lofty dwarf status. You must know that one-seventh of the wealth of the Gushan Palace can make the Ironfoot tribe a hundred years of worry-free food and clothing!

At this time, the red-haired red-bearded dwarf in the lead rode up to the front of the formation, raised a sledgehammer in his hand almost as high as him, and shouted loudly: "Hey, Thorin! I am Dyne Ironfoot. Up!"

Thorin shouted loudly: "Good coming, my cousin! Let us join hands and clean up all the rubbish that wants to invade Gushan!"

"As you wish, my sire!" Tie-footed Dayin shouted loudly: "Tie-footed army! Ready to fight!"

"Sorin, you invited Dein to come!"

"Why didn't you tell us earlier!"

"We thought it must be over this time!" the dwarves on the wall said excitedly.

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