Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1415

These words are a bit arrogant, but Bud also knows that the refugee army just makes up the number. If it is really caught between two elite troops, it will be destroyed in an instant.

He immediately signaled the refugee army to retreat and gave up the battlefield to the elven army.

The elves all bend their bows and arrows, ready.

Ironfoot Daiyin sneered, "Goat Army, charge!"

The whole army immediately roared, and then rushed down the hillside quickly.

"It's really a dead end." King Thranduil smiled coldly and ordered: "Archery!"

Gandalf shouted eagerly: "No! Don't!"


Thousands of elven arrows shot at the Ironfoot Army. This distance is actually a disadvantage for the archer. With such a distance and the speed of the opponent's sprint, the elves will shoot at most two rounds of arrows to meet in short order.

If you can zoom a little further and shoot more than five rounds of arrows, I'm afraid that when the Iron Foot Army rushes over, there will be nothing left.

And as soon as the elven arrow shot out, Ironfoot Daiyin shouted: "Dwarf Ballista!"

Behind the Ironfoot Army, eight huge dwarf ballistas appeared. Eight crossbow arrows with ten meters in length were fired at the same time. These crossbow arrows are very special. They do not fly fast. There are propellers in the tail that tell the long line of rotation. .

These crossbow arrows passed by the wizard's arrows, and the propeller at the tail shattered all the wizard's arrows!

Only a very small number of arrows fell on the Iron-footed Army, but the Iron-footed Army was wearing thick armor, and a small amount of arrows did not pose any threat to them!

King Thranduil was taken aback. He didn't expect the Iron Foot Army to develop a method to deal with arrows.

Those huge crossbow arrows fell into the formation of the elves, although they did not cause much damage, they still disrupted the formation of the elves.

Dyne laughed excitedly: "Charge! Charge! Kill them!"

King Thranduil drew the elven sword and shouted loudly, "Keep shooting!"

The elven soldiers quickly stabilized their formation and continued to shoot arrows.

However, another round of dwarf arrows flew over, strangling most of the elven arrows, and falling heavily into the formation of the elven soldiers.

This time, before the elves stabilized their formation, the Iron Foot Army rushed in front of them.

Soldiers from both sides immediately fought.

The war has begun.

Chapter 533 I can't hold it anymore!

The iron-footed army directly slammed into the formation of the elf soldiers. In a short time, many goat mounts were lifted up by the elf shields, and the iron-footed soldiers on it also fell to the ground.

I have to say that the combat effectiveness of the elven soldiers is still very strong. They have trained for so many years, but they have not been trained for nothing.

However, the iron-footed army rushed down from the hillside, and the momentum was very fierce. Although the front row of pioneers was headed to the ground, the iron-footed army swarmed up again. The second wave, the third wave, arrived. In the fourth wave, the shields of the elven soldiers could no longer be lifted.

The formation of the elven soldiers was rushed away, and the iron-footed army commander drove straight in and rushed directly into the heart of the elven soldiers, almost rushing in front of King Thranduil!

King Thranduil's face turned pale.

He had never thought that the elf soldiers he had trained so hard would be smashed by a group of small iron-footed soldiers!

Once the formation is chaotic, the elven soldiers can only fight with the iron-footed soldiers, and the number of elven soldiers is much lower than that of the iron-footed soldiers. In close hand-to-hand combat, there is not much advantage. if……

King Thranduil took a deep breath, holding his elven long knife, preparing to enter the battlefield.

Just as he was about to leave, his white stag was held by the reins by one hand.

King Thranduil looked back angrily, he wanted to see which dare to stop him.

But when he looked back, he lost his temper.

It was no one else who held his reins, it was the dragon slayer "Diedi".

King Thranduil frowned and asked, "Master Diego, what do you mean?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Lord Thranduil, don't worry, we have a saying, "Mantis catches cicadas and oriole, we are not to guard against mantis, but to guard against oriole."

King Thranduil asked, "What does this mean?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "In short, don't worry, wait patiently."

King Thranduil said in a deep voice: "If you wait any longer, my elven army will be defeated!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I still have confidence in your elven troops, but if you want them to have fewer injuries and deaths, you can retreat a little in the direction of River Valley Town."

King Thranduil asked incredulously: "You let me retreat?!"

This is absolutely unacceptable in Middle-earth, especially among the elves.

Xufeng shrugged, "No, it's not a retreat, it's a slight pull back of your formation."

"Why?" King Thranduil asked.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Because this looks like a retreat."

King Thranduil said angrily: "Doesn't this still make me retreat? Lord Diedi, I respect you and give you the command of my troops in Wood Elf City! But now is when I need you. , Instead of letting my troops step in and help, you let me retreat? Which side are you on?"

Xufeng calmly said: "I'm on the side of the alliance. Do you remember that I told you that the army of monsters is coming soon?"

King Thranduil said coldly: "I know! But, that Dyne is pressing harder and harder at all! I want to fight the monster army, but the iron foot army is beating me! It's impossible, I want more Will you bear the beating?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Lord Thrandil, the monster army is not coming soon, but has already arrived. They are hiding behind a ridge near here, waiting for you to lose and lose."

King Thranduil was startled, "What? This!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Azog is still very cunning. He just wants to wait for you to lose both, and then let the army attack, so as to reap the benefits of the fisherman. If you are angry with the iron-headed baby opposite, you will really kill both. Then you really lose. My suggestion is that you take the Elf guard back and make a retreat, then Azog is afraid that you will escape, and you will inevitably show up, and when he shows up, Dyne will not fight you anymore, but will fight Azog's Orc army."

King Thranduil frowned and said, "Are you sure? That little dwarf can really deal with Azog?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, I'm sure."

Dyne has a title called "Late Dyne". In the Battle of the Blue Mountains, he missed three consecutive opportunities. The three chances of this wrong thing, one led to his father's death, one led to the failure to rush The victory of the Battle of the Blue Mountains, the last time he didn't even drink the soup.

Dyne hated this title very much, even if it was to wash his title, he would fight Azog desperately.

King Thranduil saw what Xufeng said so resolutely, and looked at the elf soldiers who were falling into a stalemate battle. Fortunately, the battle had just begun. Although the two sides fought fiercely, there were no casualties.

Retreating at this time is indeed the best time to preserve strength.

King Thranduil is also the Elf King who has experienced the Era War, and his ability to read the battlefield is still very strong.

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