Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1416

After a quick thought, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you—all attention, keep the formation, and retreat toward River Valley Town!"

The elven guards immediately fought and retreated.

Dein was startled first, and then laughed, "Those sissy can't stand our sledgehammer so quickly! Keep killing them! Drive them all out of Gushan!"

The morale of the iron-footed soldiers was greatly boosted, and they continued their pursuit.

Xufeng turned around and said to Bud: "What are you still doing here? Take the refugees back to Fanghe Valley Town."

Bud quickly said: "But, we are allies of the Elf army, we can't leave the Elf army alone."

King Thranduil said coldly: "I understand your love, but if you get in the way here, we elf soldiers will be in a dilemma."

Bud nodded quickly, and evacuated towards River Valley Town with the refugees.

Although the refugees are well equipped, they have never fought. Seeing the impact of the Iron Foot Army so powerful, they didn't want to fight for a long time.

When they heard about the retreat, they ran faster than anyone else.

At this time, Azog, who was hiding in the ridge in the distance, saw this scene, and then sneered, "It's a pity that the elves just couldn't hold on to the fight! It seems that after so many years, those elves The strength has degraded a lot. Well, if that's the case, let them all be taken away! Don't let anyone go!"

At the height of the mountain, a movable command flag was erected. Azog stood under the banner and shouted loudly: "Come out, my army!"

Suddenly, countless orcs walked out of the valley at a step that could shake the earth, and instantly surrounded the Ironfoot, Elf, and Refugee Army!

This old fox finally couldn't bear it!

Chapter 534

"My Turin ancestor!" Dein's iron feet, who was fighting, suddenly stopped the movement of his hands, and looked back at the surrounding orc troops with a horrified face.

The elf soldier who was hit by his hammer to the ground took the opportunity to get up. The elf dagger in his hand was about to stab Dyin's iron foot, but when he found out why Dyin's iron foot was stunned, he immediately gave up This opportunity to "make meritorious deeds".

That's right, if Dein Ironfoot was killed at this time, it would not be a meritorious deed, but a stinking legacy.

Whether it is elves, humans, or dwarves, even if there is a big contradiction, when facing the army of monsters, the big contradiction must be put aside!

This is about the survival of all civilized races in Middle-earth!

In an instant, all the dwarves and elves stopped, facing the sudden army of monsters, everyone did not react for a while.

Azog, who was standing on a mountain peak far away, grinned smugly, "Haha, are you stupid? Unfortunately, I wanted to wait until you kill each other, but then, it would be meaningless! Orcs! Attack! Kill them all!"

"Roar!" An army of tens of thousands of orcs immediately outflanked from all directions.

Behind them, there are still a steady stream of Orcs, and just looking at this posture, their strength is definitely more than 100,000.

This will be a battle of a lifetime!

Dyne Ironfoot was the first to wake up. He jumped on his goat mount, raised the pig-head-shaped warhammer in his hand, and shouted loudly: "All the Ironfoot army obey the orders! The horn of hell has sounded! Let us fight to the end. One moment!"

With these words, all the iron-footed dwarves' blood boiled instantly!

In terms of their strength, there are only three thousand people, not even a fraction of the half-orcs!

From this point of view, it is impossible to win!

However, Dayin Ironfoot and all the ironfoot dwarves did not shrink from it!

They will fight with half-orcs to the last minute with their blood and lives!

They are all ready to die!

The iron-footed dwarves lined up towards the orcs.

They consumed a part of their physical stamina in the battle with the elven soldiers, but their momentum to charge again was unabated!

"Iron Foot Army! Good job!"

"You are the pride of our Turin dwarves!"

The dwarves of the Lone Mountain on the city wall raised their weapons and cheered.

Devarin said to Thorin with a look of excitement: "Sorlin! Let's play!"

"Yeah! Thorin! We want to play!"

"We want to live and die with the Iron Foot Army!"

"We want to maintain the glory of our ancestors!"

All the dwarves of the Lone Mountain were full of enthusiasm, even Bahrain clenched the big axe in his hand, preparing to fight to the death with the Orcs.

However, Thorin frowned closely, and his black pupils watched the changes in the scene tightly.

From his point of view, the inner circle of the Gushan battlefield is the elven army and the iron-footed army, while on the outside of the Gushan battlefield, there are the half-orc forces that are overwhelming the mountains and plains.

On a snowy peak to his left is Azog's headquarters.

Azog used the command flag to remotely control the entire Orc troops.

The whole situation is very unfavorable for the Alliance side, and for Thorin, it is naturally very unfavorable!

... Why do these hateful half-orcs come so fast!

If they can come one day late, the Gushan Palace will be saved, and the Iron Foot Army will be able to enter the Gushan Palace smoothly and help guard it.

The other dwarven tribes will surely come to support them when they see the Ironfoot Army take the lead.

This is Thorin's strategic plan.

But now, this plan no longer works.

There are too many orcs troops. If you continue to fight like this, the Iron Foot Army will be over, the Elf Army will be over, and the Refugee Army will be over!

... to save strength!

Thorin gritted his teeth secretly.

Seeing that Thorin hadn’t spoken for a long time, Devarin couldn’t help but said impatiently: "Solin! What are you hesitating! Bilbo is so right! You are not the same you used to be! The Thorin I know is The one who can fight against the mighty Azog with his own strength when the Battle of the Blue Mountains is about to collapse, and can turn the tide! Instead of this one, he is guarding a pile of useless treasures, cowering and not daring to fight. People!"

The other dwarves also looked at Thorin angrily.

It is true that dwarves have many problems, such as arrogance, selfishness, arrogance, etc. However, dwarves also have one of the most commendable virtues, that is, they are very brave and absolutely not afraid to fight!Not to leave one's own life alone!

In the battles with half-orcs in the past, the human race basically hid in the west of the misty mountains. Only the noble knights and army of the human race rushed out to fight the half-orcs. The elves also only sent regular troops to fight, while the dwarves did. Rush to the front line of the duel with the Orcs, and all the people are soldiers!

Every dwarf is a warrior!

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