Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1417

Every dwarf's body is filled with blood eager to fight!

Now, with the enemy, their relatives, the Iron-footed Army, have turned their spearheads to deal with the Orc troops, and their blood resonates with them. How can they stay in the city wall and watch eagerly?

They want to fight!They would rather die in battle than stay on the wall!

"Stay in place!" Thorin said coldly.

The dwarves of the lonely mountain all looked at Thorin with suspicion. They couldn't believe that Thorin, who had been brave and daring to single-handedly challenge Azog, turned out to be a fearful person!

Kili frowned and said, "Sorin! Below are our relatives! They are fighting bloody battles! Should we stand by and watch?"

Thorin said coldly, "I said, stand by!"


Kellett still wanted to fight with reason, but Thorin turned around, grabbed Kellett's collar, and shouted fiercely: "I am the king! I am the king of the cave! The king of the mountain! Lord Silver Spring Do you dare not follow my orders? Do you want to betray me? Like that little thief?!"

Kili was pale with fright.

In his impression, his uncle has always been very kind to him, and he has also taught him a lot of principles of life, but now, Thorin's image in his mind has collapsed.

He is a king, a poor man.

The dwarves of Gushan looked sadly at the Iron Foot Army who was fighting in blood, and their hearts were full of helpless sorrow.

The most painful thing in this world is nothing more than two words, that is, "inability to do anything."

You have the intention to do this, but there is nothing you can do.

"The spear is in front! The shield is behind! Push forward! Push forward!" Dyne's iron-footed roar shook the entire lonely mountain valley, and the valley was full of the sound of metal.

Countless iron-footed dwarves fell in a pool of blood, but more orcs died!

When the iron-footed dwarves fought with the elven forces, they did not use the power to fight for their lives, but just wanted to defeat and repel the elves...

But they treat half-orcs with another emotion.

This kind of sentiment is that there is no common sense.

Chapter 535: Azog's Tactical Cutting!

Dayin's father was killed by an orc.

Dyne’s uncle Thorne and grandfather Thor were also killed by the orcs.

Dyne Tiefoot still carries the humiliating nickname "Dyne the Late". Therefore, when he sees the army of half-orcs, there is only one word in his heart: kill!

The strength of the Iron Foot Army is extraordinary. For so many years, Daying Iron Foot has worked diligently and used superb excavation and forging techniques to dig out the pig iron in the iron hills and cast them into various weapons, equipment and utensils. Also gained an excellent reputation and wealth.

Using these wealth, he created such a strong iron foot army.

Dwarves can live no longer than elves for tens of thousands of years, but they are much longer than humans and hobbits.

It is said that the undead Turin, the ancestor of the dwarves, lived at least 1,300 years old.

Of course, none of the dwarves after this have survived a thousand years, and even five hundred years old are extremely rare.

This of course also has something to do with the habits of dwarves. Dwarves are strong and like to drink and have fun. If they can stop drinking and do not always engage in high-intensity mining and forging work, then it should be normal for the dwarves to live to 500 years old.

The old mad king Thor lived to be more than 400 years old. If he hadn't had his head cut off by Azog in the Battle of the Blue Mountains, he might really have lived to be over 500 years old.

But anyway, the average age of dwarves is over 200 years old, even the most common dwarves.

This kind of race life also gave Dine the opportunity to train an elite unit for a long time.

Since the Battle of the Blue Mountains more than 50 years ago, Dine Ironfoot has established the prototype of the Ironfoot Army. At that time, the Ironfoot Army had 500 people. Although the number was not large, all of them were Dine Ironfoot. Select the elite people carefully.

These selected iron-footed soldiers have had no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, and their family members are also free of food and clothing. They do not have to work at all. If the iron-footed soldiers die in battle, their families will receive the most solemn courtesy.

Therefore, under such favorable conditions, countless dwarves are proud to be able to join the Iron Foot Army, and Dai Yin’s Iron Foot strictly controls the number and treats each dwarf carefully. There are more than 3,000 Iron Foot Army. They are all regarded as brothers, he can clearly recognize every iron-footed army, and he can also call every family member of the iron-footed army brothers!

With such a leadership, the Iron-footed Army naturally followed Dai Yin's Iron-footed.

When Dyne's iron-footed roars "advance, advance," no iron-footed army was scared in their hearts, their steps were neat and firm, and their eyes were dead!

When the half-orcs rushed over fiercely and wanted to swallow the three thousand iron-footed army in one bite, the iron-footed army immediately showed three-meter-long steel spears, and each steel spear stabbed at least three to death. A half-orc!

The steel spear broke, and they used the warhammer and sharp axe in their hands to fight with the orcs in blood, and Dayin Iron Foot also rushed to the front, taking the lead!

In less than three minutes of the battle between the Iron-footed Army and the Orcs, hundreds of soldiers of the Iron-footed Army died heroically!

And the Orcs killed by them were as many as a thousand!

This is almost a battle loss ratio of 1:10!

The bravery of the Iron Foot Army can be seen!

You know, they are facing elite troops with tall men and horses, half a body taller than them!

"Huh." Standing on the top of the snow peak, Azog saw his troops being blocked by the Iron Foot Army abruptly, and couldn't help but let out a scornful sound from his nostrils.

"A bunch of overpowering guys."

"Do you think that ants can block the tide?"

"I have an army of one hundred thousand! You have three thousand people, how can you fight my army of one hundred thousand!" Azog shouted grimly: "All the troops! Accelerate the onslaught! At all costs! Kill them all!"

With the waving of the Legion's battle flag, the orcs on the front line became more crazy.

And in the valley behind, there is still a steady stream of new Orcs!

The formation of the Iron Foot Army was smashed backwards by dozens of meters!

The platoon of iron-footed soldiers rushing forward was directly submerged by the tide of orcs, and soon died on the ground.

And Daying Ironfoot, who rushed to the front, was surrounded by groups.

Although, with his strength and the powerful pig-headed warhammer in his hand, the orcs who besieged him could not get close to him, but more and more half-orcs were besieging him, and his distance from the iron foot army behind It is also getting farther and farther, and it is difficult to pass his orders to the Iron Foot Army.

He was completely out of touch with the Iron Foot Army and was cut by Azog's tactics!

From this point of view, Dyne’s iron feet did make a mistake.

Of course there is nothing wrong with taking the lead, but it must be tailored to local conditions. The opponent's forces are obviously far more than you, and if you rush forward, it will easily cause the formation to be cut. When you are surrounded by the cut, the iron-footed army behind will have no leader. , I don’t know what to do for a while.

The individual strength of the Iron Foot Army is naturally very strong. However, an army without a commander, no matter how strong the individual combat effectiveness, will not be able to give play to its advantages.

From a tactical point of view, Azog is indeed higher than Dein's iron feet.

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