Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1418

Dein’s Ironfoot desperately attacked the surrounding Orc soldiers, and the Orc soldiers also fell in pieces, but this still didn’t help, because the number of Orc soldiers was too much, and Dine Ironfoot was even lost in it. position.

As he turned his huge pig-headed hammer to attack, he shouted loudly: "Solin! My cousin! Solin! I need you!"

He is already deep in the battlefield. In this case, he can no longer command his iron-footed army, so he hopes Thorin can rush out, take over the iron-footed army, and continue to fight with the iron-footed army. .

As for his own life and death, he actually doesn't care much.

The lone mountain dwarves on the wall looked at Thorin eagerly.

If Thorin did not move before, it was out of tactical considerations, then now, it is really time to not consider tactics.

The brothers underneath are fighting bloody battles to defend the lonely mountain, and how can they stand idly by in the lonely mountain.

However, Thorin still seemed to have not heard, frowning and watching the battle coldly.

It was as if the war before him had nothing to do with him.

Qi Li slammed a fist against the solid wall in resentment, and blood flowed down his fist, and he didn't care.

Under the city wall, Bud eagerly said: "The Iron-Footed Army is almost unable to hold it! Lord Diedi! We should help!"

Xu Feng said lightly: "I know, don't worry."

In fact, he has been paying attention to the situation on the field, and secretly calculating the number of troops in the entire valley.

The army of monsters has as many as 100,000, and the total number of dwarves, elves, and refugees in the valley is only 6,000. These 6,000 people can only deal with sixty thousand and a half orcs. If there are more, it really won’t May bear it.

In order to speed up the attack, Azog at the top of the snow peak ordered the orcs behind to speed in. When the orcs in the Gushan Valley approached 60,000, Xu Feng immediately gathered his mind and notified the iron who was lying in the valley on the other side. hammer.

"Do it!"

Chapter 536 Xu Feng's Tactical Cutting!

On the side of the snow mountain valley, Noyce, the captain of the Hammer and the Elf Guard, was anxiously waiting for Xufeng's signal.

They watched tens of thousands of troops flood into the Gushan Valley, but they could only lie in ambush here, motionless.

Noyce even began to wonder if the Dragon Slayer had forgotten them.

Or maybe, Lord Dragon Slayer didn't even have the guts to confront so many orc soldiers.

Just as he was thinking about it, the hammer suddenly stood up from the thick snowdrift, patted his shoulder and said, "Do it."

Noyce was startled, "Now?"

The hammer showed his silver fist hammer, and grinned: "Yes, now."

Neuston straightened his chest excitedly, and shouted loudly: "The Elf Guard! Shoot!"

Two thousand silver armor elf guards immediately showed the elf longbow neatly, and two thousand silver moon arrows shot at the orcs army in the valley like a pear rainstorm.

Those half-orcs were unprepared and could only screamed and screamed to block. After a round of arrows, the half-orcs soldiers were killed at least five or six hundred people!

More importantly, this sudden ambush completely disrupted their marching rhythm!These follow-up troops were all stuck in the complete valley path.

The elven guards immediately boosted their morale and continued the second round of arrow shooting.

Although their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the Golden Guards, their archery skills are extremely clever, and they are also prepared, and everyone has at least ten times as many arrows.

There was almost no gap between the arrows and rain, and the army of half-orcs was completely suppressed in the valley!

Without the influx of half-orcs, the pressure in the Lonely Mountain Valley suddenly began to ease.

Xufeng immediately nodded to King Thranduil.

King Thranduil had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Xufeng nodding at him, he immediately led the elven soldiers towards the iron-footed army.

At this time, the Iron Foot Army is fighting against the half-orcs in front of the army. They want to tear a hole in the tide of half-orcs and rescue their King Dayin Ironfoot. However, there are too many half-orcs. And, they don’t know how to organize a breakthrough and rescue.

When they responded, King Thranduil and the elven troops had already rushed behind them.

The iron-footed dwarves were startled in a cold sweat.

If the elven soldiers stabbed a knife in the back at this time, they would be finished in an instant.

King Thranduil and the elf soldiers didn't mean to slow down at all, and continued to charge towards the iron-footed dwarf.

The iron-footed dwarf thought it over.

They closed their eyes helplessly, ready to accept this cruel fate.

But... King Thranduil's white stag suddenly jumped into the air, jumped directly over a dozen meters away, and leaped over their heads alive, and fell among the orcs in front of them, with the silver moon in their hands. The long knife slashed quickly.

When the iron-footed dwarves were still in a daze, the sprinting elf soldiers stepped on their shoulders and heads, leaped over them, rushed to the front line, and fought with the orcs.

An iron-footed dwarf roared angrily: "You, what do you mean!"

An elf soldier said coldly: "Stay back, dwarf, don't stop us from killing the orcs!"

"Damn it!" The iron-footed dwarves roared angrily, "You stand back, don't stand in front of us to kill the orcs!"

With that said, the iron-footed dwarves passed through the gap between the elven soldiers, rushing to attack the half-orcs, for fear that the elves would steal the limelight.

Although no one on both sides can understand each other, these two units have been specially trained, and they work together very well!

Suddenly, the originally aggressive half-orc troops instantly became messy.

Under the leadership of King Thranduil, the Ironfoot Army and the Elf soldiers tore a hole in the Orc line.

King Thranduil rode a tall and sturdy white stag and slashed all the way, and soon rushed to the besieged Dain Ironfoot.

At this time, Dein's iron feet was exhausted and panting. His heavy pig-head hammer was covered with black blood, mixed with sweat, and even the handle of the hammer was slippery and could not be held.

Dyne stared at King Thrandil with iron feet, and said coldly: "Your Royal Highness, are you here to kill me?"

Because King Thranduil had a fine skin and tender flesh, his hair was meticulous, his body was long, his manners were elegant, and his actions of slashing people were extremely beautiful, so Dayin jokingly called him His Royal Highness Princess.

King Thranduil said coldly: "I really want to kill you, little dwarf, but before I kill you, I have to kill all these half-orcs. I think you are tired and not decent, you still hide. Go to the back."

Dyne clenched the hammer's handle in annoyance, "Hey, I'm trying to kill! Who wants you to come over!"

While bickering, the two cooperated to chop and knock the surrounding orcs to the ground.

The situation on the battlefield immediately undergone subtle changes. Although from the perspective of the entire battle, the strong orcs are still dominant, but in fact, the morale is not in the orcs.

In the past, when the war started, Commander Azog always took the lead in the forefront. Since the Battle of the Blue Mountains, Azog has been hiding behind and commanding, and he has never been the leader.

What's more, the support of the follow-up troops is now cut off, the frontline attack is also very unsuccessful, and the half-orc troops are a little at a loss.

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