Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1420

The half-orcs who rushed to the front were startled first, and then furiously rushed towards the Emperor Xue!

Chapter 538 Only by fighting bravely can you continue to live!

Facing the surging army of orcs, Emperor Xue was expressionless.

Of course, she wears a mask, even if she has an expression, outsiders can't see it.

Normally, it would be impossible to use one's own power to fight 10,000 and a half orcs and four ten-meter-high abominations.

However, Xuedi naturally has his own way.

Or to be more precise, it was the method Xufeng taught her.

Xufeng had long known that Azog would fly a part of Orcs to attack River Valley Town. After all, River Valley Town was where the wood elves would retreat, and River Valley Town had no defense. For Azog, this was simply an appetizer on the dining table. dish.

When Xufeng went to Gongdabad Fortress yesterday, he got in touch with Xuedi through mental communication early. On the one hand, he reported peace to the Xuedi, and on the other hand, he made the Xuedi prepare earlier. .

Therefore, Xuedi asked Bud for a few refugees, helped her dig a small ditch that was not too deep 200 meters outside of Hegu Town, and then evenly scattered more than two hundred gunpowder pellets into the ditch.

After the spreading, the small ditch was buried again, and the new soil on it was still very obvious.

And now, those crazy half-orcs happened to cross the small ditch and continue to sprint towards the Emperor Xue.

Xuedi tightened the shield in his hand slightly, lowering his center of gravity.

She was not in a hurry to explode these gunpowders with her mind, but waited patiently. When half of the orcs' troops had crossed the small ditch, she gathered her mind, and then her body shrank behind the power of faith shield!

Boom-boom boom boom boom!

The sound of powerful explosions one after another, the whole land was blown up!

The orc soldiers had not even figured out what was going on, they were blasted into the sky by a powerful shock wave, and then fell heavily to the ground!

All the buried gunpowder exploded in a chain, shaking the whole area!

Many houses in Hegu Town were also collapsed, and the originally weak city walls also collapsed several times!

But it is clear that the loss of the Orc soldiers is even more serious!

They originally thought they could take River Valley Town in minutes, but now they were so disoriented by the powerful explosion that they even stepped on each other!

In particular, the four frightened Abomination Monsters ran and bumped insanely. Some half-orcs were lucky enough not to be killed, but they were trampled to death by the Abomination Monster's big feet!

Excluding those who were killed by the bombing, those who were trampled to death by their companions, and those who were seriously injured and unable to take care of themselves, these ten thousand elite half-orcs had already lost nearly two thousand people before they could officially fight Xuedi!

This is definitely a very large battle damage ratio for the Orcs!

However, the four abominations are not dead, and there are at least eight thousand people who can continue to fight!

Azog, standing on the top of the snow-capped mountains far away, was shocked by the powerful explosion.

How could he forget the explosive power of this gunpowder?

Back in the Misty Mountains, he was led by the nose by Xufeng, and in the end the entire army was dragged onto a peak mountain, and then they were blown out by gunpowder pellets!The most hateful thing is that Xufeng and the others are still riding in the Griffon that arrived in time, and they all retreat!

The gunpowder itself is very strong, but not so strong that it makes Azog's heart beat. It is Xu Feng, the owner of the gunpowder that really makes Azog's heart beat!

There are gunpowder pills here, so naturally it means that Xufeng is here!

No wonder...

Azog thought with palpitations, no wonder this battle, which should have been easy, has become so difficult!No wonder your own cutting tactics, inadvertently, become anti-cutting tactics!

Turns out that guy is here!

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Azog's heart. He subconsciously felt that he was afraid that he would be finished this time.

Of course, he himself definitely did not want to admit this idea.

He gritted his teeth hard and roared: "You bunch of useless rice buckets! Can't you even hold a small River Valley Town? I order you, at all costs, to attack me into River Valley Town! At all costs! If you can’t take River Valley Town, all of you will have to die!"

The Ling Ling flag turned quickly above his head, and the orcs who saw the order quickly regrouped and rushed towards River Valley Town desperately.

This time, they no longer concentrated on charging towards Emperor Xue, but opened up their formation and charged towards the gap in the city wall.

One of the abominations suffocated his head, and accelerated his charge towards the weak city wall. With a bang, he smashed the city wall through a huge gap, and the orcs rushed in frantically from the gap.

The abomination that smashed through the city wall swayed twice, then fell to the ground and fainted.

Xuedi naturally knew that Hegu Town could not be defended, and all she had to do was to delay the attack of the orcs as much as possible.

She stood in front of the city gate, blocking most of the orc soldiers who hit the ground with the sword of Boromir and the barrier of faith.

The orc soldiers launched a dozen charges and attacks towards the city gate, all of which were blocked by the Snow Emperor.

Although there were still some half-orc soldiers rushing into the city from other gaps, their speed was greatly slowed down by the Snow Emperor's obstacle.

With this time, Bud rushed back to River Valley with the refugee troops, Gandalf and Bilbo.

Bud pulled out his sword and shouted loudly: "Towners! I know that no one is a real soldier! But the orcs are invading our homes! Massacre our relatives! If we don't fight hard. , We have no way to survive! It's a man! Go with me! Save our family!"


All the refugees are blushing. They have been pushed to a desperate situation by the life of this dog. First, they were squeezed and exploited by the mayor of Moneybag, and then they were displaced by the dragon's breath fire that provoked Smaug. Now they finally use River Valley Town as He settled down, but was attacked by a half-orc again!

War is bound to kill people, but only brave battles can continue to live!

Bud led the refugees directly behind the orcs troops who attacked the Snow Emperor!

The Orc troops were doing their utmost to deal with Emperor Xue, and they never thought that the mud-legged refugees would actually rush back.

In a hurry, they turned to fight.

In the beginning, they were indeed caught off guard, and many people were killed or injured. However, after all, they were half-orc soldiers born to fight, and they quickly stabilized their positions.

At this time, Gandalf took Bilbo and teleported to the city wall. While using his wand to condense the flame magic, Gandalf shouted to the Emperor Xue: "Ms. Xuedi! I will help you!"

Without looking back, Xuedi said, "I'm ready!" while fighting in the orcs pile.

Gandalf took a deep breath and released all the magical energy, including the power of Naya, the ring of fire on his finger!

As one of the three named Lord Rings created by Sauron, Gandalf would not normally use it, but at this time it is no longer normal!

This is the critical moment of life and death!

Chapter 539 War Bats!

Snow Emperor sensed that Gandalf's flame magic was getting stronger and stronger, so she roared and swept across the army with the sword of Boromir, and forced all the orc soldiers close to her back.

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