Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1421

Immediately afterwards, her vigorous figure leaped high, and the sword of Boromir in her hand was raised into the air.

Gandalf immediately poured his flame magic energy into the Snow Emperor's Boromir Sword!

Suddenly, the sword of Borromir seemed to be on fire, and the temperature of the entire river valley town wall area instantly increased by more than ten degrees!

Those half-orc soldiers still don't know the so-called huddled together, holding their spears high, trying to make Xuedi have no place to stay.

But the special effect of Xuedi's Boromir Sword is infinite armor value, and these attacks can't hurt Xuedi at all.

What's more, Xuedi jumped bravely with one move, and when her body was not on the ground, the flame magic slashed heavily along her Boromir sword!


Splashing fire!

With Xuedi’s landing point as the center, a fire wall like a fire dragon spreads in all directions!

Among those half-orc soldiers who surrounded the Xuedi, one counted as one, and they were all wrapped up in the raging fire. Even if they were not smashed to death by Xuedi's heroic blow, they were swallowed by magical flames!

Although Gandalf's magical flame is not as strong and long-lasting as the fire of dragon's breath, it is impossible to burn for a whole day, but this kind of fire, even if it only burns for ten minutes, is enough to burn a half-orc.

What's more, this kind of magical flame is not only powerful enough and wide enough, but more terribly, it can also "infect".

The half-orcs struggling to run around in the magic flame caused the half-orcs who had not been caught by the magic flame to be infected with the magic flame.

Suddenly, the fire blazed up outside Hegu Town, and the air was filled with the stench of burning rubber.

The morale of Bard and other refugees rose.

Originally, it was impossible to deal with these half-orc soldiers at the door with their number of troops and combat power level, but with this magic flame, they could rush in to harvest.

In less than ten minutes, these orc soldiers at the gate of the city were all wiped out!

The Snow Emperor also killed a Stitched Abomination by himself.

There was another Suture Abomination that smashed through the city wall and fainted on the ground. He just got up, and before he could figure out what was going on, he was chopped to pieces by Bud.

Bard briefly observed that his refugee army injured more than 200 people, and there are more than 700 people who can continue to fight. Such a loss is really distressing, but from the perspective of war, it is a huge one. victory.

The gates of the city were full of charred orc corpses. Only more than a thousand orcs were lucky enough to rush into the town of River Valley to avoid this killing.

In other words, Xuedi, Bud, Gandalf and others joined forces to kill at least nine thousand orc soldiers and two huge suture abominations at a very small price!

Of course, this is not the time for them to be happy.

After all, more than a thousand orc soldiers and two abominations broke into the town of River Valley.

Xuedi said to Bud in a deep voice, "Return to defense and clean up all the orcs in River Valley Town."

Although the battle on the front line is also very tight, River Valley Town is the foundation and back of the front line troops. If the foundation and back road are broken, it will inevitably affect the morale of the front line.

Bud nodded heavily, and led the refugee army into the alleys of River Valley Town.

Although the number of orcs in River Valley Town has dropped sharply, street fighting is a battle of details. Bud can only arrange for the refugees to disperse. If support is needed, he, Snow Emperor and Gandalf will appear as soon as possible.

While the street fighting in River Valley Town, the war bat sent by Azog also flew over Snow Valley.

There are tens of thousands of these war bats, they fly in groups, their wings cover the sky!

The war bats quickly locked onto the silver armor elves who were shooting arrows, and screamed and dived toward the elves.

While diving, their mouths sprayed green corrosive solution. These corrosive solutions intertwined and formed a large swath of acid rain.

Elf Captain Noyce immediately exclaimed, "All on the shield!"

The elves then neatly put away their bows and arrows, and took out the elves shield they carried, one shield after another, forming a huge shield umbrella.

Noyce and the hammer also hurriedly hid under the shield. As soon as they hid, they heard a crackling sound on the shield, and then the sound of hissing acid corrosion.

One of the shields did not have time to connect, causing an acid liquid to splash in along the gap between the shields, and onto the face of an elf archer.

The pretty face of the elf archer was corroded by acid, and hissing white gas appeared!

The elf archer covered his face and screamed, his body was constantly twisting and struggling, and the entire shield formation was about to be broken up by him!

The other elves wanted to hold him back, but the struggling manpower was extraordinary, not to mention that other elves had to hold high shields to block the corrosive acid.

The hammer frowned, and the silver fist warhammer in his hand immediately dropped out and slammed directly on the back of the head of the elf archer with a corrupted face.

The elf archer immediately groaned and fell to the ground.

Captain Noyce was dumbfounded immediately, "Ms. Hammer, you are!"

The hammer quickly took out a powerful recovery pill and a detoxification pill, "Don't worry, he is not dead yet, but I knocked out, you quickly give him this, so that the toxins will not invade When it reaches his brain, he can still save his life. Of course, his face can't be saved."

Noyce quickly took two pills and fed them to the elf archer who had fainted.

Sure enough, the corrosive effect quickly decayed, and then soon stopped, and the pulse of the elf archer gradually returned to normal.

Captain Noyce said gratefully: "Thank you, Ms. Hammer."

The hammer said in a deep voice: "You are welcome, but if we continue like this, we will be very passive."

Captain Noyce said: "Our bows and arrows can shoot down war bats, but war bats hover over our heads, and they continue to spew corrosive venom on us. If we want to counter them, there may be Not a small loss..."

This is not what his captain wants to see, but if these bats are not dealt with as soon as possible, then the orc troops in the valley that are suppressed by them will sink in this time and rush up.

There are at least 40,000 half-orcs in the valley.

And the silver armor elf archers only had two thousand people, and the combat power of these two thousand people was not elite. If they were really besieged, they would probably be wiped out soon.

Just when the hammer didn't know what to do for a while, suddenly, there were bursts of horrible bat hissing outside!

Have reinforcements?

The hammer looked excitedly through the gap of the shield, and saw the bats above his head in a mess, swooping toward another mountain!

Chapter 540 King, you calm down

Captain Noyce said in astonishment: "Why did the war bat fly over there? Wait! That's not it!"

He saw two elves with long bodies on the opposite mountain, a man and a woman, the man with golden hair, an elf sunset bow in his hand, and the woman with brown hair, also holding a hand. Elf bow!

"Prince Legolas! Captain Tauriel!" Captain Noyce exclaimed excitedly.

This undoubtedly greatly boosted the morale of the silver armor elves!

Although Tauriel has been exiled by King Thranduil, Tauriel still occupies a high position in the minds of ordinary elven soldiers!

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