Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1422

Tao Ruier is also the first to become the deputy captain of the inner court guard as a civilian clone!

Moreover, at the time when the wood elves are in distress, it is really great that Prince Legolas and Tauriel can appear here.

The Hammer hurriedly said: "What are you still doing in a daze? Wait for the war bat to disfigure your Royal Highness?"

Captain Noyce woke up immediately, and hurriedly ordered to the silver armor elven soldiers under him: "Everyone! Set fire to war bats! They must not be allowed to attack Prince Legolas and Captain Tauriel!"


The silver-armored elves bent their bows and arrows neatly, and the swords of the silver moon cut through the sky and shot at the dense war bats.

The war bats screamed and avoided, but there were so many of them that even if the elves closed their eyes, two could be killed.

The war bat that was shot to death fell from the air with a green corrosive solution, and the orcs in the valley below suffered.

A part of the strong orcs quietly climbed up from below the valley while the silver armor elves were dealing with war bats.

But Hammer had long discovered their whereabouts, and Hammer was worried that there was no place to practice her silver fist warhammer. When these orcs were about to climb up, the hammer suddenly went out and turned the two warhammers in his hands. Puff puffed the orc soldiers directly from the mountain.

There was a far away half-orc who thought he was safe. He raised the axe in his hand and prepared to kill the silver armor elf archer. The hammer smiled coldly, poured his thoughts on the silver fist warhammer, and then casually put The silver fist hammer was thrown out.

The silver fist hammer banged heavily on the back of the orc soldier's head, directly smashing it to death!

At the same time, the Silver Fist Warhammer quickly flew back into the hammer's hand under the hammer's mind.

The hammer laughed, "This weapon is so handy, it can be used as a melee attack, but also as a long-range attack! Cool!"

At this time, hundreds of half-orcs climbed up again and again.

The Hammer shouted loudly: "Don't worry, just keep shooting war bats! Leave the other half-orcs to me!"

"Yes!" The silver armor elf archer continued to shoot arrows at the war bats chaotically in the sky, and the war bats died in a blockbuster.

The orc soldiers who had climbed up on the hillside with hammers were having fun.

On the Snow Valley battlefield, the situation was stabilized.

In a short time, the follow-up troops of the Orcs, don't want to pass here, they can't pass here, naturally they can't put pressure on the main battlefield of Gushan.

On the main battlefield of Gushan, the Ironfoot Army and the Elf Army are still fighting bloody battles with the Orcs.

The number of their troops is too small, even if the half-orcs army divided 10,000 to attack Hegu Town, there are still more than 50,000 half-orcs in the main battlefield of Gushan.

After a hard and bloody battle, the number of the Iron Foot Army was reduced to 1,500, and the number of the Elf Army was reduced to 1,000.

When the two troops add up, there are only two thousand five hundred people.

They each lost half!

The Orcs on the main battlefield lost more than 20,000 people!There are only more than 30,000 people left!

Although in comparison, the half-orcs have suffered more losses, but if you continue to fight like this, until all the soldiers of the Ironfoot Army and the Elf Army are dead, there will still be a lot of half-orcs.

Dain Ironfoot and Thrandil-sama fought desperately side by side.

Neither of them thought that these two people who disliked each other would become deadly comrades in arms at this time.

Dayintie saw that King Thranduil was trapped in the spear of the half-orcs, he did not hesitate to rush into the siege again, opening a gap for King Thranduil, and when King Thranduil retreated to a relatively safe place At that time, Dine was besieged and couldn't get out.

So King Thranduil rushed in again riding the white stag, and after tearing a blood hole in the formation of the half-orc, he grabbed the collar of Dayin's iron feet and pulled him back.

Dyne roared angrily: "Let go of me! Your Royal Highness! I can run by myself!"

Thranduil said coldly: "Don't kick with your iron feet! My white stag is my national treasure! I usually don't want to ride, let alone kick!"

Dein Tie's mouth was swearing, but sure enough he stopped kicking.

When they retreated, a row of orc spearmen threw the spears in their hands, and the white stag dodged dexterously from left to right, and thrillingly avoided a round of spears.

However, immediately after the second round, the third round of the spear spike was thrown.

Although the white stag is the god deer of the wood elves, but... it is usually regarded as pampered, and rarely bears heavy weight. This time, it not only has to carry King Thranduil, but also has a heavier Dyne foot.

Although King Thranduil’s height is much taller than Dein’s iron feet, Dein’s iron feet are full of heavy armor, and he is holding a pig head that is about his height. The big hammer, this weight, even if the White Stag is a divine beast of the Wood Elf clan, it is difficult to bear.

The White Hart's movements were a little slower, and he could not escape the third round of spear spurs-one of the spurs hit its back and set it to the ground!

With a scream, the white stag staggered to the ground.

King Thranduil and Dyne were thrown off immediately.

Fortunately, their strength is not bad, so although they were a little embarrassed when they landed, they were not injured yet.

When King Thranduil stood firm and wanted to save the White Stag, it was too late.

The dense spears stabbed and fell on the white stag, and the white stag stared at King Thranduil with wide-open eyes... and then died.

Dyne looked at the horror in front of him with iron feet, and his whole body was dumbfounded.

King Thranduil clenched the elven long knife in his hand, his original cold expression became extremely angry.

"You! Must! For this! Pay! The price!"

His elven sword was filled with energy like white moonlight. After the energy was full, King Thranduil slashed in half a moon.

The bright blade light immediately drew a beautiful arc, wherever the blade light passed, all the orc soldiers' heads were shaved off!

With this move alone, more than 300 orc soldiers were dropped in seconds!

Dein stood aside in astonishment and murmured: "...Majesty, calm down, don't be so excited."

Good guy, fortunately, the iron-footed army just in front of you was not tall enough, otherwise, the iron-footed army would have to be shaved off hundreds of people!

Chapter 541To the dead!

When the Gushan main battlefield was very stalemate, in the alleys of Hegu Town, the battle was also very stalemate.

Orc soldiers killed civilians when they saw them, showing no mercy at all.

They are born as tools of war, and in their eyes there are only two words: obedience and killing.

Bud rushed back with the refugee army, but because of the complex alleys of the town, he could only divide his team, each team rescued one alley, and he also loudly let other civilians who had not been attacked hide immediately. Go to the council chamber of the town.

The whole river valley town was in chaos, crying and shouting.

Bud worried about his child, and while dealing with the Orc soldiers in the alley, he asked the passers-by about the whereabouts of his child.

Some people said that they saw Barn and the others in the direction of the old bazaar, so Bud led a small team to the direction of the old bazaar.

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