Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1423

There, he encountered two orc forces that joined together, and he immediately took the refugee troops and fight with the orcs.

At this time, a suture abomination rushed over from another alley, and his huge size smashed the originally broken buildings around.

In front of him, there were a bunch of panicked refugees, three of them were Bard's children!

"Barn! Higeld! Tilda!" Bud exclaimed.

He even forgot to fight the orc soldier in front of him!The orc soldier took the opportunity to slash his neck with an axe!


With a piercing sound of metal, the orc's axe was slammed away.

Before the orc could understand what was going on, a sharp sword cut off his head directly.

The black blood splattered Bud all over, and Bud calmed down.

"...Thank you!" He looked at the Xue Di who was supporting him, and said sincerely.

Xuedi said faintly: "Don't be distracted, you clean up this side first, your child's side, I will deal with it."

"Okay! Please!" Bud said gratefully.

Before he could finish speaking, the Snow Emperor rushed towards the abomination with the sword of Borromir.

The hate monster pulled up the long chain and smashed the group of refugees in front of him fiercely. Before his chain fell, Xuedi directly threw the power of faith shield in his hand.


The power of faith shield blocked the chain of hatred, and the refugees escaped from danger.

Ba En excitedly said, "Sister Xuedi! Thank you!"

Xuedi said coldly: "Take your sister and sister to the chamber, hurry up."

Barn said quickly: "No, I can help! I can."

Xuedi said coldly: "I know you can, but I need you to protect your sister and younger sister, and these refugees first."

"...Okay." Barn said helplessly to the frightened refugees behind him: "Follow me!"

With that said, he took his sisters and refugees and ran down another, more spacious alley.

The Stitching Abomination was very annoyed that the prey in front of him was rescued. He roared and attacked the Snow Emperor with a long chain.

Xuedi smiled coldly and blocked it with the sword of Borromir.

Just listened to the clang, golden light splashed, and the thick chain was broken by the sword of Borromir!

The Abomination was even more annoyed, dropped the chain, and strode towards the Snow Emperor.

Xuedi jumped up dexterously, first avoided the fist of the abomination, and then severely slashed a sword in his arm!

With a weird cry of abomination, his forearm was chopped off immediately, and it fell heavily to the ground, stirring up dust.

While he screamed, he continued to use the other hand to catch Snow Emperor.

This time, Xuedi didn't even dodge, he turned around and chopped off, and cut off the other arm of the hatred monster.

The abomination yelled and used his teeth to ask Xuedi.

The Snow Emperor greeted the stinky breath of the abomination, and the sword of Boromir in his hand passed directly through the chin of the abomination!

Abomination fell to the ground with a groan, his body twisting and struggling constantly.

This guy's combat effectiveness was not very strong, but his skin was thick and thick, and he was still alive after being cut by so many knives by the Snow Emperor.

The Snow Emperor drew out the sword of Borromir and slashed it towards a crumbling tower next to it. The tower collapsed immediately, and the big metal clock on the tower fell down and slapped it heavily on the head of the abomination. Go straight to the abomination. The head was smashed into meat sauce, and the black blood flowed into a stream.

The body of this abomination stopped struggling immediately, and completely died.

After killing this abomination, Xuedi returned to Bud and helped Bud and the others clean up the orc soldiers in the alley.

"Chong! Chong! Defend your country! Chong! Chong! Until you die!"

In another alley near the Chamber, the former tax officer Alfred shouted loudly, and a large group of refugees around him rushed to the Orc troops bravely with swords.

Every refugee soldier knows that they have nowhere to go.

The orcs would not let them surrender and beg for mercy. Only by fighting to the death can they have the hope of survival.

While Alfred pretended to squat down to breathe while everyone was charging, and when the surrounding refugee soldiers rushed past, he quickly hid in a corner of the wall.

When no one was around, Alfred walked out, heading towards the chamber.

It is relatively safer there, with the elderly, women and children hiding there for refuge.

As soon as Alfred walked out, he met two Orc soldiers head-on.

As soon as the two orc soldiers saw Alfred, they hacked with their axes.

Alfred suddenly ran away panicking and shouted: "Help! Help me! Help me! Help me!"


He ran into Bard's eldest daughter Higeld and Tilda head-on, knocking them directly to the ground.

Alfred didn't care about supporting them either, but used both hands and feet to continue to escape.

The two orc soldiers only wanted to kill, and they didn’t care whether they killed Alfred or the two girls. Obviously, Siegold and Tilda were better at killing than Alfred, so the two The orc raised his axe and slashed directly at Higeld and Tilda.

Sigeld instinctively held the little sister in her arms, and she wanted to use her body to protect her.

But right here, Barn rushed over like a bullfight.

He is only fifteen or six years old, and his body is not strong enough. It stands to reason that he is absolutely impossible to knock off a heavily armed orc. However, when a person reaches a critical time, he will stimulate a potential amount he has never had. Eun's desperate bump actually knocked one of the orc soldiers to the ground, and then at the same time, he slashed again and slashed on the breastplate of the other orc!


Barn only felt that his wrist was tingling, and the sword in his hand was blocked immediately and fell to the side!

After all, he was still a child, and it was really unrealistic to kill an orc soldier who was born for war.

However, the courage he showed was unmatched.

The orc who was slashed by him grinned, raised the axe in his hand, and slashed at Bath fiercely.


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