Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1424

A sharp arrow pierced the air and directly shot through the throat of the orc!

Chapter 542 We Are With You!

Another Orc soldier who was hit on the ground got up in a panic and prepared to escape, but before he could run out, another arrow shot over, piercing his heart.

Holding a long bow, Bud quickly ran over with the refugee army, "Are you three all okay!"

"Dad!" Tilda and Higeld rushed into Bud's arms.

Bud hugged them tightly, and said excitedly: "It's all right! It's all right! Barn, come here!"

Barn blushed and walked to Bud's side, "Sorry Dad, I couldn't..."

Before he could finish his words, Bud pulled him over and hugged him tightly.

"You did a very good Bath! You did a good job!" Bud said: "You protected your sister and younger sister."

"But, I didn't kill the orcs." Barn said with shame.

Bud grinned and said: "It doesn't matter, skills and strength can be learned and trained. The important thing is that you have this courage! Barn, I want you to keep in mind today, if one day you encounter Ling When people cringe, think about what happened today, and think about the courage you have! That way, you will be invincible!"

Barn nodded heavily, "Dad! I will follow your example!"

Bud embraced Baen and the two sisters in his arms.

A refugee soldier pushed Alfred up to Bud, "Master Bud, I found a deserter here!"

Alfred quickly defended: "No, I am not a deserter! I am just, I am just going and looking for reinforcements!"

"Are you still sophistry? I saw you knocked Higeld and Tilda with my own eyes!"

"Alfred, you are really shameless!"

"We are all fighting in blood, and even children like Barn have taken up swords to protect his family! But you!"

The refugee soldiers present all criticized.

Bud said in a deep voice, "Well, now is not the time to be held accountable, Alfred, you first escort these Barnes and these refugees to the chamber."

"Yes! Lord Bard!" Alfred said with his head upright. "Come on, Master Barn, let's go."

Bud said: "Remember, after sending them away, you have to come back and continue fighting!"

Alfred patted his chest and said, "I know! Don't worry!"

"Go ahead, protect yourself." Bud kissed each of the three children on the forehead, and then led the refugee army toward another alley with fighting sounds.

Alfred then led Barn and others towards the chamber.

After arriving in the chamber, Alfred followed Barn into the chamber.

The chamber was full of old, young, women and children, and when they saw Alfred also mixed in, they all glared.

An old woman stood up tremblingly and sternly shouted to Alfred: "Among us, all adult men are fighting outside, Alfred, are you not a man?"

Alfred said angrily: "Of course I am! I just...I have to protect Master Barn! Yes! When we win this battle, we will naturally rebuild River Valley Town, and River Valley Town itself is Bard. Lord Bard’s ancestral territory, then Lord Bard will inevitably become the King of the River Valley, and Master Barn is the Prince of the River Valley, I have to protect Lord Bard’s blood!"

Barn said to Alfred disgustedly: "I don't need your protection! Not to mention that I am not a prince at all. Even if I am, River Valley Town does not need a prince hiding here! Alfred , I don’t care if you can't get out, I only want the sword in your hand."

Alfred was startled, and then handed the sword in his hand to Barn.

Barn weighed it, then nodded and said, "This sword is good."

After speaking, he turned his head and said to Higeld and Tilda, "I'm going out to help Dad."

Tilda said timidly: "Barn, you have to be careful!"

Sigeld gave her brother a hug, "Go, remember, we are with you!"

Barn nodded at them, then rushed out without hesitation.

The old woman said excitedly: "Alfred, have you seen it! Even children like Barn have gone out to fight! You are a big man, why are you embarrassed to stay here!"

Other women in the chamber also criticized Alfred.

Alfred said helplessly: "I know, I know! I'm leaving now!"

He walked out of the chamber angrily, then turned into a temporary material room and rummaged through it for clothes.

These materials were all rescued from the ruins of Changhu Town, and they are now temporarily stored here for the reconstruction of Hegu Town.

In addition to clothing, bedding, food and drinking water, there is also a big box.

Alfred quickly found a woman's dress and changed it for himself.

However, his chest was deflated, and he didn't look like a woman at all, so he searched again, looking for something that could hold his chest.

He opened the box casually, and suddenly gasped.

The box is full of golden coins.

This is also part of the vault found in Long Lake Town.

Because Mayor Qiandai's vault had been destroyed by the fire of dragon's breath, most of it fell into the lake, and this was the only part that could be rescued.

With this funding, it should be no problem for the refugees to survive for a month.

Of course, if you want to completely solve the plight of the refugees, you still have to get the wealth of the lonely mountain.

Alfred didn't care about that much, he had made up his mind to escape this damn place.

With this money, he can go wherever he goes!

So, he began to desperately put gold coins into his chest, and kept his two chests bulging, and his clothes were about to break!

He found another bag and filled as many gold coins as he could.

If it weren't for keeping a bit of energy to escape, he couldn't wait to put all the gold coins in the box.

After he finished loading, there were not many gold coins left in the box.

But he was still dissatisfied, and grabbed a handful of gold coins in his hand and held it tightly.

Then, holding his heavy chest, he cautiously walked out of the warehouse.

There are too many gold coins in his chest, he can only walk with his waist, and he can't walk fast. Once he walks fast, the gold coins will flow out.

Not to mention, his posture really wanted to be an old lady.

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