Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1425

Naturally, he dared not go to the chamber, and could only walk cautiously from the alley that had been cleared.

When passing through the third alley, a single orc soldier spotted him and slashed towards him with an axe...

Alfred fled in a panic and accidentally escaped into a dead end.

Just when he thought he was going to die, a long arrow shot through the head of the orc soldier, and the body of the orc soldier was heavily pressed on his body.

Chapter 543 You Need My Guidance

"Madam! Are you okay!"

Bud rushed over eagerly and pushed away the orc corpse that was pressing on Alfred.

Alfred lowered his head and said, "Thank you, thank you, I can do it myself."

Bud was taken aback, looked down, and then said in astonishment: "Alfred?"

Alfred quickly covered the beard on his mouth and said eagerly, "No, no, I am not Alfred! I am not!"

Bud smiled: "Alfred, how did you make it like this?"

Seeing that the concealment cannot be passed, Alfred said annoyedly: "Don't worry about me! You are not the Lord of River Valley Town now, even if it is, I don't intend to obey you anymore! I want to leave here!"

Bud quickly said: "Alfred, there are still a small number of half-orcs in River Valley Town that have not been cleared out. If you want to go, at least you have to wait until it is safe."

When it's safe, am I still leaving?

Alfred murmured in his heart while covering his chest with his hands.

Bud smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, your posture is quite standard when you play as a woman! Don't worry, I am not interested in looking at your chest hair. If you really don't want to stay here, I can't force you. Go down the alley on the left, I just cleared it over there, there should be no half-orcs."

Alfred said: "I don't care about you, you go."

Bud shrugged helplessly, "Well, you take care of yourself."

After speaking, Bud ran to another alley with a long sword.

"Let me go from the left?" Alfred said in a cold voice while standing up against the wall, "Will you be so kind to let me go like this? I don't believe it! You must be yin to me. Bring! You let me go from the left, but I just want to go from the right!"

With that, Alfred arched his body and headed toward the alley on the right.

In the alley on the right, there were several orc corpses lying all around, and the ground was full of black blood.

Alfred smiled triumphantly: "Hmph, look, this place has already been cleaned up! Fortunately, I chose to go this way instead of going to the left!"

He clutched his chest, bent over, and cautiously passed the alley on the right. As soon as he walked out, he was stupid in place.

In front of him, a small group of orcs and a suture abomination were fighting around the gray-robed mage Gandalf, and they blocked the entire road.

Alfred held his breath, trying to retreat from the same path.

However, at this time, there was a rush of footsteps in the alley on the right, and it was the refugees who were supporting them.

If people in the refugee army see him like this, they will definitely dismantle him.

Then, the gold coins on his body will definitely be discovered.

Once found, he will definitely be hacked to death!

Alfred did not dare to go back the same way. He eagerly searched for it and finally saw an idle catapult.

On the catapult, there was a cauldron for storing stones, and that cauldron was just enough for a person to hide.

Alfred immediately squeezed into the sling pot.

This catapult has been improved by a hammer. Once loaded with items of sufficient weight, it will trigger the trigger to eject the items in the catapult.

The refugee army rushed out from the alley and fought with the remaining Orc squad, while Gandalf was concentrating on the huge suture abomination.

Originally, with Gandalf’s strength, this suture abomination with no IQ could be easily killed. However, he only returned from the Demon Capital not long after his magical energy was absorbed by Sauron and he had not fully recovered. In addition, he just poured all the energy of Fire Ring Naya into Xuedi, therefore, his current combat power is very weak, he tried his best, and he could only get a tie with that huge suture abomination.

But the offensive of the suture abomination was wave after wave, and after a few waves, Gandalf couldn't support it, and one was accidentally swept to the ground by the chain of the abomination.

The other refugees hurriedly shot arrows, but the suture strange skin was thick and thick, and ordinary arrows couldn't kill him.

The Stitcher triumphantly lifted the chain, preparing to give Gandalf the final blow.

Alfred, who was hiding in the catapult, didn't care who was dead and who was alive. He only wanted the battle here to end sooner.

At this moment, a gold coin in his chest was about to fall out due to an angle problem. Alfred suddenly became a little anxious. He didn't want to miss any gold coin!

So he hurriedly pressed the sling pot again and adjusted his body angle.

With this force, the automatic mechanism of the catapult was triggered, the catapult suddenly bounced, and Alfred slammed into the suture monster in exclamation!

The suture monster was about to smash Gandalf to death with an iron chain. Suddenly something slammed into him, and he immediately changed his goal, drew a chain to the flying object!


Alfred's scream stopped abruptly, his body was smashed into fleshy by the iron chain, and the gold coins on his body were smashed to the ground like raindrops.

All the people present were stunned.

Not to mention those refugees, even the Stitching Monster was stunned.

Exploded or exploded gold coins?

Can killing people explode gold coins?

Just when the suture monster was stunned, Xuedi rushed over and jumped in front of the suture monster with a brave move, and then smashed the suture monster's head directly!

The Stitching Monster crashed to the ground, and Gandalf was safe.

The half-orcs in the entire River Valley Town were almost cleaned up, and only a few remained.

Xuedi immediately informed Xufeng of the situation here.

Xu Feng made a quick calculation, then turned and walked towards the Gushan Palace.

It's time to end this war.

But to end this war, these half-orcs in the Lonely Mountain Valley must be cleaned up first.

At present, although the Iron-footed Army and the Elf Army have tried their best, there are still more than 20,000 people in the Orc Army, and the Iron-footed Army and the Elf Army are about to be wiped out.

At this time, what is needed most on the frontal battlefield is a surprise soldier.

Xufeng walked under the Gushan city wall and said loudly, "Sorin, are you still awake?"

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