Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1426

Thorin did not dare to show his head when hearing Xufeng's voice.

He is not afraid of being killed, but...very ashamed.

Xufeng immediately said: "I know you are listening, the two of us need to have a good talk."

The other dwarves all looked at Thorin expectantly. Thorin hesitated for a while, and finally he could only say in a deep voice, "Diedi, do you want me to help out? No! I will protect the Lonely Mountain! Once mine is With the city gate opened, when the elven army and the iron-footed army fail, the orcs can easily invade the lone mountain! And now...at least, we still have a wall!

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "What you need is not a wall, and a wall can't solve your problem.".

Thorin was startled slightly, "Then what do I need now?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "You need my guidance."

Chapter 544 You Are Really Wrong

Thorin sighed faintly.

These words of Xu Feng really came to his heart.

He is now more confused and at a loss than ever before.

He needs someone to guide him, someone to tell him what he can and cannot do, he needs someone to tell him what is right and what is wrong, and he needs someone to tell him what he can persist and what he must give up.

He was silent for a while and then said: "But I can't open the wall for you."

Xu Feng smiled lightly: "It's not necessary."

After speaking, Xu Feng jumped into the gap of the temporary city wall, and then used the gap as a fulcrum to jump several times and landed on the Gushan city wall in a graceful and elegant manner.

After seeing Xufeng, all the dwarves of the Lone Mountain were full of excitement and tears. Had it not been for Thorin, they would have rushed to embrace Xufeng.

Xufeng smiled and nodded at them one by one.

"Uncle Lin Hai, Yang Gong, you two can go and help."

Lin Hai smiled and said, "That's great, we are all going crazy!"

Gong Yang said again: "Actually, I think it's a good place. I can stay here until the day is gone."

Xufeng smiled and said, "You can stay here if you want, you can stay here forever."

Gong Yang hurriedly said: "No, no, no, although I like this place very much, but I am an upright person. Seeing the fighting underneath is so fierce, I don't want to rush to help! Uncle Lin Hai, what are you waiting for? Come with me!"

Lin Hai smiled helplessly: "How do you go? Do you think you can fly over the wall?"

Gong Yang stuck out his tongue again, "What should I do?"

Lin Hai said, "What else can I do? Use a rope to climb down a little bit."

Gong Yang grinned again and said, "Good!"

The two immediately said goodbye to Xufeng, then found a thick rope and crawled down hum.

Thorin said to Xu Feng with a cold face: "Master Diedi, this is not a place to talk, come with me."

With that, he stepped into the main hall of the Gushan Palace.

He didn't want to be seen by the Gushan dwarves of his hypocritical and vulnerable side.

Xu Feng didn't care much, and followed Thorin into the hall.

This hall was originally the Golden Mountain Hall, where Smaug was entrenched. Now, the gold in the entire hall has been cleaned up, and the hall has restored its former grandeur.

At the end of the main hall is a throne made of pure gold, and a nineteen-step stair leads to the throne. This makes the throne very high and the people sitting on the throne are majestic.

Thorin walked quickly to the throne, flung off his royal robe, and sat down with a majestic face.

Before, he was just the captain of the expedition team in front of Xu Feng.

And now, he is the king of Lone Mountain Dwarves.

Although no one denies this, Thorin is afraid that others will not recognize it, so he deliberately expresses this in every gesture.

Xufeng stood on the empty hall, with his hands behind his back leisurely, his chin raised slightly, and his eyes were flat on the King of the Lone Mountain.

This single glance made Thorin extremely uncomfortable and restless.

Thorin felt like a monkey who had overstepped the throne, and the one standing under the throne was the real king.

This feeling frustrated him and made him angry.

He worked hard to stabilize his mind, and said coldly: "What do you want to tell me, then say it as soon as possible."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Sorin, what are you going to do?"

Thorin frowned and said: "How to do it? What else can I do? I think you should be more aware of the current situation than I am. Dyne's iron foot army will soon be over, and the elven army can't hold it anymore. , River Valley Town was temporarily kept, but once Snow Valley can’t stop it, then the more turbulent Orcs tide will immediately flood River Valley Town, and the main battlefield of the Gushan Valley will be completely blood washed! But, I still When there is time, there are many secret roads in the Gushan Palace, and my predecessors have been digging down for a long time. We can take advantage of this time to strengthen the offensive, transfer the gold to the underground, and then rely on the secret roads to continue to protect Gushan Palace, I think, the Holy White Council and the Alliance of Humanity, it is impossible to sit idly by here!"

"Oh, is it?" Xu Feng asked faintly.

Thorin took a breath of air, "Yes, that's what I think, including not reconciling with the wood elves, including not paying refugee gold coins. It is not my arrogance, but I have thought about it. I just rely on the iron foot army Fight against wood elves and refugees, and weaken several forces around me that may threaten Lonely Mountain as soon as possible! I know that from the perspective of all of you, I am doing something wrong, even crazy, but Di, I’m really not crazy, I’m sober! The only thing I suffer now is my conscience! I have been condemned by my own conscience, but for the long-term stability of the Gushan tribe, I know that I did this correct."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, without speaking.

Thorin was silent for a while. He originally thought that Xu Feng would scold him, and he was ready to continue to argue, but Xu Feng said nothing.

He looked at Xu Feng strangely, "You...you don't scold me?"

Xufeng smiled faintly, "You are fighting for your own kingdom, why should I scold you. In fact, I feel very relieved in my heart, because from the perspective of a king who needs restoration, you did a good job. Yes-Smaug is a double-edged sword. It not only invaded your Gushan Palace, but also protected your Gushan Palace from outsiders. Now that Smaug is dead, you must become a cruel figure like Smaug. In order to protect these treasures. The wood elves looked at them, and Dyne had long wanted to divide a large part. Even Long Lake Town felt that a dozen of you were not worth worrying about. If you don’t want to let them kill each other, you The Gushan treasure will be eaten up a little bit. They want a piece of nugget gold today, and they dare to come and ask for ten yuan tomorrow. After you give ten yuan, they will push their noses and even ask you for the gold on the throne. "

Thorin's eyes burst into tears.

Since entering Gushan, no one has trusted him to understand him, only "Diedi" really understands him.

Yes, he is not crazy!

He was not fooled by the gold!

He was just thinking of a way to keep the Gushan Palace!

If you want to guard so many gold and silver treasures without a strong army, you can only turn yourself into a character like a dragon!

This requires a lot of conscientious depression!!

Thorin looked at Xufeng gratefully, "Thank you, Diego, in this world, only you understand me, I really..."

Xu Feng waved his hand and said faintly: "I understand you, but you are really wrong."

Chapter 545 Fighting Together!Never give up!

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