Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1427

Thorin was startled, "...you, what do you mean?"

Just now, Xu Feng said that he understood him, but in a blink of an eye he said he was wrong, which made him completely confused.

Xu Feng said faintly: "If there is no half-orc army, I will support you 100%, and you are absolutely right. You will keep Gushan in a stable state for a long time. The Gushan Dynasty will also rise soon. However, now it is not an internal wrestling, but an army of 100,000 half-orcs."

Thorin opened his mouth and said weakly: "I can, I can hide in the secret tunnel, I can transfer the gold..."

Xufeng shook his head coldly, "But, you can't save it."

Thorin said eagerly: "What's the impact? I am not dead by the Gushan royal family, isn't it good?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "If your pattern is just the pattern of a captain, then it would be great if the person under your hand is not dead, but you are no longer the captain of the expedition team. You wear a crown and sit on the throne. You must assume your responsibility as the King of the Lonely Mountain. Morally speaking, Dyne’s iron feet are here to help you. Although the wood elves and the refugee army have a feast with you, they all give up when the enemy is present. After this holiday, I turn my best to deal with the half-orcs who want to capture your Lonely Mountain Palace. To the small place, they are fighting for you, and to the big, they are fighting for the safety of the entire Middle-earth world! And you, as the king of the Lonely Mountain, are cold-eyed and stand by? What if you can hide in the tunnel and try to survive? What if the Alliance forces finally come over and kill the Orcs? What will the world do? Regarding your Lonely Mountain Dynasty? Everyone will think that you are a despicable, selfish person who bases his survival on betraying his friends! At that time, even if you are the Lonely Mountain King, what is the point? Who will? Care about you, the king? I'm afraid that even the people of Gushan don't want to be with you!"

"No!" Thorin exclaimed excitedly, "No! No! I just want to bear the humiliation, I just want to protect this hard-won kingdom!"

Xufeng said coldly: "Sorin, face the reality, you can't protect it. What you can decide now is your own destiny. You wear the crown and sit on the throne. On the surface, no one denies that you are alone. King of the mountain, but in reality, you are just like a king. If you want history to remember you, you have to assume the responsibility of a king."

Thorin said painfully: "Even this decision will make my Gushan line extinct?"

Xu Feng nodded, "Yes, your Gushan Dynasty may be extinct, but at least, your name will be alongside your great ancestors."

Thorin lowered his head in pain. This decision was indeed very difficult for him.

He is not afraid of death, he is just afraid of loss.

He finally returned to Gushan, but now he is facing the risk of losing Gushan again.

He was afraid of this, so he became daunted.

This is not the real him.

It was not Thorin who led the crowd and defeated the unbeatable Azog in the Battle of the Blue Mountains.

As soon as he thought of this, Thorin hated and despised himself extremely.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Sorin, I can't force you to sacrifice yourself for this battle, but I want you to know that if you don't participate in this battle, your status in the hearts of the people is already equivalent to Dead. Some people are dead, but they will live forever, and some people are alive, but like walking dead. Think about it yourself."

After speaking, Xu Feng turned and walked out of the grand hall.

Xu Feng's steady footsteps echoed in the hall, drifting away.

Thorin sat slumped on his throne, and the whole person fell into a desperate struggle.

Seeing that Xufeng came out, the dwarves of the lone mountain on the city wall hurriedly surrounded them.

"Master Diego! How is it?"

"Did Thorin agree?"

"Can we go to fight?"

Xufeng shook his head slightly.

Qi Li said annoyedly: "What's the matter with Thorin! Why doesn't he even listen to Lord Diego's words! No! I can't stand it anymore! I can't just watch our brothers bleed and sacrifice for us while we But I hide here like a tortoise with a shrunken head! What if I am not in danger now? I have no face to live anymore!"

With that, Kili wanted to jump off the wall.

Philip on the side hurriedly grabbed him, and Qi Li said annoyedly: "Philip, leave me alone!"

Philip said: "I don't care about you! I want to go with you!"

Xufeng waved his hand, "Don't worry, you two, I didn't say that Thorin didn't agree, I mean, he hasn't expressed his opinion yet, so stay calm, wait a minute and give him some time."

"...Okay." Kili could only sigh long.

At this time, in the frontal battlefield of the Lonely Mountain Valley, the Orc troops used their strength to attack one wave after another.

Although the elven army and the iron foot army are invincible, they are far too weak in strength. They have been on the frontal battlefield for more than an hour, and their stamina has almost been exhausted.

Seeing his soldiers fall in large numbers, Dayin Tie's heart was extremely painful.

While wielding a pig-head hammer desperately, he shouted loudly: "Where's Thorin! Why isn't Thorin coming! Has he betrayed us? He invited us here to watch us die? Everyone? , Shrink the formation and retreat to the Gushan."

King Thranduil said as he fought, "This is useless. Thorin won't open the walls of the Lonely Mountain for you and me! We retreat to the Lonely Mountain and can't get in. We can only be intercepted by the orcs and die! "

Dein asked, "What should I do as you said?"

King Thranduil said in a deep voice, "We should break through to River Valley Town. Now the situation in River Valley Town has improved. When we return to River Valley Town, we can attack and retreat and defend!"

Dine Ironfoot looked at the densely packed army of Orcs, and said angrily: "No! There are too many enemies, we can't break through! King Thrandil, if you want to break through, our ironfoot army will cover you. !"

King Thranduil frowned and asked, "Why, you are not leaving?"

Dyne grinned bitterly: "You and I are not children, you and I should understand that it is impossible for us to break through! Let's go! Although I didn't like you very much before, I didn't expect to be in my life. At the last moment, you turned out to fight with me! So, anyway, we are considered comrades-in-arms. If there is a chance, you should go first and we will cover you!"

King Thranduil immediately shouted: "All the wood elves..."

He stopped suddenly.

In the absence of Gushan Palace, it was a very correct choice to break out of Hegu Town.

However, the casualties will be high...

In particular, the iron foot army that protects the wood elves to break through will have more casualties.

Thranduil took a deep breath, changed his mind and said, "All wood elf warriors! Shrink the formation and fight side by side with the Iron Foot Army! Never leave!"

Chapter 546 Take Me as the Arrow!charge!

"Yes!" the wood elves roared loudly.

The morale of the Iron Foot Army also improved a bit.

At this critical point, the most feared thing is that the comrades in arms leave.

Dyne looked at King Thranduil in astonishment, "You... you old fellow, I am so touched! Well, let's fight together until the last moment!"

"Okay! Fight side by side! Until the last moment!" King Thranduil swung his elven sword and continued the fight.

Dyne’s iron-footed pig-head hammer opened and closed, and each hammer smashed the orcs rushing in front of him into meat sauce, but Thranduil’s knife was extremely elegant and ethereal, with no blade at all. When you come into contact with the orc soldiers, the strength is soft, just like the gestures of embroidered legs, but the power is not worse than Dyin's iron feet. Wherever the wizard blade passes, large swaths of orc soldiers fell like leeks. On the ground.

"...They can't stand it anymore." Dewarin said angrily on the wall.

The dwarves of the Lone Mountain wanted to rush down to help, but Thorin didn't allow them to fight, just let them stand by.

If this continues, both the Elven Army and the Ironfoot Army will be swallowed by the Orc Army.

Standing on the top of the snow peak, Azog smiled triumphantly: "Hmph, I have a well-trained elite army, what if the guy Diego is here? This is a real sword and gun battle, a head-to-head strength. In the duel, he has no means to contend with me-half-orcs! Keep attacking! Don't give them a chance to breathe! Bloodbath here! End them!"

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