Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1428

The attack of the orcs suddenly became more frantic.

The losses of the Ironfoot Army and the Elf Army have increased, and it is very likely that they will be completely surrounded by the Orcs before they have time to retreat under the walls of the Lone Mountain.

The dwarves on the Gushan city wall were in extreme pain, and some of them even hid their faces and wept.

At this moment, a heavy footstep came out of the palace.

Thorin held his head high, his king's robe had been taken off, revealing his hard armor, and the crown on his head had also been taken off, just as he was when he was still the captain of the expedition.

"Master Diego is right."

Thorin looked around every lone mountain dwarf with majestic and determined eyes, "I can't shrink behind the wall and watch others sacrifice for us! We are all sons of Turin! The sons of Turin will never flee. fighting!"

The eye sockets of all the Gushan dwarves suddenly became wet, and their jaws couldn't stop shaking!

They have waited for this sentence for too long, too long!

Thorin drew out his king's sword, and said in a deep voice to the dwarves present: "I have no right to order you to follow me and die generously, but I sincerely ask you once, can you trust me again? , Follow me and fight for the glory of Turin?"

All the lonely mountain dwarves wiped away their tears and squeezed their weapons firmly.

Thorin continued: "In this battle, perhaps we will all die, or the Lonely Mountain Dynasty will also be annihilated, but the glory of Turin is above all else! We will be honored even though we die! You are willing to follow me and go with me. Die!"

All the Lone Mountain dwarves roared loudly: "We are willing! We are willing! We are willing!"

Thorin took a deep breath and said proudly: "Then we will be invincible! Pang Bo!"

"Yes!" The fat Pang Bo-urn stood up angrily.

"Blow the horn of Turin from the Palace of the Lonely Mountain!"


"Chili Fili!"


"Untie the big golden clock and let it swing open the temporary wall!"


"Others, that good weapon, wear armor, and keep your spirits up! Ready to play with me!"


The dwarves of Lone Mountain all moved excitedly.

Pang Bo carried a huge horn on his back, stood at the highest point of the city wall, and blew it vigorously.

The sound of this horn is low and deep, more rough and longer than Long Yin's voice!

This horn is the horn of Turin. According to legend, it was the sound of this horn that awakened Turin, the ancestor of the dwarves. Since then, the dwarven race will continue to live!

Generally speaking, this horn will be sounded only when there is a major event.

And now, this is the best time!

The sound of the horn echoed throughout the area, and everyone couldn't help but stunned.

The elves and humans naturally don't understand what this means, but the iron-footed soldiers are in tears!

As the Elf King, King Thranduil naturally knew the Horn of Turin, but he couldn't believe it.

Gandalf in River Valley Town heard the sound of the horn, and immediately faintly relieved, "... Thorin, you finally wake up."


With a loud noise, the temporarily erected city wall was knocked away by a huge golden bell, and then Thorin walked out with a disheveled hair, behind him, followed by a dozen majestic dwarves of Lone Mountain!

They are old and young, tall and short, fat and thin, but they are quite strong, and their faces are filled with expressions of perseverance and death!

Thorin took his Gushan troops and ran from the Gushan Palace to the main battlefield in the valley.

The Iron Foot Army and the Elf troops that had originally planned to withdraw immediately stopped, they were infected by Thorin's breath!

Qi Li took the opportunity to shout loudly: "Make way for your Majesty the King!"

The Ironfoot Army and the Elf Army immediately gave way to a passage so that Thorin and his men could quickly enter the main battlefield and face the Orcs.

Dyne raised his arms excitedly and shouted: "Long live the king!"

All the dwarves chanted three times: "Long live the king! Long live the king! Long live the king!"

Although Dayin Ironfoot is also a king, Thorin is the most authentic king of the Lone Mountain, and the King of the Lone Mountain is the king of the seven dwarf tribes!

Thorin roared loudly: "Heirs of Turin! Brothers of the elves! Follow me, I charge for the arrow!"

Thorin took the lead, followed by the Lone Mountain Dwarf, and then the Ironfoot Dwarf.

King Thranduil sneered, "This guy... actually treats me as his subordinate, forget it, this time, it's not the time to care about fame! Elf troops! Charge!"

The wood elves immediately followed the charge of the dwarves, and while charging, they fired at the orcs with their elven longbows.

Before, they were forced to fight with the Orcs, unable to play their long-range advantage, but after Thorin appeared and charged with an arrow formation, they had the advantage of playing their strengths...

Suddenly, the two armies collided together again. Under the inspiration of strong morale, the Alliance troops unexpectedly played a wave of advantages despite the disadvantage of their numbers!

Of course, at this time, Xu Feng, Lin Hai, and Duke Yang have all joined the battle again, and the number of Orcs is declining sharply!

Chapter 547 Battle of Snow Valley!

At this time, the battle in River Valley Town had ended, and all the Orc soldiers who had invaded River Valley Town were wiped out.

A refugee soldier said excitedly: "We have won! We have defended River Valley Town!"

Other refugees raised their arms to celebrate.

But Bud said in a deep voice: "Don't be too happy, the battle is not over yet! We are too close to the Gushan Mountain. If the Gushan Mountain is lost, our River Valley Town will also face a second bloodbath! All those who are not afraid of sacrifice , Follow me, we are going to support Gushan!"


Many refugees showed incomprehensible expressions. Of course, they were willing to fight desperately for their families in Hegu Town, but...for the sake of a barren King of Lonely Mountain, they were totally unwilling.

Bud said in a deep voice, "We did this not for Thorin, but for ourselves! Gushan and River Valley Town died with cold lips, half-orcs are our true enemy, and we must kill all half-orcs here. Light!"

Xuedi also stood up and said, "Bad, I will go with you."

Gandalf also stood up and said, "Budd, I'll go with you too!"

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