Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1429

Bilbo also excitedly said: "I will go too!"

Bud's son Barn also carried a sword with black blood and said, "Dad! I also want to go with you! I must kill an orc with my own hands!"

"Even a child like Barn has given up his life, how can we big masters covet for a while!"

"Yes! Lord Bud is right! Thorin is hateful! But our real enemy is the Orcs!"

"Master Bud! We are with you!

"Yes! Kill all the orcs!"

The refugees raised their arms excitedly.

Bud nodded gratefully, "Follow me if I can still fight, and stay and heal the injured!"


The number of refugees who have not been injured is small, and there are only three hundred people.

However, these three hundred people can be regarded as elites among the refugees. They are brave and experienced.

What's more, this team also has Snow Emperor and Gandalf.

When they rushed out of River Valley Town, the Orcs in the Gushan Battlefield had been cut into two pieces, and the battle was no longer dominated by Orcs, but by the Allied Forces!

Bud was overjoyed at once, "Brothers! We can win this battle! Go!"

The refugee army immediately joined the battle, like a sharp dagger, thrust directly behind the orc army.

The Orcs were still waiting for 40,000 reinforcements, but they didn't expect that the refugee army appeared behind them!

This is equivalent to the fact that instead of being able to encircle the allied forces, the half-orcs were cut and anti-encircled by the allied forces!

The Orc troops became extremely passive, and the situation on the scene became more and more ugly.

What they need most urgently now is the support of those 40,000 troops.

Standing on the top of the snow-capped mountain, Azog shouted angrily: "Why are there not enough follow-up troops! Can a 2,000-person elf archer trap them in place for two hours? All those guys What do you eat!"

Polger standing next to him said, "Father, let me play! I will kill them all!"

Azog nodded, "Take a team of elite wolf cavalry, bypass the Gushan battlefield, go directly to the snow mountain valley, and kill all the archers who are in the way! Make sure that my army enters the Gushan battlefield unimpeded. As long as my army enters the Gushan battlefield, Thorin and the others will be dead!"

"Yes!" said Polger gruffly.

Azog warned: "Remember, only success! No failure!"

Polger knocked on his heart and said loudly, "No success! Give me death!"

After speaking, he jumped on his black wolf mount and took a team of elite wolf cavalry guards along the peaks of the snow-capped mountains and detoured to the valley of the snow-capped mountains.

The snowy mountain road is very rugged and difficult to navigate, but to Polger and his wolf cavalry guards, it is like walking on the ground.

It didn't take long before they rushed to Snow Valley.

At this time, the war bats in the sky were almost shot to death, and the hillsides were full of corrosive solutions and corpses of war bats. Most of the orc soldiers were trapped outside the valley and dared not advance half a step.

And the number of silver armor elf archers has also lost part. They originally had more than 2,000 people, but after more than two hours of hard work, their number was only more than 1,500.

The loss of personnel is not the biggest problem. After all, the tens of thousands of war bats they killed, and the biggest problem is that they don’t have many bows and arrows.

At most, he can shoot two more rounds. After shooting, he really can only rush up to fight melee.

As for the silver armor elf archers, their melee combat effectiveness is not that strong. If they really fall into the hand-to-hand combat, both in terms of quantity and strength, they will suffer greatly.

Polger led the team from the snowy mountain, and he raised the warhammer in his hand and shouted loudly: "Kill them all!"

The wolf cavalry immediately roared towards the silver armor elf archers.

The silver armor elf archer was unprepared, and the formation was chaotic.

The hammer rushed to the forefront, and while fighting fiercely with the wolf cavalry, he shouted loudly: "Don't mess! Continue to suppress the orcs below! Never let them rush in for reinforcements!"


The silver armor elves continued to grit their teeth and shoot arrows towards the bottom of the snow valley.

At this time, Prince Legolas and Tauriel on the opposite mountain also grabbed a war bat, flew over the mountain, and landed on the side of the silver armor elves, helping the hammer to deal with the sudden group of orcs. Wolf cavalry.

"You all have to die!" Riding on the black wolf, Polger jumped directly into the formation of the silver armored archer. With every swing of the spiked warhammer in his hand, two or three archers were killed.

The speed of the hammer was obviously not able to catch up with Polger, she immediately shouted angrily: "Polger, you have the ability to challenge me!"

Polger sneered, "No one of you here is my opponent! It will only waste my time if you stand up against you! I won't be held back by you! But you don't have to worry, wait until I kill them all. After the archers get in the way, I will take care of you next!"

With that, Polger continued to fight in the archer.

"Damn it!" The hammer was entangled by the orcs around him, and he couldn't touch Polger at all.

Legolas and Tauriel kept shooting arrows at Polger, but they were both blocked by Polger...

Elf Captain Noyce rushed in front of Polger and chopped the wolf under Polger's crotch with a scimitar in his hand. However, Polger's wolf was also covered with thick armor, Neuer this A knife only cut through the armor, but the blade was stuck on the thick armor, unable to go deep!Even more can not be withdrawn!

Polger grinned, raised his hand and banged his hammer directly on Captain Noyce's chin!

Chapter 548: I Know, So I'm Here


The hammer rushed eagerly.

Noyce's body was blasted into the air by Polger's warhammer. Polger wanted to take the opportunity to make up another hammer, but the silver fist warhammer in the hammer's hand flew towards his head, and Polger could only avoid it. He opened the silver fist and warhammer, riding his black wolf and jumped to the other side.

Legolas and Tauriel chased after them.

After the hammer retracted his silver fist hammer, he rushed to Captain Noyce eagerly.

"Noyce! Hold on!"

She hugged Noyce, who had a bloody face, and quickly took out a powerful recovery pill, wanting to give it to Noyce.

However, when she was about to stuff Noyce's mouth, she was stunned.

Noyce's jaw has been completely broken by Polger!

His blood gurgled out, and his entire face was as pale as paper!

The hammer said sadly: "Noyce! You can't die! Don't die!"

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