Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1431

"Okay!" Xufeng said with a smile: "There is no tactics in this battle, just one word-kill. The archers stay in place, take turns to rest, take turns to collect arrows on the hillside, the others, follow me Go down!"


The Hammer, Prince Legolas, and Tao Ruier immediately followed Xufeng from the snow-capped mountain.

The half-orcs who were blocked in the valley saw someone rushing down from the hillside, and suddenly rushed over.

As a result, as soon as they met each other, they suffered heavy losses!

Xu Feng fully used the strength he had previously saved. The enemy fencing sword in his hand and the sword of Triton formed a blade vortex. Together with his Spider Lord suit, he rushed directly into the densest place of orc soldiers. !

The orc soldier fell to the ground like a leek in an instant!

At this moment, there were hundreds of half-orcs in different places!

The black blood flowed down the entire valley into a river!

The hammer also rushed in, the Forging Hammer and Silver Spring Warhammer in her hand were constantly swinging, and the half-orcs around her also died tragically to the ground one after another.

Prince Legolas and Tauriel cooperated, taking care of each other.

Although they are not as many as Xufeng and the half-orcs killed by the Hammer, with Xufeng's morale ahead, their record is naturally very impressive.

Being hit by Xufeng and the others like this, the entire Orc army immediately became confused.

They had no command in the first place. Their command was far from the top of the snow mountain. They were cut off here by Xufeng's tactics. The more than 40,000 people were all in a state of no leader.

They still had the advantage due to the large number of people. After all, the silver-armored archers in the valley could only suppress them, and the number of them killed by bows and arrows was not particularly large. After all, they all had shields in their hands. Use shields to resist arrows, at best, you can't go through the valley.

But now it's different. Xu Feng and the others rushed out suddenly, and they simply couldn't compete with the strength of Xu Feng and others!

Only this one back and forth, they were completely stunned by Xufeng!

Their morale was very low, but now their morale can no longer be measured by low, but-fear!

To these half-orcs soldiers, Xu Feng didn't have any mercy at all, but instead used all of his combat power to continuously use the sword-blade whirlpool among the half-orcs crowd.

At this time, the silver-armored archers above Snow Valley began to take turns to rest and pick up arrows on the hillside to supplement them.

When they were almost resting, they continued to shoot arrows down the mountain.

The four Xufeng people, plus more than a thousand silver-armored archers, completely suppressed the follow-up troops of the entire Orcs!

The number of orcs dropped sharply, and in less than twenty minutes, they were killed or injured more than half.

Xufeng couldn't believe his own record. He killed seven or eight thousand orc soldiers alone.

What's more powerful is that he didn't suffer any injuries!

This is completely crushed by one's own strength!

However, for this purpose, his physical energy consumption is also very large. He has to take advantage of the half-orcs who are in trouble, forcibly take a powerful recovery pill, drink two cups of star and moon tea, and then continue. Go into battle.

When there were more than 10,000 people left in the half-orc army, Xuedi rushed over with a part of the golden armor elves to support Xufeng and the others.

The hammer asked in surprise: "Xue Di, why are you here?"

Xuedi said faintly: "The Gushan battlefield has basically been taken by us. We are worried that your side will not be able to hold it, so we will divide our troops to support it, but... I look at your side, it is very happy to kill. "

The hammer smiled and said: "Yes! Don't mention how happy you are. The pressure and negative emotions that have been accumulated for so long have all been released! Xuedi! Come and have a good time! If it is too late, you will be humiliated. Feng is killed!"

The Snow Emperor rushed into the place with the most half-orcs with the elven troops, and started fighting happily.

At this time, on the top of the snow mountain on the other side, Polger fled back in embarrassment.

"Father, something went wrong." Polger whispered.

Azog shouted angrily: "I don't care what is wrong with you! I want my reinforcements! The situation in the valley is almost unsustainable! I only need reinforcements!"

The flesh on Polger's face shook slightly, "Reinforcement, I'm afraid I can't make it. That human named Didi is like a god of murder, we are not his opponents at all!"

"What? He alone? You have forty thousand people! Forty thousand people can't kill one person?" Azog growled out of control.

Polger looked dodgingly and said: "He is not the only one, he has more than a thousand elf archers, Legolas and a female elf, and a woman with a silver fist and a warhammer. They... Very powerful."

"Bastard!" Azog stabbed at Polger, and Polger was shocked.

However, Azog stopped abruptly, and he returned his hand to stab the adjutant next to him in the chest, fork the adjutant's body high, and then fell heavily down the top of the snow-capped mountain.

The adjutant didn't even have a chance to say hello, so he was killed.

Polger lowered his head in fright, not daring to speak, let alone begging for mercy.

Azog roared angrily: "The reason why I kept you alive is because you were created by Master Sauron after all. Now, I will give you a chance to atone for your sins!"

Polger said quickly: "What opportunity?"

Azog said: "I'll give you another 100 wolf cavalry. You will now rush back to the top of the snow mountain and kill all the enemies inside!"

Chapter 550 You are welcome to come and die!


Polger gritted his teeth, turned and left immediately.

A hundred elite wolf cavalry followed immediately.

With these one hundred wolf cavalry, can he come back?

The answer is naturally no.

Not to mention giving him a hundred wolf cavalry, even if he was given a thousand wolf cavalry, he would not be able to reverse the situation over the valley.

Xu Feng was completely crazy!

Now in the past, it's just a dead end!

Polger thought bitterly: Azog, the old thing, obviously didn't dare to execute him personally, so he let him go to the valley to die.

Humph, this is killing someone with a knife!

This war is afraid that it will end in failure.

The old man, you are the commander-in-chief of this war. Therefore, if you really lose this war, you will be the one who should be punished most!Not me Polger!

I, Polger, is the new generation of Orc Lord!

Will eventually replace you in the future!

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