Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1432

You old thing, you must be worried that I will replace you, so you deliberately let me die!

After I die, you will shirk all the responsibilities on me!

Humph!Stop dreaming!

I won't be cannon fodder for you!

Polger immediately strangled the wolf's head and stopped on the mountainside of the snow-capped mountain.

The wolf cavalry behind him also stopped immediately.

After a while, Polger did not act either. One of the wolf cavalry could not help but cautiously asked, "My lord, what are we?"

Polger said coldly: "We'll just wait here."

"Didn't you go to the valley?"

"Oh? Do you want to go to death so much?" Polger said coldly: "Since you want to go to death so much, then I will help you."

With that, Polger picked up the spiked warhammer in his hand and smashed the wolf cavalry's head into meat sauce.

The other wolf cavalry were all dumbfounded.

They don't know why Polger did this, but they knew that at this time, don't disobey Polger.

Polger glanced arrogantly, "Who else wants to die?"

The wolf cavalry all held their breath, no one dared to speak.

At this time, in the battlefield of the Lonely Mountain Valley, most of the Orc troops had been wiped out, leaving only a remnant of less than five thousand troops.

Although there are still a lot of these remnants, they are far different from before.

Just relying on the Iron Foot Army and the Elf Army is enough to destroy them.

Thorin looked around and patted Dein's iron-footed shoulder beside him heavily, "Dein, I'll leave it to you here."

Dyne asked eagerly: "What are you going to do? My king!"

Thorin pointed to the half-orcs on the top of the snow mountain and said, "Did you see that? Azog was there. He killed our common grandfather and our respective father. Now, I am going to avenge them. "

Dein said immediately: "Let me go with you! My brother!"

"No!" Thorin held down Dyne's iron feet, "the battle here is not over, the iron foot army needs you as a leader."

"But!" Dyne Tiezu was unwilling.

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Brother, you are me, I am you, and I am helping you to take revenge."

Dayin took a deep breath, "You are right, Thorin! Go, there is me here! I will never let any half-orcs go! And you must kill Azog! "

Thorin put his forehead against Dein's forehead, and said in a deep voice: "I swear by the name of our grandfather's Thor, I will surely kill the enemy!"

After speaking, Thorin turned to ride a goat and rushed towards the top of the snow mountain.

"Sorin! Wait for me!"

Kilifeili and other younger generations immediately turned over and rode on the goat mount, chasing Thorin.

"What are you doing here! Go back!" Thorin shouted loudly.

Kili smiled and said, "No, we have to follow our king!"

Philip also said quickly: "Azog must be guarded by wolf cavalry. We can't let you take the risk alone!"

"Hahaha! Good! Worthy of being my nephew of Thorin, my son and grandson of Turin!" Thorin said loudly, "Since you are here, then rush forward with me!"


The goat mount climbed on extremely difficult terrain, and in less than five minutes, he climbed half the hillside.

They didn't know that Polger and his wolf cavalry were hiding here.

Polger saw Thorin and others rushing forward unsuspectingly, and then he grinned, "Although I lost the war, if I kill Thorin, the master will be very happy too! Wolf cavalry, Get out! Kill them all!"


The wolf cavalry suddenly came out from the hillside.

Thorin exclaimed and quickly shouted: "Be careful! There is an ambush here!"

Qi Li and the others immediately showed their weapons, and fought with the wolf cavalry on the mountainside.

Thorin's goat was faster, it carried Thorin dexterously to avoid the impact of the wolf cavalry, and continued to run to the top of the snow mountain.

Thorin shouted loudly: "Keili, don't love the fight, just leave if you can! I will solve the rest by myself!"

While fighting the wolf cavalry, Kellett shouted loudly: "Sorin! We will never leave you behind! Brothers, kill all the wolf cavalry here!"

The lone mountain dwarves fought fiercely. Although all the wolf cavalry were elites and there were enough in number, the solitary mountain dwarves had already regarded death as home. Therefore, after the battle, the wolf cavalry suffered heavy losses.

Polger couldn't help frowning, "Why, let me do it myself every time!"

Holding his spiked warhammer, he walked towards the dwarves of the Lone Mountain.

Devarin said loudly, "That's Polger! Let me hold him, you go up while fighting!"

Groyin shouted: "No, Dewarin, you are not his opponent!"

As soon as the voice fell, Dewarin was swept to the ground by Polger's heavy hammer.

Just as Polger grinned and was about to smash the warhammer at Dewarin's head, a silver moon arrow shot over.

Polger dodged subconsciously, and the arrow immediately brushed his shoulders, lifting off one of his shoulder armor.

Polger glanced intently and saw Prince Legolas and Tauriel rushing from a distant mountain.

The battlefield over the Snow Mountain Valley is basically coming to an end, Xufeng specially sent two of them to help besiege Azog.

As soon as they arrived at the top of the snow-capped mountain, they saw Polger, so Prince Legolas was unceremonious and immediately bent his bow and shot an arrow...

Unfortunately, because of the rush of the incident, the accuracy of the arrow is a little bit worse, otherwise, Bolger can definitely be shot.

When Polger saw Prince Legolas, he was startled at first, and when he saw that only the two elves rushed over, he grinned, "Very well, you are welcome to come and die!"

Chapter 551: Despicable Polger

Prince Legolas swished and shot three arrows at Polger.

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