Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1433

Polger didn't dare to take it hard, and immediately blocked one with his warhammer, then ducked behind the rock, avoiding the other two.

When Prince Legolas was about to catch up, Tauriel next to him grabbed him, "That guy is very cunning, he obviously wants to delay time! The most important thing now is to help Thorin deal with Azor. Grid! Your sunset bow has a long-range advantage. You can help Thorin and leave it to me and the Lonely Mountain Dwarf."

Prince Legolas frowned and said, "Tauriel, let's go together!"

Tao Ruier said: "I'm not as flexible as you. If you take me with you, you will only delay the fighter! I will clean up a little bit from here! We will soon meet!"

time does not wait!

Legolas thought for a while, and then said: "Well then, but you must be careful! Polger is very strong and very sinister."

"I understand!" Tao Ruier nodded solemnly.

Legolas then shot a few arrows towards the surroundings to help Tauriel clean up, and then stepped up on the nearly suspended rock and quickly climbed to the top of the snow-capped mountain.

Tauriel rushed into the siege with the Silver Moon Scimitar.

Wherever her silver moon knife passed, only the wailing of wolf cavalry remained.

At this time, a figure approached from behind Tauriel.

Taurier didn't even think about it, turned around and cut.

"Tauriel!" The black-blooded Qili quickly blocked Tao Ruier's chopping with the long sword in his hand.

But Tauriel's blow was really a bit fierce, Kellie couldn't stand it, and his whole body fell short and fell to the ground on one knee.

Taurier was taken aback, and quickly took off his strength, "Sorry Kili, I didn't see you!"

Qi Li grinned, "It doesn't matter, anyway, kneeling to you on one knee is my wish."

Taurier was taken aback, and quickly reached out and pulled Kili up, "Kili, I know your mind, but it is impossible between us, so you should not waste time with me."

Qi Li smiled and said: "I don't think it's a waste of time, I'm just sure, I love you very much in my heart, and this feeling makes me satisfied. If you love me the same, then nothing can stop us from being together. ."

"No! Wood Elf and Lone Mountain Dwarf can't be together."

"Why? Don't we all fight side by side?" Kili said with a smile.

Tao Ruier frowned and said, "These are two different things!"

After speaking, she didn't wait for Kili to say anything, she jumped directly to the bottom layer, and fought with the wolf cavalry below.

Kellie wanted to catch up, but Feili faced the five wolf cavalry alone. The situation was very critical. Kellie ran to support Feili.

Tauriel easily killed the three wolf cavalry and pulled Bahrain up, who had collapsed on the ground.

Bahrain said gratefully: "Thank you very much, Ms. Tao Ruier! You saved my life, although my old bone is not worth saving."

Taurier said quickly: "Don't talk about Bahrain, we have a common enemy..."

Her voice did not fall, only a gust of wind behind her ears.

It's a hidden weapon!

She subconsciously wanted to dodge, but then realized that if she dodges, then Bahrain in front of her will be hit by a hidden weapon!

Tauriel immediately pounced on the ground in Bahrain!


A huge spiked warhammer hit her right shoulder heavily, smashing her into the air!

Her right shoulder suddenly lost consciousness, and her whole body was in pain.

She took advantage of the momentum and rolled on the ground twice, then quickly stood up.

The entire right arm was almost scrapped, and he couldn't hold the Silver Moon Scimitar at all.

She could only put the Silver Moon Scimitar on her left hand, staring angrily at the person who attacked her from behind.

Polger walked out from the dark corner triumphantly, "Mother elf, have you tasted the fear of death?"

"Polger! You despicable villain!" Bahrain roared angrily.

Tauriel said loudly: "Bahrain, you go, you are not his opponent! Go!"

Bahrain stood in front of Tauriel, "No, I will never leave! The descendants of Turin, absolutely cannot abandon his comrades in arms!"

Taurier said sharply: "It won't help you stay here! On the contrary, it will increase my burden! Just now, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been hit by this hammer."

Bahrain's beard trembled slightly.

This is indeed a bit hurtful, but... Bahrain knew that Tauriel was telling the truth.

His combat effectiveness in such a fierce confrontation can only be regarded as the existence of the tail of the oil bottle crane. After all, time is not forgiving.

Although the average life span of a dwarf can reach over 200 years old, Bahrain's current age is just about 200 years old, which is really a big hurdle.

Taurier gritted his teeth, "Come on, Bahrain, don't get in the way here, if you really want to help, then go and join your tribe, clean up the wolf cavalry here as soon as possible, and then help your Thorin. ."

Bahrain burst into tears and said: "Okay... I'll find someone to help! You must be careful!"

Polger grinned and laughed: "What do you think of me? Is it air? In front of me, how can you come as you want, leave as you want?"

With that, Polger picked up a sledgehammer and slammed it towards Bahrain and Taurier.

Taurier pushed Bahrain a while, and at the same time threw out the Silver Moon Knife in his left hand. The Silver Moon Knife drew a beautiful arc in the air, went around behind Polger at a strange angle, and stabbed it fiercely. To his heart.

Polger sneered coldly, turned around with a spiked warhammer, and the Silver Moon Knife was blocked to the ground.

Tao Ruier quickly gathered his mind and withdrew the silver moon knife.

At this time, Bahrain ran to the upper platform panting and shouted: "Polger! Porge! Porge!"

Kellett fought with the three wolf cavalry, and said loudly: "Yes! Beware of Polger!"

Bahrain said eagerly: "Polger is below! Tauriel is injured!"

When Kellett heard it, it seemed as if he had lost his soul. He almost had his head cut off by the wolf cavalry in front of him. Fortunately, at a critical moment, Philip terminated the wolf cavalry ahead of time. Otherwise, Kellett really would It's dead.

"Taurier! Taurier!" Kili rushed to the lower level eagerly, but three or five wolf cavalry blocked his way.

Kellie roared angrily, madly attacking the enemy blocking him.

On the next floor, Taurier was already in a close hand-to-hand fight with Polger.

Polger's relative level is much higher than Taurier. With Taurier's strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with seven or eight wolf cavalry at the same time. However, if you want to single out Polger, That is impossible.

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