Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1434

What's more, Taurier's right shoulder was injured.

This kind of injury is very fatal in melee combat...

Polger swung his head towards Taurier with a hammer. Taurier, who was unable to retreat, could only dodge short, but Boerger had already figured out Taurier's movements and kicked Taurier. On his chin, Taurier was kicked up directly!

Taurier snorted and fell on the hillside, rolling to the next platform.

Chapter 552 The Fate of the Gushan Royal Family


Kellie, who jumped from the upper floor, happened to see the scene where Polger kicked Tauriel down.

Kili suddenly became angry, and rushed to Polger like a mad, the long sword in his hand kept hacking at Polger.

His strength is far inferior to Polger, even inferior to Tauriel.

However, under the endless rage, he slashed a dozen times at Polger in a row, each of which made Polger stagger back.

Polger's heart was suddenly very angry, as if being pushed back by an ant, Polger roared angrily, strangled Kili's neck, and lifted him high.

Kellie didn't care about his life or death at all, the long sword in his hand still slashed at Polger's face desperately.

Polger didn't expect Kellett to be so sturdy, he hurriedly threw Kellett to the ground.

Kellie's sword cut off Polger's ugly orc face, and black blood ran down the wound, making Polger's face covered with blood.

Polger scratched his face with his hand and then tore off a piece of his face.

He suddenly realized.

For a second-generation half-orc like him, he doesn't feel any pain. This will make him fearless and invincible in battle.

However, his face was ruined by such a "little person" as Kili, and he absolutely couldn't bear it!

The spiked warhammer in his hand smashed towards Kili.

Kellie had just been thrown to the ground, the frame of his body was almost broken, and he barely got up, but couldn't avoid Polger's attack.

Polger's spiked warhammer hit Kili's knee, Kili screamed, and his entire body fell to the ground.

As soon as Polger probed his hand, he grabbed Qi Li. He grabbed Qi Li's hair and exposed Qi Li's chest under his spiked warhammer.

At this time, Tauriel climbed up from the next platform with difficulty, and happened to see this scene.

"No!" Tao Ruier exclaimed.

She was too late to rush to save Kili, her heart was pulled together, and she forgot to breathe.

There was no pain on Kili's face. He tilted his head and looked at Tao Ruier and said happily, "You...like me, don't you?"

When Tauriton burst into tears, she said to Polger: "Polger! You have the ability to kill me first! You ugly monster!"

Polger grinned and said, "The scene of your heartache and helplessness really makes me feel happy."

As he said, the spiked warhammer in Polger's hand pierced Kili's heart fiercely!

As soon as Qili's body twitched, a stream of Yin Hong's blood poured out from his mouth.

He looked at Tao Ruier softly, without the slightest pain in his eyes. With his last strength, he said with difficulty: "I...love..."

Without saying the last "you" word, Polger pierced his heart completely!

"No!" Tao Ruier roared heartbreakingly.

The dwarves of the solitary mountain rushed over to play with wolf cavalry.

When they saw this scene, they were all stunned.

Pang Bo roared and slammed into Polger like a cannonball.

Polger sneered and blasted Pomber away with a hammer. Ouli and Beauver also rushed over, but they weren't Polger's opponents.

Taurier roared up from the bottom platform and rushed at Polger desperately.

She has nothing left.

She was exiled by her own people, she could not be with Prince Legolas, and she did not dare to show any feelings for the people she loved. Now, even those who like her have died!

What else can she lose!

Tauriel rushed to Polger desperately, and the silvermoon scimitar moves in his hand were all in the same posture!

Polger was shocked again and again. With his strength, it was reasonable to say that he could easily deal with these influential guys, but the current situation was far beyond his control.

Polger made a silly move, then stepped back.

Taurier roared: "Polger! You despicable fellow! Don't run!"

With that, Tauriel was about to catch up.

Bahrain said quickly: "Ms. Taurier! Don't chase! Don't fall into Polger's tricks! We, we should first help Thorin kill Azog!"

Tauriel stared at Bahrain angrily, "That's your business! There is only one goal for me! That is to avenge Kellie!"

Bahrain was shocked by Taurier's appearance.

Taurier ran past Bahrain.

Philip also rushed out.

Bahrain said quickly, "Philip, what are you doing!"

Feili gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to avenge Kili!"

They were brothers, and Kili's death made Philip too sad to breathe.

Bahrain pleaded bitterly: "No, Philip, you can't go. You are the heir of the Gushan royal family. You can't have anything to do."

Philip said in a deep voice, "I don't care! I only need to avenge Kili!"

After speaking, he broke free of Bahrain and ran after him.

Bahrain cried and said, "Philip! Philip! Come back!"

Devarin said sadly: "They are all good, but now is not the time when we cry, we have to help Thorin."

Bahrain quickly wiped away the tears, and said tremblingly: "Go ahead, I am old and can't move anymore, let me stay here to accompany Kellie."

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