Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1435

Dewalin patted Bahrain on the shoulder, and then led the other lone mountain dwarves to the top of the snow mountain.

Bahrain is not timid, but he really can't fight.

He is too old, the fight just now was so fierce, coupled with excessive sadness, he can't stand up.

He held Kili's body and cried bitterly.

If one life could be exchanged for another life, he would rather die a hundred times, as long as Qili could wake up.

Kili is so young, so smart, and the most promising generation of the Gushan royal family in the future.

But now...

The fate of the Gushan royal family is about to come to an end.

When Bahrain was crying while holding Kili's body, Tauriel and Philip desperately pursued Polger.

Both of them knew that they were definitely not Polger's opponents, but both of them had secretly made up their minds that they would die with Polger.

Polger was very cunning and sophisticated. When he found that there were only two people pursuing him, he hid behind a huge boulder, waiting for an opportunity.

When Tauriel and Philip caught up, he passed Tauriel first, and then when Philip rushed over, he suddenly jumped out and kicked Philip to the ground with a sharp spike in his hand. Hit Philip's head!!

Philip hurriedly dodged away, then used all his strength to hug Polger's thigh, and shouted at Tao Ruier: "Quick! Kill him!"

Taurier immediately squeezed the Silver Moon Scimitar, and rushed towards Polger desperately, slashing at Polger's neck!

Chapter 553 Something!

Polger had been prepared for a long time, she directly picked up Philip and smashed it towards Tauriel who rushed over.

Tao Ruier was shocked, and quickly took the knife, she herself was hit by Philip heavily on the ground.

Polger grinned and said, "I am so happy today. The blood of the Gushan royal family will end in my hands."

Taurier supported it with difficulty, "You pass me first!"

Polger sneered, "Mother elf, you are nothing. I don't care about your life or death at all, but if you insist on dying, then I don't mind sending you a ride."

With that, Polger picked up the spiked warhammer and slammed it towards Tauriel.

Tauriel didn't want to dodge at all, she rushed towards Polger at a faster speed, hardened Polger's spiked warhammer, and stabbed her Silvermoon Scimitar!

The result of this is naturally obvious. She will be smashed into meat sauce by the spiked warhammer, but at the same time, his Silvermoon Scimitar will also cut Polger's throat.

It's worth it!

Polger couldn't help frowning slightly.

It is worthwhile for Taurier, but it is not worthwhile for Polger.

Polger is the second-generation half-orc leader created by the demon Lord Sauron himself. He still has a bright future. He doesn't want to die with an unidentified female elf.

So, he shrank the spiked warhammer and put it on his chest.

Clang clang!

Tauriel attacked desperately, not caring about his life or death.

Philip, who was on the side, also struggled to stand up and joined the struggle.

Polger was flanked from the left and right, unable to make a move for a while, and he was stabbed several times.

Although these few knives are not deadly, if you keep being hit like this, you will be killed sooner or later.

Polger roared angrily, "Enough, I've played enough! Now it's time for something real!"

His body suddenly swelled up, and his figure increased a circle from before!

No matter how much Tauriel had, he slashed at Polger's neck with a vengeance.


Tauriel's Silvermoon Scimitar was stretched out a gap!

Polger grinned and said, "How about it? You are still afraid now, right? Your strength is so bad that you can't break my golden body at all! Now, let me die!"

As he said, Polger raised his warhammer and slammed it at Tauriel.

Taurier's body spun around, and it was able to avoid Polger's heavy blow.

However, Polger immediately changed his skills and hit Philip's back with a hammer.

Philip spit out blood and lay heavily on the ground.

Tao Ruier exclaimed: "Philip! Go!"

"No one can go!" Polger stepped hard and broke Philip's neck cruelly.

Taurier roared angrily, exhausted all his strength, dragged Polger down the mountain!

With her strength, it is naturally impossible to break Polger's golden body, so the only way is to take Polger down the cliff.

Polger's body immediately lost his balance and fell with Tauriel.

However, ten meters below them, there was another platform step, and both of them fell heavily on both sides of the steps.

Taurier's bone broke and he couldn't get up for a while, but Polger shook his head and stood up with his spiked warhammer.

"Mother elf, you really provoke me this time," Polger walked up to Tauriel step by step, and said grimly: "I want you to die worse than anyone else!"

As he said, Polger stretched out his hand to catch Tauriel.

Tao Ruier was in terrible pain, unable to dodge at all. She closed her eyes in pain, ready to accept her fate.

However, at this moment, a strange metal roar quickly came from far and near.

Polger was startled, then took a breath of air-conditioning, and dodged!

Immediately afterwards, the silver fist warhammer screamed, banging on the rock beside Polger, directly blasting the entire rock into powder!

There was a twitch on Polger's ugly face full of black blood.

Of course he recognized this warhammer and knew that the owner of this warhammer was the hammer.

He himself is not afraid of hammers. The real combat power of hammers is only a little higher than Tauriel. With Polger’s strength, it can be dealt with completely, but


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