Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1436

The hammer itself is not terrible, what is terrifying is the man beside the hammer, Dragon Slayer Didi!

The hammer came, which means that the battle on Snow Valley is over and Diego is here!

Polger was not afraid of everything. The only thing he was afraid of here was Diego.

He had fought Didi before, and Didi barely escaped, but in today's battle, when he fought Didi again, he found that he couldn't hold Didi's attack.

This is also why Azog asked him to take the wolf cavalry to attack the snow valley, but he hesitated!

He doesn't want to fight Didi!

Now, since Diego has caught up, there is no need for him to stay here long for a female elf!

Polger left without saying a word!

Taurier supported it with difficulty, trying to chase Polger.

Although she had been seriously injured, she still had that thought in her heart, that was to avenge Kili.

She couldn't agree to Kili's love, and revenge was the only thing she could do for Kili!

However, her injury was too serious to support it, let alone catch up with Polger to get revenge.

"Don't move!" The hammer ran over quickly and hugged the seriously injured Tauriel. Without any explanation, he put a powerful recovery pill into Tauriel's mouth, and then took out a cup of Xingyue. Here comes the tea, feed Tao Ruier and drink it.

After drinking Xingyue Tea, Tao Ruier's pale complexion recovered a little ruddy.

"Thank you..." Taurier said gratefully: "Leave me alone, go and chase Polger..."

The Hammer said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Polger can't run, he is dead."

Taurier felt relieved when he heard the hammer say so.

The effect of the powerful recovery pill quickly came into play. In less than half a minute, Tao Ruier slowly stood up with the support of the hammer.

Not far from them, there was a sound of metal clanging. Just listening to the sound was quite thrilling!

Hammer grinned and said, "I'll just say, that bastard Polger can never run away! Go, let's go and see!"

"it is good!"

Tauriel followed the hammer and walked towards the place of battle.

When they came to the upper platform, they saw that Xufeng was fencing with the enemy and the sword of Triton, slashing frantically on the Boerg who has golden body special effects.

Xu Feng's sword moves are extremely delicate, extremely fast, and extremely powerful. Normal enemies have long been chopped into meat sauce.

However, Polger's golden body effect abruptly resisted Xu Feng's swift attack, and his skin did not even leave a trace of the blade!!

After an attack, Xu Feng drew back, frowning and staring at Polger.

This dog bastard, there really is something.

Chapter 554 Going Over Polger!

After Polger defended Xu Feng's series of attacks, a triumphant smile appeared on that ugly face.

"Hahaha, the so-called dragon slayer is nothing more than that."

Polger clenched the spiked warhammer in his hand and laughed grimly: "I have to admit that you are much better than before, but with your strength, don't want to kill me."

Xufeng said coldly: "It made you die so easily, wouldn't it be cheaper for you?"

"Hmph, stop talking, your enemy's fencing can't break my immortal golden body!" Polger said grimly, "My immortal body, that is blessed by master Sauron with dark magic! Attacks below my strength level cannot break my golden body! Therefore, Diedi, you can't kill me!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Really? It's a pity that I don't believe in this evil! I can even kill Smaug, what's up with you Polger!"

As he said, Xu Feng made a stab, the enemy fencing sword in his hand and Terry Tong's two swords merged into one, and he slammed into Polger's heart.

Polger smiled contemptuously, "I can't help myself!"

He concentrated his strength in his body, his movements became extremely slow, but the defense effect of the golden body was improved to the extreme in an instant!

However, Xu Feng's move was just a vain feint!

When Xufeng rushed in front of Polger, he suddenly staggered, and at the same time, sweeping Polger's face spilled a row of bright white pills.

Polger was shocked and quickly closed his eyes, but it was too late.

Puff puff!

The flash pill exploded in front of Polger's eyes 1

Polger's eyes were suddenly pale, and he couldn't see anything!

Polger suddenly roared and wielded the spiked warhammer in his hand wildly. While waving wildly, he roared loudly: "Diedi, you bastard, you actually used insidious tricks on me!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly and said: "Certain, I'm not insidious enough for a dog like you."

Hearing Xufeng's voice far away, Polger stopped waving the spiked warhammer in his hand, saving energy.

Of course, his golden status has been working hard to maintain.

In the golden body state, his speed will be much slower, after all, the golden body effect needs to consume a lot of other advantages.

This is a good opportunity!

The blinding effect of the flash pill will last for one minute!

In this minute, Polger can only rely on his ears to perceive the enemy's position!

"Let's go help!" Tao Ruier said eagerly, who had just recovered from his injury.

She was about to rush forward, but the hammer grabbed her, "Don't be impulsive! Just let Diedi do it by himself, Polger is very strong, and this kind of battle cannot be won by more people. Let’s watch Diego’s!"

"...Good!" Tao Ruier gritted his teeth.

She couldn't wait to break Polger's body into pieces, but at this time, she really couldn't help much.

Xufeng took the opportunity to activate the Wind Spirit Crystal, and coupled with the light effect of the Spider Lord suit, rushed in front of Polg at a very fast and very light pace. The enemy fencing sword in his hand and the sword of Triton shot at the same time, fiercely. The thorn hit Polger's eye socket.

Hearing the sound of wind in front of him, Polger quickly attacked with a spiked warhammer, but due to the side effects of the golden body effect, his movements were obviously slower!


Both swords pierced Polger's eye sockets at the same time!

With a hard effort, Xu Feng picked out Polger's two eyeballs directly!

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