Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1437

Polger suddenly screamed heartbreakingly!

Although the effect of the golden body is very strong, it can almost reach the level of invulnerability, but the golden body cannot be blessed on the eyeball!

Moreover, as the second-generation half-orc commander, Polger can hardly feel pain in his body, but the nerves connected to his eyeballs, Xu Feng's move directly hurt Polger's nerves!

Polger felt an unprecedented pain!

He knelt to the ground with his eyes covered, cursing Xufeng loudly in his mouth.

Xufeng said coldly: "Polger, do you know what I plan to do next? Indeed, my strength really cannot break your golden body, but I have gunpowder pills, and your eye sockets have been poked by me. It broke, I just put the gunpowder pill into your eye socket, and you banged your head and fired fireworks—of course, you can’t see it yourself. Are you ready?"

Polger covered his eye sockets in astonishment.

He has naturally experienced the power of gunpowder, and Xufeng is the kind of person who can say it!

Polger was full of fear!

"Diedi! You bastard! Don't use gunpowder by yourself! If you have the ability, you can do it with me upright!"

"Hahaha!" Xufeng laughed and said: "What? At this time, do you want to be upright? Sorry, you Didi, I am a bastard, I am despicable, I am shameless, I like to use the most cruel way, Come and kill you this kind of rubbish! Cover your eyes, I'm going to do it!"

Polger covered his eye sockets harder, but he also raised a question in his heart-why did Diego say such a move?

Before he could think about it, Xufeng kicked him hard in his heart.

Although he has an indestructible golden body, a normal attack will not hurt him, but it does not mean that he will not be kicked.

Xu Feng's kick used enough strength, and Polger put all his attention on his eye sockets. Therefore, Xu Feng kicked Polger into the air with one kick!

Polger suddenly opened his mouth wide and exclaimed, secretly scolding himself for being fooled by Xufeng.

But fortunately, although this kick made him embarrassed, it didn't hurt his muscles.

Just as he comforted himself like this, a few bitter pills were suddenly thrown into his open mouth.

Polger was startled at first, then he reacted, and quickly vomited the pill out of his mouth!

But where is there still time?!

Xu Feng condensed his thoughts and immediately detonated the gunpowder in Polger's mouth!

Boom boom boom boom!

The gunpowder detonated, and Polger's head and chest were exploded. He was lying with black blood, and his skin was hot!

His golden body effect was also blown up by this series of explosions!

Polger roared like a beast of pain, but half of his head was gone, and his huge body was paralyzed on the ground, unable to move at all!

He has only one last breath left!

Xufeng brought the enemy fencing and the sword of Triton to Polger, and looked down at the dying Polger coldly, "You know? You can die by the sword of my dragon slayer, that's it. A great honor."

Polger was speechless in pain, his blasted mouth trembled hard, as if he wanted to be happy...

Xu Feng turned around, "So, I can't let you have this kind of glory-Hammer, Tauriel, this dog thing is left to you."

When Polger heard this, he struggled desperately, and the black blood flowing throughout his body became more intense, but his body couldn't move at all!

Chapter 555-Orc Berserker

"Polger! You didn't expect to have today!"

The hammer took Tauriel to the bloody Polger.

Polger convulsed all over. He knew he was bound to die this time, but as a person born for war and killing, he only wanted to die in the hands of celebrities. In this way, at least others would think he was very strong. It just met someone who was stronger.

He definitely does not want to die in the hands of Hammer and Taurier!

There are no women in the monster army, because Sauron has always believed that women are very weak.

What's more, Hammer and Tauriel can only be regarded as unknown people in Middle-earth!

To die in the hands of two unknown women is the greatest humiliation to Polger!

However, everything now is beyond his control.

The Hammer turned his head and said to Taurier: "This guy killed Captain Noyce with a vicious method, and he also killed your Kelei. We will both have revenge. Then let's do it together! Take your silver The moon scimitar rests on his neck. I will strike your silver moon scimitar with a silver fist warhammer so that we can chop off his head together!"

Tao Ruier said excitedly: "Good!"

She immediately placed the Silver Moon Scimitar on Polger's neck, and the iron hammer raised the Silver Fist Warhammer and struck the Silver Moon Scimitar hard!


Polger's head was cut off immediately.

The Xuedi team's rewarding task this time can be considered half completed.

As for the other half, that is to kill the commander of this war, Azog.

Tao Ruier knelt and cried bitterly: "Kiri! Did you hear that? With the help of Lord Didi and Ms. Hammer, I have avenged you! Rest in peace!

The hammer lightly patted Tao Ruier on the shoulder, "Don't be sad, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave here as soon as possible."

Tao Ruier nodded, and she bowed deeply to Xu Feng, "Master Diego, thank you."

Xu Feng waved his hand, "I can't say thank you, Polger was originally the target we wanted to kill."

"Let's go." The hammer pulled Tauriel to the upper platform.

Xufeng stayed there, waiting for the hammer and Tauriel to go away, then picked up Polger's spiked warhammer and placed it in the inventory of the spirit table.

This is considered the spoils of this battle.

It is a pity that, apart from this, Polger left no other trophies.

His strength derives more from his dark magical blood, rather than equipment.

After a quick check, Xufeng confirmed that there was nothing missing, and left here too, catching up with Hammer and Tao Ruier.

At the same time, Thorin climbed to the highest peak of the snow-capped mountain on a goat mount.

When the two orc berserkers saw him, they pounced at him.

Thorin fought immediately.

The two berserkers are very strong. They are the third-generation war tools of the Demon Lord Sauron's experiment. They have no pain, and they have great strength and unlimited physical energy.

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