Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1438

Thorin was accidentally hit by the berserker from the horse.

Although he avoided the berserker's continuous blows, his goat mount was directly killed by another berserker.

Thorling was immediately furious, and used all his power to fight the two berserkers.

The two sides played in and out of each other.

In terms of strength, Thorin's strength is higher than these two berserkers, but the two berserkers cooperate very well, and Thorin has never had a good chance to counterattack.

Just when Thorin was about to be a little unable to hold it, a silver moon bow and arrow swished and shot it accurately through the throat of one of the berserkers.

Thorin was taken aback, and when he looked back, he saw Prince Legolas standing on a high platform not far behind him.

Thorin nodded slightly at Prince Legolas in respect.

Prince Legolas nodded slightly in return.

Before, they both looked at each other uncomfortably, but now,

The berserker who was shot in the throat was not dead, he just staggered back two steps, and then forcibly pulled the Silver Moon Arrow out of his throat.

Thorling's heart jumped suddenly.

Prince Legolas immediately continued to bend his bow and shoot his arrows, and shoot at the Berserker.

However, although the arrow can penetrate the Berserker's body, it cannot kill the Berserker.

On the contrary, the berserker became stronger after being injured, and his attack speed increased twice!

Thorin was able to tie the two berserkers, but now he is completely crushed and beaten by the two berserkers.

Prince Legolas continued to shoot arrows annoyed, Thorin hurriedly shouted: "His Royal Highness Legolas! Stop shooting arrows! This will only make them more violent! There is only one way to kill them, and that is to cut them off. Their heads!"

Legolas immediately woke up. He put away the sunset bow, pulled out the two elven long knives behind him, and lightly jumped from the height to help Thorin share one of the berserkers.

Although his movements are not as elegant as his father, King Thranduil, but they are already different.

As Thorin was fighting the Berserker, he secretly sighed in his heart-Thranduil is really a successor!Although Prince Legolas was young, he was bound to become very powerful after this battle.

It is a pity that the talents of the Gushan royal family are withered...

Thorin sighed secretly and concentrated on the berserker in front of him.

In the case of alone, Thorin's advantage was revealed.

Although the offensive power of the berserker is very strong, but basically lacks defensive ability, Thorin chopped off the arm of the berserker in front of him with several combos.

The berserker who lost his arm still didn't know how to be afraid, let alone retreat, still rushing towards Thorin frantically.

Thorin avoided the berserker's impact, turned around with a sword, and directly chopped off the berserker's head.

The berserker without his head rushed forward a few steps frantically, and then stumbled to the ground, and black blood was flowing all over the ground.

After killing a berserker, Thorin could not take a breath, and immediately went to help Prince Legolas.

With the help of Thorin, an experienced person, Prince Legolas also found an opportunity. The two elven scimitars in his hand made successive shots and chopped off the head of the berserker in front of him.

After this battle, both of them were very tired.

Thorin smiled and patted Prince Legolas on the shoulder, "Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

Prince Legolas also smiled: "No thanks, the Orcs are our common enemy."

Thorin asked, "I'm going to find Azog, are you coming with me?"

"Of course!" Prince Legolas nodded heavily.

As soon as the two climbed to the top, the scene before them was stunned.

On the top of the snow-capped mountain, with a glacial lake, at the height of the end of the glacial lake, is the commanding banner of the orcs.

Azog is standing there...

On the ice lake, more than twenty berserkers stood.

They are Azog's escort force and Azog's last line of defense.

Chapter 556 You Should Die!

Seeing such a scene, both Prince Legolas and Thorin were stunned.

Even if they were brave warriors, their hearts trembled slightly when faced with such a situation.

Just now when they dealt with the two berserkers, they were already doing their best, and they finally killed the two berserkers.

But now, in front of them stood more than 20 fierce-looking berserkers.

This situation is almost unsolvable.

Standing on the opposite side of the ice lake, Azog sneered coldly: "Hahaha, see who is here? This is a surprise! Unexpectedly, prey will come to the door! Great! Just kill. With you two, I am not a loser in this battle!"

On the frontal battlefield of the Lonely Mountain Valley, the Orcs had already been defeated, and there was no hope of counterattack. In other words, this war was almost over, and Azog had already lost this war.

However, if you can kill Thorin, the king of the lonely mountain, and Legolas, the prince of the wood elves, then Azog will not return empty-handed. At least, it can shirk the responsibility of this war on Polg. Body.

Seeing that the situation on the field was very bad, Thorin said to Prince Legolas beside him: "You are still young, leave it to me here, you go."

Prince Legolas frowned and looked at Thorin, "Please, tell me that you are young? As far as I know, you are only in your 50s, and I am almost 1,000 years old."

Thorin was slightly embarrassed.

Indeed, in terms of biological age, he is really much less than Prince Legolas, he is just very old.

However, from another perspective, Legolas is definitely young among the wood elves, and Legolas is the only prince of the wood elves. If Legolas is killed in battle, it will be very important to the entire wood elves. It would be a huge loss.

Thorin is different.

He is the king of the lone mountain, facing the invading Azog, this is his fate.

"Anyway, we can't all die here!" Thorin gritted his teeth and said: "Go away, this is an order!"

Prince Legolas grabbed the elven sword in his hand and said loudly: "It's a pity that the dwarf king has no right to order the elven prince. I think there is no need for the two of us to quarrel. Since this is already the case, then we Let’s unite and see if we can make a bloody road!"

When Thorin wanted to refuse, he saw Devarin rushing up with a group of lone mountain dwarves.

Thorling suddenly felt excited, and there was nothing happier than seeing him.

However, his joy only lasted for a short while, and grief was revealed on the face of every dwarf.

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