Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1439

Thorin's heart suddenly sank.

"What's the matter?" Thorin looked around. "Where's Bahrain? Where's Kellett? Where's Phil?"

Devarin choked and said, "Bahrain is all right, but Kili and Fili..."

Devarin didn't know how to tell Thorin the bad news, but Thorin had already seen the clues from Devarin's emotions.

Thorin grabbed Devarin's shoulder and asked with wide-eyed eyes, "What's wrong with them, hurry up and tell me what's wrong with them!"

Dewalin collapsed and hid his face and wept, and the other lone mountain dwarves also cried.

Thorin's heart suddenly fell into the abyss.

He has no sons, and Kili and Fili are his successors.

Now, his two successors have been killed on the battlefield, and the blood of Gushan has been cut off!

Thorin clenched the hilt angrily and stared at Azog in the distance.

All this is caused by Azog!

This hatred must be reported!

Thorin immediately raised the sword in his hand and roared loudly: "Gushan dwarves, rush with me and kill them all! Revenge for our loved ones!"

"Kill them all!" Dewarin and others all raised their weapons, tears in their eyes, but full of power in their hearts.

Azog said triumphantly: "What a group of self-defeating guys! Berserkers! Attack! Bloodbath them! Don't leave anything alive!"

"Yes!" The berserkers rushed towards Thorin grimly.

The two sides immediately fought together.

The combat effectiveness of the lone mountain dwarves is obviously weaker than that of the Berserkers, but they are full of courage, and all of them are desperately posture, and the Berserkers can't get any benefits.

After a shock, the Berserker was hacked and killed three people, and only Ouli was injured on Thorin's side.

Immediately afterwards, the impact of the second round began, and the Berserkers took advantage of their physical strength and strength to fight back.

Thorin and the others gradually couldn't support it.

After all, they are not dominant in number, and their stamina and strength are much weaker than the Berserkers.

Although Prince Legolas has been helping out, the effect is minimal.

However, Thorin became more and more courageous. He dealt with 4 Berserkers alone, and also took the opportunity to kill one.

Under Thorin's heroic leadership, the Lone Mountain dwarves gradually recovered the feeling of fighting, and after a confrontation, five more berserkers died.

Standing high, Azog looked at all this with cold eyes. When Thorin was under siege, he had been secretly waiting for the opportunity.

Finally, Thorin was repelled a few steps by one of the berserkers, and his body almost lost his balance. At this moment, Azog suddenly jumped down from a height, and the blade of the hand slashed towards Thorin at an extremely fast speed. Neck.

"Sorin, be careful!"

Devarin has been protecting the surroundings of Thorin, and has been observing Azog's movements secretly. When Azog leaped in the air, Devarin immediately rushed towards Thorin and directly smashed Thorin away!

Thorin was hit and flew onto the ice lake, and Azog's bladed hand pierced Devarin's chest directly.

The blood, dripping down the blade, landed on the surface of the cold lake, splashing hot air.

"Devarin!" Thorin exclaimed.

Azog brutally drew the hand of the blade from Devarin's chest, and then with a wave of his hand, he cut off Devarin's head.

"No!" Thorin exclaimed heartbreakingly.

There is nothing more sad about you watching your teammates get killed while you are powerless.

Thorin rushed up from the ice lake angrily and slammed into Azog desperately.

But Azog was faster than him, and the hand of the blade slashed at Thorin!

Thorin hurriedly parried with the long sword in his hand. The sharp hand cut on the long sword, and the powerful impact was transmitted to Thorin's arms, waist, and knees. Thorin was immediately unable to support him. The firm ice lake under his feet The noodles are creaking.

Azog faced him, his stinking mouth spurted out a lot of fishy anger, "Sorin, do you feel the fear? But you should be content, because during the Battle of the Blue Mountains, you should have died! You should be killed by me like your dead ghost grandfather and dead ghost father!"

Chapter 557 The descendants of Turin... never surrender!

The thought of the Battle of the Blue Mountains made Thorin's heart full of pain.

It was a tragic victory. Although they won the Blue Mountains, they paid an extremely heavy price.

The entire Gushan royal family has withered since that war, so that Thorin's expedition can only bring the old Bahrain and the young Kilifili.

But now, the entire Lone Mountain Dwarf's enemy was in front of him, but Thorin couldn't even resist a single move.

What revenge does this talk about?

Asog continued to laugh, "Sorin, do you feel desperate? You can't do anything. You can't beat me."

As he said, Azog's sharp-edged hand slammed hard.

Thorin couldn't bear such a force, so he could only avoid it.

The blade of the hand slid across Thorin's shoulder, tearing his shoulder armor, and cutting off a piece of his flesh abruptly.

Thorin felt a burning pain on his shoulder, but this was the least price. If it weren't the case, he might be directly suppressed to death by Asog's bladed hand.

Azog proudly put the hand of the blade to his mouth, and tasted Thorin's blood with his tongue.

"Ah so charming!" Azog smiled: "Although dwarves are always dirty, their blood is still very delicious!"

Thorin roared angrily, and the long sword clenched in both hands slammed into Azog's bottom plate fiercely.

He poured all his strength and speed into the long sword, and his goal was extremely clear, which was to cut off Azog's knee.

As long as Azog's knee can be cut off, Azog will not even want to run away.

In this way, even if he could not defeat and kill Azog, or avenge the dwarves of the Lone Mountain, he could trap Azog and make Azog not easy to run away.

Yes, as long as Lord Diedi can arrive in time...

Thorin was determined to die and stabbed the long sword to the right knee of Azog.

Azog smiled coldly, he did not dodge, but pierced the hand of the sharp blade directly into the heart of Thorin who was rushing over!

This is a trick that advances and retreats. He uses this trick to force Thorin away and let him retreat.

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